The freedom to speak the truth is liberating and exhilarating. Especially when you don't have to do it anonymously.
I know and understand that not everyone can do this for one reason or other. That's okay with me.
I believe very strongly that I have to speak out. Not for me. But for my children, their children, and their children to come. And for our great country. We are all very fortunate to be citizens of the best country on earth. And I want that to continue.
The First Amendment of our Constitution guarantees each one of US the Freedom of Speech. Although each one of US has this right, other citizens want to limit this right. Even eliminate it. There is a reason our Founding Fathers made this this right the very first amendment in our Bill of Rights. It is very important.
Political correctness is one of the ways that our right to speak out is limited. I am not poltically correct. And I don't care whether that offends anyone. I am not here to win any popularity contest. You have the right to ignore me and not listen to what I say. But I always strive to tell the truth. And the truth hurts.
I am also not here to make any money. In fact, I spend my money to promote ideas and other information which I feel are very important for others to hear.
I don't use Facebook, Google, and Twitter because they censor what we say and hear. I don't watch or read the very fake, lying, biased, and incompetent mainstream media because they attempt to manipulate US with their propaganda. And by ignoring and/or distorting the truth we need to hear.
I don't link to anything originating from the very fake, lying, biased, and incompetent mainstream media. I ignore almost everything about politicians, sports figures, Hollywood stars, and other "famous" people. Except to make fun of them. They want attention which I am not going to give them. Ignoring them is the very last thing they want.
That explains where I am coming from.
#FirstAmendment #FreedomofSpeech #PoliticalCorrectness #Recrimination