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Womens' Council Draft Constitution

denisewardJun 18, 2018, 11:11:51 PM


Paragraph numbers 1-15:

Women were not included in making the existing patriarchal laws therefore we declare that the laws are illegitimate and do not apply to women. The law was not made with the proper representation of women who consist of more than 50 percent of the population throughout time and within all demographics.

Below are the principals that we believe will equip humanity for living in a new paradigm of health and well-being rather than destruction and greed.

The Womens’ Council is dedicated to designing and recommending systems that strive to accommodate everyone, not just some. The Womens’ Council is open to all and welcomes all, whether in full agreement or otherwise. The Womens' Council takes an optimistic view of human potential. Life is valued in terms of enjoyment. Therefore enjoyment in all our processes and systems is considered a priority along with excellence. Enjoyment has been neglected in the making of man-made law who assigned no value to it. We advise that enjoyment be considered uppermost in all endeavors (rather than profit-making) as we train ourselves towards behaviors that benefit ourselves, the planet and the future of all, not just self-interests.

Time is the stuff of life. We must endeavor to make life enjoyable - for what else is the point? We must respect everyone's time as equally valuable. Having a degree, for example, does not equal that one's time should be more valuable than those who do not have a degree.

Our lives are filled with procedure. Procedure should be about making lives easier not more complicated and procedure must have the flexibility to cater to individual needs not just the needs of the majority’s or some other entity’s. Procedure must have the flexibility to change quickly to keep up with this fast-paced era. That is the least we can expect of the advancements of the 21st century – that we can make adjustments quickly, accurately and coherently. Procedure is secondary to the well-being, creativity and freedom of humans. Procedure and indeed systems overall, should be driven by simplifying lives and ease of application.

The ideology of force is strenuously spurned and rejected. As we believe we are all free humans, with equal worth regardless of ability, we consider force as a curse on free people everywhere. We have been trained to accept that force is necessary however throughout history, there is no other method that has been tried. Instead of force, the Womens’ Council advocates that we encourage desirable behaviors and discourage undesirable behaviors, achieved by finding the consensus. Humans are social beings, encouragement may be enough. This also is in-keeping with the principle that we are free and intend goodwill as the default position.

Discussion and education will determine what constitutes desirable and non-desirable behavior and consensus is always sought. Indeed, consensus is the best way to arrive at conclusions on all matters. Conclusions made by consensus however will never be enforced, consensus is merely used as a guide. This may be enough, we need to try it. Solving conflicts satisfactorily requires discussion, consultation and negotiation. Conflicts are inevitable in a free society with opinions that cover a wide spectrum. Individual opinion is something to be celebrated therefore we need to enable individuals to resolve conflicts without the dread or distress it causes today. Strangely our culture offers no method to resolve conflicts in a smooth way. If freedom truly is the bastion of our society and something we hold as unalienable then we need to be able to at least express our own opinion.

A system that was specifically built for finding consensus is called Synergy Nation and is explained in the clauses below. The Womens’ Council holds that laws which do not fully represent those whom they affect are regarded as illegitimate. Women have been left out from being invited to the table when laws were drafted and passed, and therefore we do not recognize nor observe the law. No efforts were made to make laws fair by calling on those who they were to affect including other demographic groups besides women. This is unacceptable to us and illegitimate in a free society.

In replacement of law, we propose living by principle. Laws restrict the creativity and evolution of human beings as they do not recognize exceptions. Laws that are administered uniformly are tyrannical. Laws have to be pre-planned and therefore they are non-dynamic and unable to keep up with unforeseen consequences. Laws are too cumbersome for the digital age. Nothing is surer than change therefore the idea that laws go forward into perpetuity without an end date is malicious. Laws stultify our evolution. If laws are to be had, they must be reviewed at regular intervals, the timeframe to be decided by consensus.

Principles however do go into perpetuity. Principals persist, while laws constantly need to change if they are to keep up with a changing society. However the reality is that laws rarely change and usually go on without an end in sight. They become antiquated which causes distortions and convolutions in society. Principles such as the Golden Rule on the other hand, are perennial (Do unto Others) The systems the Womens' Council recommends are reflections of our convictions. If we believe in freedom it means everyone has the freedom to speak whatever they wish and travel according to their desires. The earth belongs to all its creatures.

