What is MindsGaming? Maybe you have asked yourself this or even posted it?
Welcome to Minds! Welcome to MindsGaming!
We are a community that promotes users & groups they own to our channel as well as list them in an easy to find way on our website among other things we do like our Gaming Logs & bug hunts, activities, community games, lottos, and more!
Our VIP program lets you get exclusive content reminded to our channel, as well as one group you own! Want to know what we have done on Minds ask around or look through our community resource & think tank group. Welcome to Minds! Welcome to MindsGaming!
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We have spent our time on Minds creating resources, contacts, groups, bouncing ideas and building with others. We built a never-ending community where members can interact with another based on topics. Any and all topics are allowed in our community, any topic related post is allowed in our community. We remove any member group that censors users that post in-line with the topic, as well as inactive groups, or groups that are spam’d with unrelated posts. We spend a mass amount of time on Minds supporting users, reminding group posts, running contests & activities, finding bugs, solutions and more. We are a skilled Minds user that users know & trust.
Please support or community by unlocking exclusive content.
Our community website is @ https://MindsGaming.com/
We do more than game, but do you play?
Focus: Gamers or users who provide gaming content in our community groups can gain access to free exclusive content, gaming reminds on sales, services, exclusive content and anything else gaming is free for community users/gamers. #MindsGaming