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Blocking On Minds.Com

MindsGaming Community Jun 10, 2016, 7:45:40 PM

How Blocking On Minds Works

Block is Linked to votes and comments on the post. So if you block a user they may not comment or vote on your posts and you will no longer see them in your news-feed.

Blocking is also linked to your subscribers as well, blocking a user will remove them from your subscribers.

You can block from a users post, or from a users channel.

Click the down arrow on a users post and select "Block".

Unsubscribe is linked to the News-feed, when you subscribe the users post show on your news-feed.

If you UN-Subscribe you will no longer see them in your news-feed when they make new posts.

Hover over a users icon and to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Mute on post mutes notifications on the post.

All posts can be viewed by the public unless marked unlisted or placed in a closed group, you can not block someone from viewing a public post.


Blocking will remove a user form your boost-feed.