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The War against the West, George Soros, Gamergate, Zionism and You

HitlerTheDankestMemeOfThemAllSep 30, 2018, 7:47:22 PM

Edited on 1/10/2018


In light of recent events, and one new and currently breaking event in particular, I feel it is necessary to point something out that some of you may not realize, specifically about why certain events are taking place, and most importantly, the motivations behind those events. Some old hands may know this process already, or have sussed it out for themselves, but new people are getting themselves red-pilled all the time, so it is, I think, worthwhile to line all of the ducks up in a row and explain precisely what is going on.


I’ll start with a simple question. A kingmaker question. Let us pretend you are a leader of a nation, and that nation is going to experience a cultural and political revolution in the very near future, perhaps ten years from now, approximately. You have access to knowledge and information that makes this very clear, though the general populace does not. Let us further expand the scenario by saying that there is no way to avert or prevent this from happening, because the population has legitimate grievance with the establishment, nor can you simply come clean about what is happening, because you are complicit in the corruption that has brought the nation to the brink of revolution.


You also do not want the revolution to take place, because, having been complicit, you would likely end up lynched for what you have done. So you cannot simply stand by and allow nature to take its course, either.


So what do you do?

Enter a very simple, and very dangerous, idea: Controlled Opposition.

If you are the establishment, and revolution is inevitable, and you cannot allow the revolution to take place, the single best way to ensure the maintaining of the status quo in your favor is to preempt the revolution with a revolution of your own. A revolution that “you” control. A revolution that is created and engineered from the ground up to fail, so as to ‘absorb’ the desire for a revolution from the people, and then quench it by being vanquished by the establishment reasserting itself. A revolution that serves no other purpose beyond being defeated and vindicating the policies of the establishment. A literal and metaphorical punching bag.

If you can’t stop the revolution, you lead it. You lead it and produce it, spin it and control it, and then make a show out of vanquishing it. The ultimate, highest, greatest, and final expression of the bread and circus.

So what does this have to do with anything?

I’m glad you asked.

I’ll answer your question with another question.

What was Gamergate?

Gamergate was a grassroots reaction to the airing of some particularly dirty and embarrassing laundry within the field of gaming journalism. It started on 4chan’s /v/ board, when it was revealed that Zoe Quinn, an amateur game developer and blogger whose real name is (((Chelsea Van Valkenburg))), was exchanging sexual favors behind her now ex-boyfriend’s back in exchange for good reviews. /v/ grabbed onto the story and began spreading it, but the story was, to the amazement of those talking about it, quickly and ruthlessly shut down across numerous unrelated media platforms, most famously on places like Reddit and the comments sections of news media sites, but also disturbingly on 4chan itself, which historically prided itself on free speech and freedom of expression. A blackout silence campaign that could even affect 4chan? What on earth was going on?

This scandal, which became known as the Five Guys Burgers and Fries scandal, after the five men Valkenburg had sexual relations with, was rapidly overshadowed by the Quinnspiracy, which was the conspiracy surrounding the attempted hushup of the scandal. To try and hide the corruption, far greater and deeper corruption broke ranks and revealed itself.

At this point, I’m merely repeating what most of you already know. But this next part is where it gets interesting. The Streisand Effect went into full swing, and people who would perhaps have not cared otherwise began demanding answers. Who was this woman, who could get articles pulled or manipulated from the likes of Rock Paper Shotgun, Kotaku, and Giantbomb, who had influence over Reddit, the HR teams of major gaming publishers, and even 4chan moderators?

4chans videogame board came to /pol/ for help. And together, they dug. What they found was a conspiracy that was, impossibly, even larger than it first seemed to have appeared. This was no mere issue of radical feminists and progressives protecting their own. This ran all the way to the top. These people had connections to Common Core and DiGRA (Common Core is an educational system created by the ultra rich, being pushed, designed and lead by Bill Gates' personal Foundation to reform and standardize education for 90% of children in the US, and then the world, now try and think about why the majority of the richest people on earth are funding a revolutionary education system that they wont subject their own children to?), they had received funding from DARPA think tanks and held memberships to the sorts of shady international round tables that receive funding from these same billionaires. The journalism sites that on the surface were losing millions trying to cover this all up, had connections to social re-engineering projects, academia, the Israeli and US governments among others, and massive proposed reformation programs for education departments across the entire US, Common Core is big money, big business, and a big part of the agenda of the NWO, and as such any attempts to uncover it are going to be crushed mercilessly.

