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Win Bigly

Gerry GeronimoJan 1, 2018, 3:12:28 AM

This is a book review of "Win Bigly" by Scott Adams. It is aptly subtitled "Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don't Matter."

Scott Adams was one of the earliest (if not the earliest) to predict that Donald Trump would be elected as our President. Political pundits considered Donald Trump a big joke and did not give a chance. Scott based his prediction on his belief that Donald Trumps is a "Master Persuader."

This book is not about Donald Trump although Scott uses him often to make a point. This "main point of this book is that humans do not see reality as it exists."

Humans think they are rational, and they think they understand their reality. But they are wrong on both counts.

Scott's "Two Movies on One Screen" is fascinating because I have observed it numerous times:

Two movies on one screen is how I describe the phenomenon in which observers can see the same information and interpret it as supporting two entirely different stories.

I have tried to understand the following:

We live in an irrational world in which people are continually saying and doing absurd-looking things.

Scott Adams' explanation is as good and logical as anyone else's. This book is going to stay close at hand for reference. He has provided me with a different insight that I've had before. Very different.

I recommend that you read this book. Now, where can I learn how to be a hypnotist?

#BookReview #WingBigly #ScottAdams