Censorship is grossly abhorrent in a free society. When speech is found to be offensive the proper recourse is to use speech again – not censorship. Discussion and debate is part of a free and thriving society. Censorship must be vigorously confronted the moment it rears its head. We must be free to express ourselves. Censorship reinforces inequality by withholding information. We must strive to build equality-based systems in everything we do. This will put an end to class distinctions and domination.

No one can have automatic jurisdiction over anyone except themselves. It is the height of hubris to claim jurisdiction over others. The proliferation of life, health and diversity must be held with the utmost importance. Our systems must be in harmony with these values as nature holds them.

Time is the stuff of life therefore our time and the time of others must be respected inter-mutually. All rights granted to ourselves we must also grant to others. To do otherwise is hypocritical and inconsistent with our foundational value of equality. We have never been free beings on this our home planet. Our minds need to be reprogrammed out of our enslaved mentality. A way of doing this is to uphold the maxim that everyone is equal and everyone’s time is equally valuable and all our systems will be constructed to uphold this ideal.

We must each respect that each of us is here for our own experience. Punctuating someone else’s experience in order to benefit should be reciprocated by a corresponding beneficial gesture, if we are to retain harmony in relationships. These agreements are made willingly and never under duress. We need to re-learn how to be human. The Womens' Council will begin a new epoch guided by feminine influences.


16. The Womens' Council will begin a new epoch guided by feminine influences. We declare the 13 moon calendar as the primary calendar. The 13 moon calendar will bring humanity into alignment with nature’s natural rhythms. http://lawoftime.org/home.htmlA little more on the Law of Time: http://lobokaag.blogspot.com/

17. We reject the Gregorian calendar which was created out of the vanity of kings and makes no logical sense.

18. The 13 moon calendar has 13 months which is in harmony with the cycles of the moon (13 full moons every year) Each month consists of 28 days (4 weeks of 7 days per week) Four colors represent each weekly sequence (first week of the month is red, second is white, third is blue and fourth is yellow) This sequence is repeated every month.

19. The day before New Year’s Day is called “The Day out of Time”. It is color-coded green and occurs on July 25th, the day before the first day of the 13 moon calendar New Year.

20. We believe that Time is Life and that Life is Art.

21. We unequivocally repudiate the idea that time is money.

22. We believe that everyone’s time is equally important. In order to support that idea, we advocate that any system of wages or salaries should pay everyone the same hourly rate, no matter what the job. No one's time is more valuable than another's time and we need a system to reflect that. We repudiate any form of slavery, force or coercion.


23. Information is of prime value.

24. Access to information must be available openly. Information is the real power - one cannot know for example, how to heal themselves and their loved ones if information is suppressed (such as prohibition of substances) Ignorance can only be remedied by having information easily accessible for all.

25. We reject secrecy in public affairs. Secrecy is the medium for corruption. Knowledge builds civilization therefore information must be allowed to flow freely.


26. We live in accordance with the concept of abundance.

27. We reject the concept of scarcity.

28. We deeply believe that nature has everything we need and supplies everything in surplus.

29. Lack of resources indicates that extraction of resources is happening at a faster rate than the rate of replenishment. Lack is viewed as a signal from nature that we must review our behavior and rate of usage.


30. Enjoyment must be the prime criteria of all systems and processes. Positive life experience, (happiness) must be paramount.

31. Enjoyment comes from living in the present and following one's heart's desire. Enjoyment is everyone’s birthright. We need to learn to live in the present. Doing so develops our full power, and provides access to the breadth of limitless information. “Be here now” is a maxim we espouse.

32. Practicing this new trust in our ability, we believe will transport us to realms we have yet to explore. We get better at anything we practice.

33. Policies must reflect consensus. We favor the Goldlilock’s Ratio, a harmonic balance of an ideal minimum. We currently place an optimum rate at 80%. The remaining 20% acts as a “wild card”. In other words, we recognize our imperfections, but if we do “the right thing” 80% of the time, we should allow ourselves some relief (of 20%). These ratios are guides. You set your own ratios, as we are all individual or set an ideal together through consensus.

