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❥ The Truth Has Been Revealed

Luminous▼SovereignDec 3, 2016, 11:33:56 PM


We have heard of this time for centuries. A time when humanity would awaken. A time when we would come together as one human family. It has been spoken of by the ancients And celebrated by indigenous cultures around the world. The Rainbow Tribe, The Lightworkers, The Indigo and The Crystal Here to expose the deceit and corruption.


To end the destruction and build the new paradigm. No more will we be victim to war, hate, greed and poverty No more will we allow the destruction of the planet or the enslavement of humanity. We are here to heal our Earth and advance humanity to its inevitable greatness. Creating a world of possibility, of cooperation, of peace, understanding and interconnectedness. Laying the foundation of an empowered humanity for our future generations.


The Matrix - Breaking Free

The Matrix and pyramid structure is a concept or definition of more '' powerful '' groups of orion influenced humans who seek to control the worlds resources by keeping esoteric/spiritual information a secret, creating ruling classes and by designing and creating a system in where souls are kept in the physical dimension and are subject to mind control, health decay and spiritual blindness.

Even though we can see some of these things implemented in our worlds history and current time, this doesn't have to be our future. This doesn't have to be the way WE live and exist. We are entering a new era, an era of open source information and spiritual technology solutions so the soul can be set free and increase in frequency .

We only exist in the pyramid structure if we agree to that in our consciousness. If we believe it to be true, it will be true for our reality. We can only exist in the hands of the controllers if we ourselves create that definition and that belief. We are the programmers of our reality and our world, not some external entities.All has been revealed.

The Veil has been lifted.

Now is the time to act.


Luminous▼Sovereign @ Tumblr

Find All My Blog Here: https://www.Minds.com/blog/MindCom

╰ Luminous▼Sovereign ╮

 [email protected]

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