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Welcome to #MindsGaming

MindsGaming Community Apr 19, 2016, 8:14:00 PM

A user based community built from the ground up by Minds.

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Welcome to our community! Thank you for being a member and participating in our member and community groups!

What we do can be confusing to new users, MindsGaming is a place for all Minds users and members not just gamers. We do have a large base of gamers, and base our community on a co-operative gaming layout.

We are always working on improving our community. gamers, and computer guys being the technological gods we will participate as often as possible in Support & Bugs.

What we have accomplished

Our community has been the forefront of group launches, promotions, and most imporantly listings. Our community website Mindsonline  launched sometime in 2016, it now has over 350 community and member groups listed in a fun and easy to use way for all members. We have created a viral community for members to get their content seen to other liked Minds.

What the community offers

The community offers promos to users that need attention. We do this by boosting inside the community groups, as well as the group itself. We remind the main topic areas to the community as often as possible, and also accept peer-to-peer points for non exclusive content, if related to a main topic area. We have a full list of open groups run by both our community channel and members who use our lay-out.

MindsGaming was built by the members of Minds and we will fight on the behalf of our members for new updates, features, or many other issues that the community pushes our account to, or feels is an important matter. * We hold no more power on Minds as a normal user except that we are well known and are a constant help in the help & support area.

What content we have

We have Tubes, Videos, Movies, Clans, General gaming, Think Tank, Memes, Photos, News, education and so much more.

Why we launched as MindsGaming

We didn't. We launched as GAMERClan the community name gamers use. We quickly realized that a lot of things for meeting users that do not have thousands of points already may be hard and overwhelming, especially when looking for a particular interest inside the community.

How you can help build our community

We always need help building creating new pages for groups, websites, inviting member's to our community, promoting groups, launching and supporting areas, admin-ing area's and lots more and almost always have an active project going on. If you are interested in helping build our cooperative community please let us know!

We launch MindsGaming a place for (community resources) for all members to find and share there groups inside minds on a boosted page thanks to avid Mind users and gamers, as well as a little funding to start, and it took like wildfire...   -We are always looking to improve and expand please let us know how