34. “Don’t be anal” is another maxim - life is too important to be stuck on minutiae in most instances. We must concentrate on what makes up the highest ratio of a condition, not just the fact that "outliers" exist and therefore go by that small percentage. Possibility means there will always be extremes on both ends. But the two extremes cancel each other out when looking for the 80%. What makes up the greatest ratio gives the most clarifying depiction of the population’s wishes.

35. It must be made clear however that unanimous consensus must be aimed for. This challenges us to create proposals that are intended to be favorable to everyone and we must find ways of satisfying everyone. If we have this objective as foremost, our lives will be transformed even though it may not be achievable to satisfy everyone. The intent is the prime factor. Achieving a high ratio of approval allows us to get projects moving.

36. The intention to make enjoyment primary must be the driver in drafting proposals, procedures and directives, not what is easiest for bureaucracy. Procedures should also be enjoyable and not tedious.

37. We have been trained to prepare for things to go wrong but not for things to go right. We must relearn to imagine living optimally. It is more satisfying to aim high and miss, than to aim low and succeed. Optimism replaces pessimism and paranoia.

36. Each person must have the opportunity and freedom to discover their true self, the genius of their own uniqueness. We help each other and others help us, to discover this.

38. Culture has trained us to steer from our true path since birth by layering the will of others upon our own inclinations and dispositions. We seek to relearn the art of listening to our “inner signals” because it helps us discover our own true path. And we take more time to listen to each other and allow each person to express themselves fully, to their satisfaction. As we learn to do this, others will also be giving us the time to express ourselves fully also, making exchanges more pleasant and satisfying.


39. We believe that we are at a level of technological capability that can enable us to provide the most wondrous lives imaginable - nutritious food, clean water, shelter, education and internet service for everyone in the world.

40. Our prime imperative is to bring everyone in the world to a decent standard of living and free every human and animal from hardship and deprivation.

Meat eating

41. We believe that eating meat is natural because it occurs in nature. Humans are the only species that has the ability to choose to eat without cruelty, or to not eat meat at all.

42. We understand that eating meat is not inherently wrong, but the quality of the animal's life is the responsibility of the carnivore. We must ensure that animals live in the way intended for their species.

43. We need to free the animals from torture chambers determinedly and steadfastly and gently.


44. We understand that the formula in the universe is geared towards coherence. Humans would be wise to understand the importance of aligning ourselves with that harmony. Aligning ourselves to nature is the surest factor to experiencing happiness and satisfaction if it is allowed to unfold in an organic and unforced manner.

45. We must grant ourselves the time to pay attention to our emotions. Inner understanding is a skill we need to relearn in order to reach our full potential as individuals, flowing with consciousness and letting our desires manifest in the highest manner. We need to be at peace to do this and have ample time to ponder our own unrushed thoughts.

46. The universe may be indifferent but through coherence and alignment, an order enables all desires to become manifest. Our future experiences unfold in accordance with the interpretation of our current and past experiences.

47. We grow up with a “default program” that is written by our culture and environment. Beliefs underlie our behavior and emotions and they were imposed on us without our awareness. Beliefs become the subconscious. They are the automatic thoughts, responses and emotions that become habitual. Beliefs however can be changed when we are illuminated by awareness, imagination and consciousness. We cannot work with changing beliefs until we bring them into our “RAM” consciousness, to continue the analogy of the computer.

48. We can rewrite the “default program” to believe that we are magnificent, sublime, creatures. As is all life. With that as our foundation, we will build towards the optimum.

49. The understanding that creative imagination can determine our future experience, heralds an early phase of expanding our consciousness. This will place humanity on a new footing. New belief systems will build on our capacities. Though slow at first, an exponential curve of advancement will emerge for all humankind. Rather than basing our belief system on the idea that we are inherently flawed.


50. We advocate that internet access be available to everyone in the world that requests it. We need to mobilize our thinking and discuss how we can achieve this. Providing internet access to the world, particularly the emerging nations, will ensure self-sufficiency and access to all the information possible. That will have the effect of reducing dependency and raise all human-kind.

51. Censorship must become a thing of the past much like feeding Christians to the lions. Whosoever tries to inhibit or prohibit speech, be it vocally or written or any other medium, should be viewed as an assailant upon free speech and an attempt to procure advantage over others.