What was going on? How does any of this make sense? Why would DARPA and defense contractors fund social justice warriors, of all things?

I will, yet again, answer your question with another question. Why would George Soros give millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter? Why would a radically progressive, ninety year old Jewish financier give money to a barely organized mob of idiots who think anything other than total agreement and submission to their radical opinions is bigotry of the highest order, to be met with violence and bloodshed? What does Soros gain out of that?

The more pessimistic and small-minded might simply say “he’s a Jew,” and leave it at that. After all, it is hardly a secret anymore that influential Jews greatly despise Western Civilization, European people, and anything to do with Christianity in general, and you all know well my opinion on the Juden dear readers lets face it. Could it simply be as easily explained as Soros causing trouble for the sake of causing trouble? Is it just low hanging fruit, popcorn antics meant to amuse a wealthy man filled with contempt?

No. Not quite. It is a fatal mistake to underestimate your opponent, and that is exactly what such a flippant dismissal entails. Soros was the right hand man of the late Rothschild patriarch. He received his seed money from them to create his fortune (also selling out fellow jews as suspected communists to the Nazi's during WW2 and stealing their assets and fortunes helped aswell), and he has willingly and competently carried out their business and supported their enterprises for the majority of his life. He is a Dog of the (((Red Shield))) through and through. Such a man does not waste money flippantly and without reason. There is a purpose behind it.

So what is that purpose?

We get our popular terminology “red-pilled” and “blue-pilled” from the Matrix movie, in which Morpheus, named after the God of Dreams, offers Neo a choice of two pills, a red one and a blue one. “You take the blue pill, you wake up in your bed, and you believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and you find out how deep this rabbit hole goes.”

I will borrow another reference from the Matrix series. In this case, Zion. What was Zion?

Zion was the fail-safe in the Matrix. The Architect originally created the Matrix to be a paradise beyond reproach, so that humanity might live and die in existential bliss. This version of the Matrix was a total failure, because the overwhelming majority of humanity rejected the programming. They refused to accept the existence of Paradise. So a second Matrix was created, to more adequately contain humanity. This Matrix was based off of real life, humanity at the height of its civilization in the modern age. This Matrix had a much higher success rate, but there was still a fraction of a percent of the population that rejected the programming.

To deal with that, Zion was created. Zion was controlled opposition, a machine-created redoubt for the “rebels” to occupy. Once the rebellion reached a certain point in size, they were purged by the Machines, who would then start over. In effect, the Matrix is the bowl that contains humanity, and Zion is a smaller bowl beneath it to catch and collect the runoff. It was just another layer of control.

So let us bring this around full circle.

You know revolution is inevitable. You cannot stop it. You cannon circumvent it. And it will destroy you if it happens.

So what do you do?

You create the opposition yourself, and control it. “You” start the revolution, and having started it on your terms and made it in your image, you have the ability to vanquish it.

The powers that be in this world have known that the western world has been nearing its expiration date for decades, they worry about it as they work their ruinous policies and politics, why? because its a boulder rolling down the hill, they cant afford to stop it, or change its course, as both options are both unpalatable, dangerous and inconceivable to them. They struggle endlessly with the question of what to do about it. How to maintain the status quo, this era of degradation, dissolution and decay, their paradise. If I had to guess, some members of the US spy agencies likely came up with a solution to this issue with the (((best of intentions))) at first. After all, during the height of the Cold War, a political revolution in the United States could have potentially meant a global apocalypse, and it was a clear threat and serious issue at the time. Faced with such a daunting and terrible choice, and with no clear end to the Cold War in sight, it is not difficult to imagine regrettable decisions in regards to social engineering projects being made behind closed doors. This theory coincides with the mixed results of the MKULTRA experiments done by jewish psychologists in partnership with the CIA during and post WW2 with the intent to create a new generation of sleeper agents being taken to the next level, these machinations carry on even today behind many closed doors.

But at some point, either through indirect Marxist infiltration via academia or a simple corrupting of the original intent by oligarchs, globalists and zionists, what likely started as a program with the best of intentions became a bottle of poison. The Cold War ended. But the plotting it had spawned did not.

