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On Significator/Potentiator Matrix

CynicalBastardFeb 11, 2019, 10:25:05 PM

In the Determinate Structure of "Spacetime", you have four pathways of note, four nodes-- 1: Station, your overall coordinates' start and end points, simultaneously (like a circular pattern)-- 2: Character, your overarching character that your start point entails you to have and that which you develop and evolve over time (like cycles, or "waves", or "gyres")-- 3: Position, your exact coordinates within any specific timeframe, as it's been visited or that you are presently visiting-- 4: Time, the manifold framework/operations/mechanics of the universe providing the Standpoint from which to perceive and grow, through spacetime, as a field and/or "matrix", in which "potentiators" and "significators" actualize (with which we "Disseminate : Conceive : Perceive : Receive" information, that which information goes through Modes Of Dispersal, which include the Hot1, Wet3, Cold2 Cycle-Revolution-Process [remember Dialectics of three] of entropic and biological tendencies as with rocks, just the same as mind and language and games, memetics, information, et al).

It then follows that therein the Intellectual Structure of the Mind, or "Nous", the Circuit of the Psyche, Ego, and Consciousness, has within it the four pathways of note-- 1: Aesthetics, the framework and "ideal" (thus subjective- or if objective, strictly religious, ie, a metaphysics twain with Godhood instead of any sort of Agnosticism) with which to perceive, and aim to construct, the world-- 2: Magical, the notational and notional, the receipts and recordings of The Circuit via memory, or via extraneous ("astral") sources, eg, intelligence-- 3: Factual, this includes philosophy, economics, technology and politics (et al); the precipitable self (but not "Atman") as current trends develop and theories evolve, and the mapping of what outlays are preferable or useable to the Present Self (or "Atman"), or unconsciously driven, as the Absent Self (Precipitable Self) (Doing With Nothing Significant To The "Atman")-- and 4: Precipitable, eg, the empirical or phenomenological, interpreting the texts and signs (Hermeneutics) of Non-Individuation (The Text), the Collective Will (via Historical Propaganda), for the sake of Consensus --- The formative world as constantly reformatting itself, consistently as a child does, coming apart, and then reintegrating itself in order to learn from it's surroundings and it's own self, and it's own "potentiators and "significators" that are given therein.


People get bored with each other through lack of intellectual (and other) stimulation, it is a constant power struggle, which includes other potential beings as well...one must keep the other on a pretty tight leash, but also must not forget to maintain dominance in the hierarchy, that of which depends on the marriage, but ultimately which depends on control, even if it's artificial, such as entertainment- ie, "well, look at that- ain't that something, but you can't have it, because there is no way it's going to be as good for you as it is for me", or something to that effect (which can be applied to mates as well.) The mundane, like lunch, is conformed to the Positive-Incentive For Hunger. One collects variety in order to "Stock Up" and store for the sake of survival...storage and recording are facets of the mind, the human condition, that needs to be explored evermore.