52. Information must be allowed to flow freely to all.

53. Teaching must be a fluid process, interchanging student with teacher depending on the changing dynamics of skills and knowledge available.

54. Age is largely irrelevant. We recommend that schools dispense with grouping students by age.

55. We recommend following the method used in “The Kin School” in Tekos Russia, where students follow their own interest and are provided a wide array of subject matter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d94TIzrtQhM

56. Students must never be forced to learn any subject they do not wish to learn. We feel that the student's natural curiosity will inspire them to seek out learning basics such as reading and writing, though even these subjects must not be forced upon them.

57. The best we can do as free humans is to encourage desirable behaviors and discourage undesirable behaviors. We must understand that we should dispense with thinking in terms of eradicating anything. Everything has the same right to life.

58. Force must never be resorted to. Force is an admission of a failure to communicate intelligently, combined with a desire to manipulate the will of others. Force is the expression of a person's inability to communicate with equals. It is an admission of a superiority complex and we strive for equality, not superiority or inferiority. Force retards the practice needed to develop optimum communication skill, without which humanity will be more prone to plunge itself again, into conflict and war.

59. Conflict and disagreement will always be a part of human experience if the idea of individuality and freedom of speech is upheld. This means that conflict will be baked-in to a free society. We need to design and develop easily-learned conflict resolution skills. We need to equip ourselves with strategies to manage disagreement in our personal relationships so that we can practice expressing ourselves while also allowing others their expression.

60. Perpetrators of force will be considered as sufferers of emotional dis-ease. Knowledge of emotional wisdom must be easily available to all. Strategies must be sought for learning how to communicate with reciprocity and flow, in place of force.

61. We must emphasize that force disenfranchises another’s right to freedom. Persuasion and negotiation must replace force, if we are to rise from our barbarism and into a free way of being in the world.


62. A tenet we hold true is - Don’t be Pedantic (or...Don’t be Anal). Nothing is 100% constant, nor would it be desirable to be that way.

63, Mistakes must be viewed as learning moments rather than opportunities to beat up on ourselves or others. We must welcome mistakes and learn from them.

64. Earthly life is for us to savor and enjoy. This purpose should be uppermost.

65. We must practice assisting each other in finding and reaching our full potential. That means that we help others and others will be helping you.

66. When our culture is based on this practice, our energies will require less effort. We will develop synergies that are unimaginable in a self-serving culture.


67. Living within a low carbon and water footprint is paramount.

68. We have to face the reality of our high global population and the effect this causes upon nature and her ability to replenish the resources we consume.

69. Trying to accommodate the fulfillment of everyone's desires requires new ways of thinking and behaving. Our consumptive habits need to be modified.

70. We must start immediately to lower our footprint and continue until we return the earth to its ideal carbon dioxide level (around 300 ppm).

71. We must not exceed the replenishable rate of nature at any time in our existence. This is key for survival, for our thriving and for resources to be available to future generations. We must respect all species.

72. Though our habits must be aligned with nature and exercised consistently, we also recognize that we must not be pedantic either. It’s ok to enjoy a long shower every now and then, for example.

73. We recommend that a monetary system be developed that incentivizes those who keep within a low footprint.

74. The technology is available to do this right now and is only a matter of will to proceed.


75. There are enough resources for all of us to live generously. There is no need for austerity or scarcity. However we must not waste.

76. Methods for reusing and re-purposing of already-produced resources must be energetically and creatively pursued rather than resorting to mining virgin resources or purchasing newly-manufactured products.

77. We recommend that waste be returned to the retail outlet it was purchased from. That should make change happen quickly as it puts some responsibility on the store, not just the consumer.

78. Extraction of virgin resources must be discouraged. Waste should be reflected in any monetary systems adopted. In other words, rewards go to those who are prudent with resources.

79. Resources belong to everyone who is alive today and also those who will live in the future.

80. Meat that is discarded is an insult to the animal that died for our sustenance. Meat should be consumed in gratitude. Animals that die for our nourishment should be honored by us for taking its life to sustain our own.

81. Human waste must not be disposed of into the water supply. Waste was meant to go into the soil, where it undergoes microbial conversion into humus which builds soil and sequesters carbon dioxide. This also ensures nutrient replenishment of our food supply and that of other species.