Why would George Soros give millions to Black Lives Matter protestors? For the same reason defense contractors would fund radical progressives and social justice warriors.

To create their Zion.

They knew a revolution was coming. Their answer to it was to create a revolution of their own, a sacrificial lamb to rear and then slaughter when the time was right, to pacify the people and maintain the status quo, whilst giving them the time to achieve their objectives of the moment. Their greatest concern was being able to maintain their hegemony and hold on to their control through the revolutionary process, and the social justice warrior movement was created from the bottom up to enable them to do exactly that, and the Common Core Extreme Brainwashing Education System 6,000,000 is designed to manipulate future generations more effectively in an ever more technologically advanced world and perpetuate such psychotic marxist cults to be used as the useful idiots they are.

The great triumph of Gamergate, ironically, has absolutely nothing to do with journalistic integrity or cleaning up the multi-billion dollar gaming industry, though those were the stated goals of the movement, both of which largely failed, but don't tell those who still support it!

No, the real victory of Gamergate, what it really accomplished, was throwing back the curtain on the Social Justice Warrior movement before it was ready to be unveiled to the general public. And what did we see behind that curtain when it was thrown back? Corruption, running all the way to the (((top))), and perhaps even a bit beyond. We saw the truth, which was that SoCal hipsters, radical feminists, and progressive socialists who are all utterly useless human beings and are incapable of operating normal jobs in the real world are receiving huge funding and vast academic resources from some of the most powerful, dangerous and evil organizations in the world.

The cult of social justice was not ready to be unleashed onto the general public. It still needed time to build and ferment. Gamergate derailed the revolution, aborting the sacrificial lamb in the wild wild west of the internet before it was fully grown. SJWs were supposed to be taken seriously as real, postmodern critics of society and an actual vehicle for change. They could never start a passable attempt at a revolution otherwise. Now, thanks to Gamergate, they are a complete and utter laughingstock, the butt of every joke. Few take them seriously thankfully, except for themselves that is, a cult is not easy to break out of.

So now the (((establishment))) has a real problem. Their sacrificial lamb is dead on arrival. The bread and circus spectacle of the establishment vanquishing the hydra to save its people, reestablishing and reaffirming their sovereignty and tightening their control in the process, is not going to happen.

So if you can’t create your own revolution, what is your fallback?

You try to control and subvert the real one.

Who is Milo Yiannopoulos? A homosexual, a Jew, and a Zionist. Sure, an entertaining, clever one, but still, his ideologies simply do not match mine or my peers, his advice and ideologies will never truly save the west.

Who is Christina Hoff Sommers? A feminist, a Jew, and a Zionist, her advice is like a bandaid on a snake bite.

Who is Alex Jones? a man selling bogus health products and water filters while telling conspiracy theories designed to distract you from the real truth, who has married 2 jewish women in a row, utterly compromised despite his oratory skills and generally quite well rounded knowledge and understanding of the deep state and its movements (He is a lot like a man running the meat carving station at a large buffet restaurant, what he does give you is really tasty, but he tries to keep you stuck there, so you dont go exploring on your own to find the rest of the food, and possibly something more fulfilling).

Who is Varg Vikernes? A convicted murderer and arsonist, and a crypto-anarchist neopagan who hates Christianity and Christians, and by extension the majority of western civilization, but has no problem with Zionists or Jews, and has little understanding of the differences between races outside of skin colour.

Who is Milton L. Kapner? A traditional Orthodox Jew who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and held on criminal charges of violence and disorderly conduct who claims to be a born-again Orthodox Christian and offers conflicting and contradictory advice to Christians.

What is Breitbart News? an Israeli-founded news organisation that is happy to talk about almost anything Alex Jones does, but never mentions anything about the International Banking Cartels or the Jewish Question, or WHY there is such an endless waves of third worlders coming to the west in general or even reporting anything negative about Israel period.

You know what all of these people/organisations have in common? They’re all more or less part of the “Alternative Right,” and not one of them really has your best interests at heart.

But the establishment has another problem. Do you know what it is?

The subversion of the real revolution didn’t work out for them, either.

