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4 minutes a day for 28 days and your body will be utterly transformed

BazzaxNov 13, 2016, 11:16:13 PM

The majority of us want a better body, but in today’s world there just aren’t enough hours in the day and sitting in front of Netflix is far more appealing. Although it is not in our nature to be satisfied with one’s lot, especially when that involves a “lot” of flab! So many in the fitness industry strive to find ways that maximize workouts for those with minimum time to pencil it in. As is often the case, ancient wisdom comes to the rescue, delivered in the form of the “plank” yoga posture. Dedicating up to 5 minutes a day to this may be an exercise in difficulty at first. However, with perseverance one can work up to this goal and maintain a rigid pose above the floor. Aim for 2-5 minutes and the benefits of this rather simple looking exercise will soon reveal itself. The plank almost resembles a frozen press-up, though with elbows bent, positioned roughly parallel to the shoulders, so the hands, forearms, and feet support the body. The plank will tone your stomach, legs, butt, arms, back, and shoulders. It also improves circulation throughout the body and deals with cellulite – which is something many women want to eliminate. Keep the back straight as though against a wall, legs straight, buttocks pulled in, tighten the stomach and with continued practice, you will soon be as flat as a, well, plank!

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