82. Human and animal waste are important ingredients in the soil's connection to the life cycle.

83. Composting toilets will be encouraged as a part of new sustainable building codes.


84. The concept of killing animals is discouraged but is considered in-keeping with nature as long as the animals are farmed in accordance with the particular species’ nature.

85. Killing for sport will be considered an act of barbarianism, except for food.

86. Every living creature matters.

87. Animals will be given the status of sentient beings.

88. CAFO farms (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) are abominations of our fellow creatures and are vigorously condemned.

89. Animals in CAFO farms will be released gently into loving farms and caretaker homesteads


90. Rather than kill insects or vermin, every effort must be made to repel, distract or relocate these organisms. We may offer them part of our land and produce in compensation and learn to live in tandem with them.

91. Extermination must be a last resort not a first resort, and every effort must be made to relocate rather than exterminate.

92. Organizations that specialize in relocation of insect pests will be encouraged.

93. We must rethink our entire ecosystem to recognize the importance of every living thing and the diversity of organisms as the assurance for our ability to thrive rather than merely survive.


94. Science is the knowledge of the seen world. It downplays other phenomena such as consciousness and subtle energies.

95. Though science is one of the best tools we have at this time, we recognize the insufficiency of science to explain all phenomena.

96. We understand that science is also evolving and will eventually adopt many of the theories it currently renounces.

97. Claims of truth, including claims made by science, must be questioned, investigated and debated.

98. We must develop a questioning mind. Everything should be questioned, even science. Truth is always capable of withstanding scrutiny.


99. Maybe the one thing Ronald Reagan said that was admirable was “Trust but verify”. We must learn to make trust the “default program” until a person gives us reason to think otherwise.

100. We must train ourselves to assume that people will be cooperative rather than not, though we must always understand that a person has every freedom not to cooperate. It is every human’s birth right to do as they please and everyone’s time is their own to live as they see fit. Learning to trust as a first resort will make us healthier and it will tend to make us put effort into living up to that trust. Practicing trust will retrain us to develop discernment which we have lost from eons of mindlessly following rules.


101. We believe that money is a construct arising solely from the male perspective.

102. Money has been used as a tool of domination and subjugation and unloading of personal responsibility.

103. The fundamentals of money elicits untrustworthiness and advantage over others in most instances. Money is the root of much of the world’s savagery.

104. Money encourages wrongdoing and wantonness, rather than conscientiousness, compassion and cooperation. Money pressures good people into having to be avaricious, tight-fisted and coercive, even if it is not in one’s “nature” to be so.

105. Money as we know it has always given precedence to humankind's lowest characteristics of greed and self-interest.

106. We recommend that the monetary system be reconstructed to engender higher human attributes. Or abandoned altogether.

107. Other characteristics that money could be based on are such characteristics as appreciation, generosity, caring. Or a commodity that benefits the planet such as hemp. Or a money system could incentivize behaviors that cause the least disruption to nature. All of it could be recorded using software – no need for banks.

108. The dollar could be pegged to a low carbon and water footprint, for another example.

109. The dollar could be based on a tangible asset, one that would benefit humankind such as a quantity of hemp seeds (for example $1 = 100 grams of hemp seed). Hemp is unlimited and can be used for a myriad of products as well as a soil restorer, paper and biofuel.

110. The important thing is to comprehend the fact that money is merely a concept, it is an accounting system and entirely arbitrary, therefore it is up to humans to decide its parameters.

Cannabis Economy

111. Cannabis (marijuana and hemp) must be totally liberated from any restriction in its growth or development.

112. Hemp is an easy-to-grow plant and could be a basis for an economy. It will help us get off fossil fuels as it is rapidly-renewable and an infinite resource (unlike gold or metals).

113. Hemp conditions the soil, can be used for biofuel as well as vehicular body panels and can replace petrochemical plastics entirely.

114. Hemp is compostable.

115. Houses made from a hemp and lime mix (commercially called “Hempcrete) save 50%-80% energy use as well as the material having fireproof, termite-proof and rodent-proof properties.

116. Hemp has no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s). These features render hemp a favorable material for sufferers of allergies and chemical sensitivities.

117. One acre of hemp yields as much paper as four acres of trees, and that is within one season as opposed to ten to fifteen years for trees.

