As soon as North Korean children begin to talk, the brainwashing begins.
"You are brainwashed, [you] don't know life outside. You are brainwashed from the time you know how to talk, about four years of age, from nursery school, brainwashing through education, this happens everywhere in life, society, even at home," says one witness that was able to get the information out.
Children are asked to draw, only, pictures of Kim Il-sung or images "which might have pleased Kim Il-sung."
The obsessive nature of North Korean culture toward the cult worship of Kim Il-sung and his late son, Kim Jong-il, have permeated nearly every aspect of the country. People are commanded to have a portrait of each of the men in their houses and, for instance, when one man used a newspaper, with Kim Il-sung's face on it, to mop up a spilled drink, he was thrown into a prison camp.
“I believed in this system for more than 20 years, but I was so thirsty to find out about the outside world,” said Jeon, who now lives in South Korea, having snuck across the border. “Then, when I realized it was all lies, it was like I was just born at 23 years old. Twenty-three years had been stolen from my life.”
An entire nation of people whose lives are being suppressed for a totalitarian government. Hopefully, things will begin to culturally assimilate, but it's important to know what they've got going on.