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some shirt

ewingAug 12, 2015, 8:07:42 PM


This must be the peace on earth shirt. Decide by yourself, which parts are serious and which bullshit. I didn' t mean to mess up with anybody, to be honest, I did not understand most of the things that happened to me. Seriously, there' s more than just one single reality, we all seem to live in. VASAMM. Vollständige Ansammlung sämtlichen allgemeinen Mischmaschs. C' est possible, chaque individuel comprend quelque chose different. Or nobody understands nothing at all.

We will work it out. {([PEACE ON EARTH])} ! free hugs in the Ackerstrasse.

Der, die, das.
Wer? Wie? Was?
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?
Wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm!
Der, die, das.
Wer? Wie? Was?
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?
Wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm!
Tausend tolle Sachen
Die gibt es überall zu sehen.
Manchmal muss man fragen,
Um sie zu versteh´n.
Der, die, das,
Wer? Wie? Was?
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?
Wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm!

(google is now alphabet. uniform resource locator abc.xyz)

{([translation not useful])}
post scriptum: see, my mind' s equipped with filters, but they don' t seem to work within. a proper quote needs an author: Hans Platzgumer
post post scriptum: it must have happened 1973, as far as I got the puzzle together. not enough information. more details, please.
don' t smoke, when you' re with the dog.
code red. 6 hours sleep on a regular base.