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Identity Politics: AKA, Mental Munchausen's

BazzaxSep 21, 2017, 1:35:44 AM

"A system whereby we are created sick and commanded to be well. I repeat, created sick and ordered to be well." When Christopher Hitchens used the above analogy to sum up religion, one could genuinely make a similar assessment of identity politics. Once again, politics gets shoehorned into a phrase that places caveats on it, the fact that our political systems that operate society otherwise smoothly are now at the behest of the whims of personal identity. Offense was summed up expertly also when Hitch quoted the famous lexicographer Dr Samuel Johnson when a group of pious women congratulated Johnson on including no profane words in his dictionary. Johnson countered: "I commend you ladies on knowing exactly what to look for!"

Dr Johnson's retort exemplifies that offense is given and not taken and that if someone purposely sets out to find that which ruffles their feathers, then they're, well, plucked! Humanity, especially when fed out from college campuses, seems to now indulge in self-obsessed solipsism that although more prevalent in the young, is fast becoming the MO of wider society, where echo chambers ring a sonorous confirmation bias in our ears where the din of whining feelz drown out realz! Opinion will always differ, it always has since before aces high, aces low, or what came first, the chicken or the egg? The divide of opinion now becomes the rule which polarises the populace, we riot while we get poorer and bankers get richer.

Cultural Marxism sees society as broken anyway, so wish to shatter it even further, into dust, they see their theories as the antidote to a poisonous, or toxic - to use one of their favourite words - culture that surrounds us. Although identity politics is a disease, which causes those with the symptoms of the condition to curl up say, if a gaming YouTube superstar utters a racial slur during a livestream, many mental illnesses can skew the world for those who suffer from them, but it seems SJWs suffer from collective Munchausen's Syndrome, particularly Munchausen By Proxy. The condition, named after the German Baron Munchausen, known for his tall tales - the latter of the two - involves a person, usually a mother, who believes their child is constantly sick and even goes so far to self-medicate their kid. Eminem famously accused his mother, Debbie Mathers-Briggs, of suffering from the condition, for which Mathers-Briggs filed a lawsuit against her son - that and him rapping that she smokes more weed than him.

A malady of a false conviction where another is sick and you are sure of their sickness and how to treat it, holds similar parallels to the way professors, the press and their student cohoorts view the world at large. Evident in the manner that no amount of concilliatory or attempts towards contrition can sate their urge to see only the wrong in society, bound up in their certainty that tertiary education means others are two rungs lower on the ladder. So why try and appease them? Unlike the real medical complaint of Munchausen By Proxy, the only therapy for the perpetually offended, so-called left is the cold water shock of reality. Society is constructed, true, though it's a construction built upon traits our species have developed and no amount of chipping away at the nature of the world, adapted to our nature, will stop this.

#Memes, #Minds, #News, #Politics, #MAGA, #Trump, #DonaldJTrump.

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