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Saturn Gnosis

Luminous▼SovereignJun 5, 2018, 6:11:25 PM

≫ In the Saturn-Gnosis the planet and archetype of Saturnus is the focal point for the manifestation of the Demiurge. This Demiurge is identified with Lucifer— the Bearer of Light—as the higher octave of Saturn. In this capacity it is the “Guardian of the Threshold” to higher initiation and being.



≫ According to secret FS teachings, Saturnus is the Great Judge that manifests justice; he also brings reason and intelligence, and governs all standards of weights, measurements, and number. He is the Lord of the Seven Dwellings (= planetary genii of the outer realm), and governor of the revealed world and lord over life and death, and over the light and darkness. Saturnus is seen as the breaker of cosmic order and unity—thus he instituted death, causing regeneration and change to come into being. One of the ways in which he broke the cosmic order was in the revelation of divine secrets to mankind. For this he was punished.



≫ Thus in many ways Saturnus is identical with Prometheus of Greek tradition, and is certainly to be identified as well with the Serpent of Paradise.



≫ This Demiurge Saturnus is identified with the number 666. He is the Beast 666, manifest in the Man (or Men) 666, and in the Living Center of the Sun—Sorath 666.



Feeding thru negative Energy: Black Sun The invisible War: You are inside and playing an important part. Symbol of cubes show dominance over 3D and 4D. (tesseract) Jesus is coming in 5D and beyond.





The sinister aspect of Saturn; the winter solstice; the death of the old year and birth of the new, dies natalis solis invicti, the birthday of the unconquerable sun; the passage from chaos to cosmos; the suspension of time.

The dead return during the twelve nights of the duration of Saturnalia.

It is also the time of the sacrifice of the old king, or his scapegoat, as waning fertility, and instigating the enthronement of the new king as virility.

The twelve days of chaos symbolize the patter of the coming months of the year.

The period of chaos is governed by the Lord of Misrule, or the King of the Bean and the Queen of the Pea.

Transvestism is a feature of the time of chaos in Saturnalia, orgies carnivals, etc. and signifies a form of return to chaos.

Babylon held the twelve days of duel between Chaos and Cosmos; in Christianity these are the Twelve Days of Christmas.




The gnosis of the FS is a complex set of magical doctrines. These include a special path of initiation as well as a complete astral or planetary cosmosophy and a Luciferian element. In many regards the Saturn-Gnosis is in accordance with what is known of the Ophite and Barbelo Gnostic sects of antiquity.  Gnosis is a form of knowledge concerning the cosmos to which the individual feels called, or “elected,” and which is based not on the belief in certain dogmas but rather on deep personal experience. The teachings, practices and rituals of the FS are intended to provide just such an initiatory experience. Although in ancient times Gnosticism existed in a myriad of often mutually incompatible sects, there were certain doctrines common to most of them. First, they held that there existed a godhead beyond all categories as well as a three-fold god subsisting in the fullness of being (pleroma), or light.


This divine realm of fullness of being transcends the place in the world where matter exists; these two realms are separated by a great barrier (horos). How these realms became separate is a matter of diverse speculation, however,what is certain among the Gnostics is that our world was not created by the god of light, but rather by an entity that resulted from a deficiency in the pleroma. This deficiency came about either through progressive degeneration as the outflow of being got further and further from its source, or through a conscious withdrawal of divine will (thelema) from the outer reaches. By whatever process, lesser independent entities arose in the graduated levels (called aeons) of the new cosmos.


These entities were called archons. One of these archons is the entity—or  demiurge—that created our world of matter. This entity is identified by some Gnostics with Jehova (YHVH), the god of the Old Testament. Finally, it was held that man, as a mixed entity consisting of elements with origins in both the world of light (of God) and the world of darkness (of the demiurge), could only be redeemed by knowledge (gnosis). This knowledge was a direct experience of being, not something acquired by learning or even by conclusions reached by logical methods. The demiurge Jehovah demanded faith (pistis); the “Good God” could only be reached through gnosis


In the Saturn-Gnosis the planet and archetype of Saturnus is the focal point for the manifestation of the Demiurge. This Demiurge is identified with Lucifer— the Bearer of Light—as the higher octave of Saturn. Inthis capacity it is the “Guardian of the Threshold” to higher initiation and being.According to secret FS teachings, Saturnus is the Great Judge that manifests justice; he also brings reason and intelligence, and governs all standards of weights, measurements, and number. He is the Lord of the Seven Dwellings (= planetary genii of the outer realm), and governor of the revealed world and lord over life and death, and over the light and darkness. Saturnus is seen as the breaker of cosmic order and unity—thus he instituted death, causing regeneration and change to come into being. One of the ways in which he broke the cosmic order was in the revelation of divine secrets to mankind. For this he was punished. Thus in many ways Saturnus is identical with Prometheus of Greek tradition, and is certainly to be identified as well with the Serpent of Paradise. This Demiurge Saturnus is identified with the number 666. He is the Beast 666, manifest in the Man (or Men) 666, and in the Living Center of theSun—Sorath 666.




Saturn is personified by those occupations and beginnings which require significant time, patience, concentration and perseverance, as also everything related to land and immovable property. Identified with the colors black, brown and grey and attributed to the metal lead, Saturn rules over the sixth day of the week, Saturday. Call on this power to cool down passions, to ask advice from elders, to have a sober glance on the state of the matters, to get rid of a bad habit, or the eradication of pests and diseases. On the day of Saturn, conditions for efforts that involve reincarnation, karmic lessons, mysteries, and wisdom are increased. Saturn is strongly identified with time, death, and transformation. People born under Aquarius and under Capricorn have personalities and traits related to the humanitarian, stern, selfless, and ardent energies surrounding the planet.





➤ Black in the Occult and its Hidden Meaning:

Many people go about their everyday lives totally unaware that there is a whole world of occult secrecy surrounding them. Unaware that the highest echelons controlling business, banking, finance, media and politics... are heavily into the occult and how this affects our lives. Believing it works the highest echelons practice the occult to give them the desired cause and effect for global domination. It must be remembered that from we-the-people’s point of view, not belonging to the inner sanctum, occulted forces are said to hold certain negative energies having negative effects on us while restricting our freedom. Occult programming through colours, symbols, paraphernalia, language... and its hidden meaning can be found almost everywhere. For example, the world’s owner/controllers use a number of occult symbols in their corporate logos. What they represent has nothing to do with the products advertised and the high frequency in which so few occult symbols/logos are used by so many corporations with their products goes beyond coincidence: