Maybe I don't take compliments too well...? This is what transpired in the comments of a person who desired to censor Porn, and that turned into a lesson we should all consider, simple Right and Wrong and Values, with a little Cause and Effect thrown in.
Just how can you help? How do you make choices? What are they based on? Have you ever felt helpless? What did you do? What could you do?
Life is a choice - what do you choose?
Here is how my comments, thoughts, and lesson went, in skipping the small talk.
@BdamSmart, your too BdamNice 😘
BdamSmart @BdamSmart
So this is how my afternoon went after pulling an all nighter, in catching up with post comments. We all have big issue to deal with in the very near future and this is just one aspect of it - Justice. Justice is the thing that is suppose to help us bring forth issues for correction, because without it, it would not be fair and mistakes would be made. What does that lead to? Blood feuds, why? Because you just didn't know, never considered it, and now you have a means to let people know on @Minds, thanks to @ottman, @john @mark; giving you a platform to inform and help people make choices, with information which its your RESPONSIBILITY to DISCERN, make your JUDGEMENTS on! If you want to talk about FREEDOM, you better start learning and practicing it, and to SPEAK or WRITE your mind and thoughts is a FIRST STEP - Defending that Right with a gun if necisarry to keep people honest in your ability to EXPRESS YOURSELF. These are only words and lessons which you should already know, but maybe haven't thought enough about lately - you are a Special Point in Time to Matter - YOU CHOOSE!
#Minds #Freedom #Choice #Censoring #Dead #Porn #Lesson #Rights #Justice #Law #Human