118. Additionally no dioxins are needed to bleach hemp paper.

119. Hemp does not need pesticides or herbicides to grow.

120. Hemp can be used as a soil remediator having the capacity to draw out toxins, heavy metals and mercury from the soil without adverse effects to the plant.

121. Hemp seeds are the most nutritious and complete food on the planet.

122. Hemp oil can be used in cuisine, for paints and biofuel.

123. Hemp can be used in skin care products.

124. The cotton industry uses 30%-50% of the worlds’ pesticides and has an extremely high water requirement. Hemp fabrics are durable and can be used as a replacement for cotton eliminating the use of pesticides.

125. Hemp is the low THC variety of cannabis. Marijuana is the high THC variety. Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinis) is in almost all ways, similar to hemp and has no prohibition on it and can be used freely without fear of legal ramification.

126. Cannabinoids produce a healing oil which is a treatment for many serious diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, many cancers and other diseases. The government itself states this in their patent of the substance itself. Patent Number 6630507: https://patents.google.com/patent/US6630507B1/en

127. The Womens’ Council condemns the prohibition of any of nature’s botanicals.

Patents and Copyrights

128. We recognize the speed of the technological revolution. Old ideas such as patents and copyrights are increasingly incompatible with the attributes of the digital age which are speed and simplicity.

129. We unequivocally reject the concept of intellectual property, patents and copyrights. They deny the contributions made by earlier inventors and discoverers, especially those whose work created the infrastructure that was developed through cultural, commercial and scientific struggles, that enabled subsequent inventions.

130. The idea of ownership makes no sense. No thing, living or inanimate, can be owned because ownership does not exist in nature. The world’s resources are for everyone, both present and future. Like people and animals, resources cannot be “owned” by anyone. That doesn’t mean we disrespect another’s space, home or possessions (for want of a better word) The best way to look at “possession” if you will, is to view ourselves as stewards or custodians. The term of custodianship may be set for as long as we need, even up to our death. It is up to all of us to reach a consensus on the terms. There is plenty for everyone to live generously as long as we don’t hoard or waste. Ownership is purely a man-made construct. It is fundamentally erroneous.

131. The idea of owning information has the overall effect of stultifying and deforming us. We cannot progress when certain information is deliberately withheld. All information of public interest must be open. Secrecy in public affairs is regarded as the breeding ground for corruption.

132. The logic of intellectual property, patents and copyright, is fundamentally flawed, so too is the idea of prosecuting someone for copying. Copying is a natural biological behavior, as no living thing progresses without copying, first their parents, and later, others.

133. Rather than copyright, the Womens' Council advocates Open Source or Creative Commons ideals. The free flow of information must be vigorously safeguarded.


134. The future will always be unforeseeable. Therefore the idea that a contract can be entered into is bogus and an unnecessary burden. Often one party bears the brunt of new circumstances that have not been foreseen when the contract was originated (eg loss of a job) Usually the party that suffers the most from changed circumstances is the more vulnerable party to the contract.

135. We recommend that new agreements be redrawn whenever a contract becomes untenable for any reason, even if simply out of choice but with respect for the other party’s inconvenience.

136. No one should be held to adhere to an undertaking that was made in the past. However respect for the other party and living by our agreements must always be taken as sacrosanct. When a contract cannot be kept, the prompt notification to the relevant parties must be made clear and speedily, with openness to renegotiate.

137. Agreements should be drawn up with flexibility built in. One method could be reviewing the terms of the contract at short intervals which could be specified at origination (much like the lease of a car or a tenant rental lease)


138. Tacit consent must never be assumed.

139. Consent must always be explicit and never implicit.

“Opt In” or “Opt Out” Contracts

140. Some agreements rely on an Opt Out obligation which means that a signatory is automatically assumed to consent to an agreement going into the future, unless they actively take steps to specifically Opt Out. We consider this assumed consent to be tantamount to scamming and the height of dishonesty, unless agreed to beforehand. Often, automatic consent represents theft of consent. Parties who use the Opt Out provision must always be regarded with suspicion, particularly when the flow of money is in their favor.

