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📺 Privacy, Integrity, Info

Luminous▼SovereignDec 4, 2016, 12:55:33 PM


⚑ Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say — #FreeEdwardSnowden


Down here you will find links, all you will ever need regarding
#privacy #Integrity #liberty #rights #information #surveillance #virtual-reality #cyber #minds



💽 https://5july.org/

💽 https://www.privacytools.io/

💽 https://www.battleforthenet.com/

💽 https://www.internetdefenseleague.org/

💽 https://integrity.st/

💽 http://www.killacta.org/

💽 https://prism-break.org/en/

💽 https://epic.org/privacy/tools.html

💽 http://bestprivacytools.com/

💽 https://pack.resetthenet.org/

💽 https://whoer.net/#extended

💽 https://fix10.isleaked.com/oldwindows.html

💽 https://www.deseat.me

💽 https://fried.com/privacy

💽 http://ht4w.co.uk/

💽 https://icwatch.transparencytoolkit.org/

💽 http://www.giswatch.org/en/communications-surveillance/unmasking-five-eyes-global-surveillance-practices

💽  https://www.privacyinternational.org/node/51

💽 https://nsa.gov1.info/surveillance/

💽 https://vikingvpn.com/cybersecurity-wiki/browser-security/guide-hardening-mozilla-firefox-for-privacy-and-security

💽 https://www.purevpn.com/blog/disable-webrtc-in-chrome-and-firefox/

💽 https://superuser.com/questions/972501/how-to-stop-microsoft-from-gathering-telemetry-data-from-windows-7-8-and-8-1/

💽 http://bestprivacytools.com/

💽 https://ffprofile.com/#start

💽 https://20committee.com/

💽  https://airvpn.org/topic/19582-hardening-of-firefox/


A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They’ll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought. And that’s a problem because privacy matters; privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be


Privacy is the right to a free mind.


╰ Luminous▼Sovereign ╮



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> [Forbidden Knowledge Group] :


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⌛ We Need To Stand Up for Our Rights


#privacy #Integrity #liberty #rights #information #surveillance #virtual-reality #cyber #minds #control