Milo is a known and accepted Israeli shill. Sommers is able to point out a symptom but is she herself part of the root problem, which is the notion of "equality" itself and all forms of Feminism/Marxism. Varg solves nothing, offers no bulwark against the degeneration of the west and no practical advice, and is merely an outlet for blind animal anger, a slightly more articulate and kosher version of the neo-nazi's that have been giving the nationalist movement a bad name for decades.  Many alt-right members are only aware of the existence of Milo alone. Alex Jones is seen as light comedy with decent interviews, not an actual authority on anything. Breitbart is simply rising to replace Fox News and other forms of mainstream media without adding much extra to the average Joes knowledge-base.

They tried to subvert the reawakening of the right by subverting the Alternative Right itself. And it failed. Not only did it fail, but it is failing publicly and spectacularly. The (((establishment))) has correctly identified the /pol/ communities as being one of the cornerstone sources of genuine revolutionary thought in future conservative politics, and attempted to subvert both /pol/ and 8/pol/ into extinction. This tactic mostly worked on /pol/, as the majority of the core /pol/ population that had not already abandoned 4ch for greener pastures left during Gamergate. However, it has completely failed in defeating, dividing or derailing the 8chans /pol/ board. The shilling was, and still is, very real, and it is pushed by both known (such as Applied Memetics, Media Matters, Correct the Record and ShareBlue) and unknown NGO groups, who likely receive funding and support from the same sources as the SJW crowd. It was pushed with the intention of cracking consensus, sowing dissent, creating fracture lines within the population, and creating general discord, but it has yet to make a real difference. Those who reject mainstream sources of information are organizing well enough to keep subversives out, to share the types of information that cannot be disputed, that your leaders don't want you to even see, let alone believe.

In all of their most important objectives, they have largely failed to so much as dent the internet subculture that is driving legitimate revolutionary thought in the west.

But even this was not, in truth, the end of the world. It could be another twenty years at least before any true nationalist elements gained the ability to even attempt to acquire positions of power in the west. The establishment still has time. So the false revolution collapsed and the co-option of the real one failed. If they can stall long enough, string everything along long enough, it becomes irrelevant. They will use the fact that wealth as we know it is a pure fiction (at least from the elites position is it) to write themselves a blank check. They will crash the first world and escape in the confusion to rebuild the next, and there is nothing a small bunch of people on the internet who know the truth can do to stop them. If you cannot stop the revolution, stall it long enough that it will no longer matter if it happens.

But there is one more problem, I am afraid, that our dear friends in the establishment did not count on. One last thing they did not foresee coming.

Donald Trump.

We all had doubts at first, and still do. He could very well have been just a fall man for the Clintons in the beginning. That was a legitimate theory, with actual backing and logic behind it.

But that went up in smoke as time progressed. If he was just a plot from the political left to undermine the right, it would be one thing. But the Detroit riot, leaked videos from bugged vans released by members of his own party and many heavily funded smear campaigns and other situations since then has removed any possibility that he is not legitimate and earnest in his claims, kosher as he may be.

If the left or the right moves against you, that is one thing. If Rothschild money flows against you, that is quite another. The real controllers and enablers wouldn’t waste their own private resources and risk exposure on an unnecessary farce. Both sides have converged against him, just as they converged against Ron Paul, and vast wealth flowed from the seats of power in this world to try and stop him. That, more than anything else, betrays the truth. You know the quality of a man not just by his allies, but by his enemies. And Trump’s enemies are some of our worst enemies.

The last nine presidents of the United States have not been their own men. They were puppets, each and every one, controlled by different strings, but ultimately those strings all lead back to the same set of (((hands))). The last one who tried to go off the reservation took a bullet to the head, his assassin received a visit from an assassin of his own, and the alphabet agencies coined the very concept of the Conspiracy Theorist, to bury the truth. Hillary and Bill Clinton, while both are powerful monsters in their own rights, the power they wield is power GIVEN, not owned, they answer to others, they serve greater masters.

All it takes is one real man to collapse the house of cards. One man, no matter how ignorant of the truth he might be, if he is sincere and scrupulous, could ruin everything they have worked towards in arranging a singular, new world order. If you doubt this, look only to Hitler. He was sworn in as Chancellor of German on January 30th of 1933, and before the year was out, he had totally dismantled the Weimar Republic, and in less than two years, established what we now refer to as National Socialist Germany. A president is in office for four years. Hitler didn’t even need three.