141. Opting In is the only legitimate means of consent and must be explicit.


142. We consider tyranny unacceptable in all instances. We recognize however that our current and past training (based on greed and murder) has made tyranny lurk where it is not recognized. Tyranny is so ingrained that it will take time to unpack it completely however all efforts must be made to identify it and abolish it.

143. Freedom of speech, including free and open information, is the antidote to tyranny.

144. We must understand profoundly that when individual choice is diminished, tyranny will pounce to fill the void. We must therefore live by providing as many options as humanly possible to all individuals. With this intent, we will head in the right direction, even if we take time to reach total peace.

145. We must seek to decentralize power in all circumstances. Centralized power or power given to the hands of the few, must be seen as a recipe for disaster (as we have found through experience and history)

146. The most dependable wisdom is the Wisdom of the Crowd. Extremes on either end tend to cancel each other out, leaving the median, which is often a better indicator of wisdom than hierarchy. We need to develop systems for finding consensus on every matter. This task could be made easy today with the computing power at our disposal. It may be cumbersome at first but through practice will become automatic.

147. We advocate the social structure called Sociocracy, sometimes also called Dynamic Governance, for conducting meetings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociocracy


148. We must relearn to seek the ideal. We have practiced rather, to compromise to what we think is practical, as a first resort. Whether in negotiations or endeavors, seeking the ideal as a first resort will retrain us to dream and create a more vibrant reality.

149. Seeking the ideal allows us to aim as high as whatever it is that inspires us. Even if we do not reach the ideal, inspiration becomes the fuel, rather than greed. Imagination actuates manifestation.

150. Idealism should not be regarded as frivolous. It should be regarded as the momentum for excellence and holistic satisfaction. Why would we compromise on that?

151. Compromise has its place as it can settle conflicting desires or perspectives. However seek the ideal and work down from there, to retrain our minds for best outcomes. The outcomes should come from a belief in ourselves, not from weakness or self-doubt. We have more chance of getting what we want if we envisage it to the point that is most thrilling to us. This is the power of fusing imagination with emotion and is very powerful.

152. Any “constitution” worth its salt must have flexibility built-in, because nothing is as certain as change. The document though, must also seek coherence and consistency. The goal must be to simplify rather than complicate. A system for making changes, must be always be specified. These systems can be decided by everyone who is interested in such matters. Simple questionnaires can be utilized. As tenets of the Women’s Constitution are acted upon, new and unforeseen situations will no doubt arise. Changes through open discussion, both online and in person via questionnaires can be utilized. The mechanism must be available to make changes promptly but coherently. Everything must be negotiable and open communication is key.

153. We must learn to live without centralized decision-making. Leaders will always tend to stand out, and that is as it should be. What is important is that we find the best leaders in any field and find them easily and rapidly. The system of Synergy Nation fulfills this condition.

154. Good leaders must be able to be determined quickly and accurately in this increasingly complex and fast-paced world. Leaders can be discovered by utilizing a simple rating system. The system would allow us to rate each other so that those with high ratings are immediately identified (much like the 5-star rating systems in common use) The rating system can be handled by an open, online system where personal historical data can be browsed to determine the quality of a leader’s prior opinions and predictions. Synergy Nation is such a potential. It is based on a “smart search engine” called the Nodes Network and database.

155. A brief outline of Synergy Nation is available on the link immediately below. Volunteers are needed to complete this program and make it available as soon as possible so that everyone in the world can connect and propagate a fully democratic and egalitarian system. Synergy Nation Draft Proposal: https://archive.org/details/SynergyNation-ANationForAllHumanityProposal-draft

156. We must learn to govern ourselves and participate in our society. The system must be engaging enough to inspire everyone to partake.

157. Freedom of information is the bedrock of prosperity and progress. It guards against ignorance and chicanery. Censorship is vigorously opposed. Freedom of speech must reign supreme if we wish to evolve without hindrance.


The Womens’ Council encourages the discussion of concepts that we have generally ignored as a culture, such as: What responsibilities does freedom infer? Do we own our bodies? Do we have responsibility for others? Are children sole responsibility that of their parents or of the greater community? Or a combination of both? Please feel free to post critiques and comments or submit additional subjects and clauses. We welcome vibrant discussion to carve out a whole new paradigm and enable us to coexist in harmony with nature and enjoying our lives on a peaceful planet. 
