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How to extract mescaline from San Pedro cactus

Alternative World News NetworkMay 8, 2020, 8:55:28 PM

Ultimately one of the easier extraction methods for a potent psychedelic, the blending and boiling down of the San Pedro cactus will yield a healthy portion of mescaline.

The cactus, itself, is a hearty succulent native to the Andes Mountains and found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru.  Because of global trade, it is now cultivated across the world.  Its powerful chemicals have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

The procurement of the mescaline, arguably the most powerful chemical in the cactus, is done, simply, by chopping up about 8 inches of the plant and blending it.  Once blended together with water, it's boiled down over the course of about 4 hours and strained.  The remaining liquid contains the substance.

The use of mescaline in religious ceremonies dates back at least 5,700 years, used by native Americans in what is now Mexico.

The San Pedro cactus is legal to buy, own, sell and grow, however preparing mescaline, a current Schedule 1 narcotic in the US, for consumption may not be legal.  Make sure to do all the research and find out what you are and aren't allowed to do before doing it, we do not advocate breaking the law!