Trump hypothetically, can completely turn America around in less than half of his term. And because he is the POTUS, the rest of the west will inevitably, eventually follow suit.  America today is also far more powerful and influential than Germany was then.

They have tried to create a controlled opposition revolution, and a bunch of unemployed virgins living on welfare (aswell as deepweb users with actual jobs in the EU/US government/Intelligence Agencies/Militaries/political parties/Wikileaks etc feeding us real information) torpedoed the entire movement with a legitimate grassroots counterculture. They tried to subvert the predicted heart of the real revolution, and succeeded in only strengthening our resolve and honing our rhetoric to a razor’s edge. So they were executing their final plans through puppets like Obama and Merkel to simply collapse everything by removing all borders, blowing up the economies of the world and putting everyone on welfare, dooming the west to civil war and destruction no matter how quickly we responded or what we did to the contrary, only for Trump to appear out of nowhere, crush their puppets, destroy their flimsy rhetoric, and sweep the entire nation and even other parts of the world up into a populist surge of nationalism that threatens everything the establishment has done to tame and subjugate the Republic of the United States, or should i say banana republic?

This is no coincidence. Call it divine providence if you wish, karma, or the will of the Zeitgeist, but it is happening. And they know it is happening.

One final return to our original kingmaker question. So your controlled revolution has failed, your subversion of the real revolution spins tires in the mud, and now your seat of power is being directly threatened by an outsider you cannot without great difficulty control or subvert, who has the populist majority behind him, and who has rebuffed all attempts to attack, slander, defame, or smear him. You’re out of tricks, out of options, and your final fallback strategy of pulling out the support structure of the nation and running out the clock has just been torpedoed. Assassination is an option, but in the early stages of the primaries there were subtle attempts that went unnoticed by the media that failed, at this point Trump would simply be martyred if he died and they'd lose everything in a 3 way superpower-backed civil war in the US and Europe.

So what do you do?

You go all in, and gamble everything on one last desperate thrust.

And that is ‘’’exactly’’’ what they are doing.

This is their final gambit: To counter a populist uprising with another populist uprising. They have done this before, in other places. Now at last they are bringing the trick here, to the shores of America.

They have nothing left to lose, and everything to gain. They have run out of credibility, they have been caught in their lies, Rothschild connections are being openly exposed and talked about in the independent media, a presidential candidate (now president) is reading the nation bedtime stories of the "good old days" to thunderous applause, political correctness culture is  under seige, the fundamental tenants of the “equality” movement are being revealed as flawed Marxist propaganda in everyday life, and now vast segments of the left, the right, and the independent are uniting to crush them.

Their goal was to keep the West asleep. And now the West is waking up, although it may still be too late.

If they lose America, the balance of power they have struggled to maintain will collapse, and Europe and the rest of the Anglosphere will follow suit, especially after the results of brexit.

They are cornered and desperate. And a desperate and cornered enemy is at his most dangerous.

See bottom for update. ***It is my belief that very soon, perhaps even within the next few months, the D&C shilling strategy all throughout the internet will be abandoned or reduced, and instead -classified- itself and many other sites may be crushed in its entirety, maybe even minds itself. They are awake to the fact that subtle tactics will no longer avail them, so now they will fight with as heavy a hand as they can. If you cannot control or disrupt the discussion taking place, burn down the house. People are no longer fooled by the curtain, so now they will tear it down in a show of force, a shock and awe tactic. They will begin employing scorched earth censorship tactics to silence us and disrupt our ability to communicate with each other. So it is important that we prepare for this increasingly likely eventuality (youtube heroes anyone? giving the rights of the internet over to the UN? demonitisation of youtube accounts with any political slant that isnt radical left?). They will keep letting BLM get away with riots, assault, and domestic terrorism, keep telling the police to tread carefully and let them be criminals so Obama has the failsafe of declaring martial law before Trump takes the office, assuming he wins and breaks through the glass ceiling of voter fraud.*** See bottom for update.

