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YouTube's Unpaid Censorship Committee, a.k.a. "Now you can join the Gestapo, too!"

NickScarpinatoSep 23, 2016, 4:42:40 PM

I'm sure most of you are well aware by now, but in case you've been living under a rock:

YouTube is now allowing users to earn their way to becoming unpaid content moderators through their new program called "Heros". They've even turned it into a "game", where you "level up" by doing "nice things for the community"... like adding captions and subtitles to videos, and helping people with their various YouTube-related issues.

Oh, and by flagging videos that fall outside YouTube's (ridiculously ambiguous) TOS.

The problems with this system should be obvious, and there's no reason to go into all of that when there are a number of people who've already done so. @DaveCullen's video on the subject is excellent (and it's why I've joined Minds... thank you for that good sir!), you can see that here:

What I'd like to focus on instead is why this is happening, the vast network of people who are involved in this push to get content forced out of public view. It's not just YouTube: Twitter and Facebook are also getting into the fray of silencing dissenting opinions. But this is much bigger than just social media. (Remember #GamerGate?)

Back when #GamerGate was going strong, I was made aware of a video by SyrianGirlPartisan discussing not just #GamerGate, but the behind-the-scenes things that were going on fueling the pro-SJW side. If you haven't seen this video, it's another that you need to see:

The points she makes about #GamerGate and the "re-education" aspect of video games are excellent, but it's the funding aspects of these leftist groups that should be of concern.

With the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (as well as others, not to mention the government support behind this as well) funding all of these leftist agendas, they have money on their side. Gawker Media was one of their prime funding targets, and while that network of sites has been shut down you can guarantee that those same people will be back under new names to continue the same pro-SJW-slanted reporting. Facebook pretty much handles their own censorship duties, as does Twitter. But YouTube is one of the biggest alternative-media outlets around. Well, obviously that just can't be allowed anymore, especially with the elections coming up. So now they've found a way to get unpaid labor from useful idiots to do their bidding for them. And let's be honest: Good and honest people who would do well as moderators are going to be too busy with their real jobs to actually have the time for this. The only people who are going to sign up for this are the pro-SJW types who have no jobs and no lives, who get their jollies off shouting down free speech that doesn't agree with them. The important thing to note is that this isn't a "new" idea. This has been planned for years. We're now seeing the plans being put into action because all of this "hard work" by the extreme left and the radical feminists goes for naught if Hillary doesn't win the Presidency.

Now, more than ever, places like Minds are going to become immensely important. Whether you're on the right side of the aisle or the left, the biggest religiouso or the most hardcore atheist, whatever sexual preference or gender identity you claim, the truth is we all need to be able to communicate with one another and have disagreements without the constant threat of being silenced. Places like Minds can keep that freedom alive... at least until the governments of the world take over control of the Internet.