I would argue that false flagging WW III is no longer a completely viable option for them (not for lack of trying however), Russia knew it just had to last until the 20th of Jan to avoid nuclear war, The Syrian war isn't going the way (((they))) want it to either, which is a very important topic for another blog. Faith in the establishment and jewish controlled media has dropped so much, that I could easily see a call to arms for WW III falling on its ass simply due to a mass-refusal to fight.

For a war to be fought, people need to believe a war needs to be fought. If nobody believes it, nobody will show up. If the establishment tried to force the issue by re-instituting the draft, they would have a Civil War on their hands.

Kicking off WWIII: Defend Turkey Edition was only viable before Trump started steamrolling in the polls and winning the nomination and presidency. Now that he's beloved by the nation and preaching isolationism and peace with Putin, any call to engage in another massive global war from the establishment would be met with thrown tomatoes at best, and pitchforks and torches at worst.

The window for that option has shrunk to the point that it practically does not exist unless our enemies and rulers are completely delusional and psychotic. Unless US false-flag nukes itself and blames Russia, Turkey or Syria for it, I don't see it happening, and even then, it would be such an obvious ruse that even the cucks in the MSM may dare not fall for it.

Can our way of life be saved? Even with our current string of wins, most likely not, if Trump can trust these men he's putting into his cabinet to work for him, and not their previous (((employers))), maybe we can break out of this pseudo-capitalist ponzi scheme world economy we are trapped in, and make something new, you don't just negotiate with other governments to do such things, major mega-corps like General Electric and Exon are just as powerful as many developed nations, you need to work with them too, all the while crushing the deep state behind the US government and neutering the CIA and its highly destructive operations running worldwide. It's time to renegotiate the world, for the sake of a future worth living in.

Edit: At this current stage, 15/2/17 with Flynn resigned, things are looking tougher than ever for President Trump, he is being delayed in his immigration efforts and fulfillment of campaign promises to spare enough time to neuter the many factions messing around out of view, he needs to empower JSOC, the Marine Core and trustworthy military factions in the US to crush the treasonous factions such as the CIA and compromised factions such as the DIA, DOJ and FBI amongst others. His attempts to crack the pedophile cartels have only just begun, what he will do if and when he runs into the CIA-run drug and child slave trade cartels god only knows, that'll be the next period where he'll be most vulnerable to assassination.

At this current stage, well into 2018, the various Camp 4 factions have heavily subverted Trumps inner circle through son in-law Jared Kushner, a deviously clever and subtle globalist that has proved to have significantly more influence than once thought, and his daughter Ivanka, who takes the lead from her husband, pushing out the nationalists from the inner circle and pushing in neocons and Camp 4 stooges to attempt to neuter Trump, how he recovers? will he recover? we don't know, he has made little effort to reach out to or take in the advice from his most ardent, most intelligent and patriotic supporters in any way that i can see (his rallies are just his attempts to show transparency to the people, not to create an exchange of ideas), our connections to him have been mostly cut through the campaign organizers rapidly diminishing influence, things look grim, but the odds of his assassination however are now virtually zero. WW3 is still unlikely despite what the fearmongers say, and what certain circles wish for. His purging of the human trafficking cartels have yet to pick up anyone of real power, too many low level goons and nothing else, better than nothing, the congressional hearings over the Clinton Foundation and the DNC's crimminal activities continue, but the end of the current year will tell us more, these sorts of investigations are notorious for taking a long time, hope is all we have, but prepare for the worst, and we all have alot of preparation to do.....


***The current tactic of those who seek to control the narratives and thought processes of the people is simply funding a war of attrition, relentless shilling on every possible format and constant attempts to subvert, censor, confuse and demoralise nationalists and anyone seeking truths that the mainstream lugenpresse refuse to tell, it is becoming more effective as Trump is failing to expose the shadows behind the curtains and is instead seemingly negotiating with evil, instead of vanquishing it. Co-opting internet communities of ideological enemies to help fight their wars to better their effectiveness is a new one, inspiring cuckolds and puppet drones from mainstream social media platforms such as reddit to preach their weakness and lies to more devoted elements elsewhere on the internet is but one of numerous Jewish techniques. However so long as Common Core is not implemented (and every move President Trump has made in regards to it has been very satisfactory) we have the ability to reach out to each new generation of white children and educate them without too much Marxist or Globalist propaganda ruining their impressionable minds.