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Expansion of Consciousness and Minds.com

DananJul 3, 2015, 3:17:48 PM



I’m no Zen Master, but I have been revisiting what Alan Watts was trying to tell people decades ago. He would have loved Minds.com….somewhere, and in some other timeless dimension he is celebrating this site and laughing at it all right now.


I’m also no expert at Minds.com. I’m still not sure how to message people or why I should boost my posts – although I do that a lot. I’m just sort of feeling my way around, blindly, giving love when I do bump into folks and trying to support any way I can. Like life.  


Watts once said, “The lie that we stand alone in this existence has kept us from developing our true consciousness.”


That’s still true, but now, as I see more people “wake up,” I also see that we are all more aware of this truth and are working towards true consciousness in multiple ways.


This expansion is quaquaversal. (That means it is moving outward in all directions at the same time.) What a great word to explain love, right?


And that’s also how I would explain the explosion of Minds.com right now. It is expanding much like this new awareness.


It makes sense that it would mirror the hearts (and minds) of its users. (Much like FB looks an awful lot like FOX News these days.)


What we are all realizing is that the masks of our egos can only exist in a world that is ficticious and that when our true selves come out to play, we make a different world.


Alan Watts explains it this way: “The whole point of being alive is just to go with the energy – to be the energy at play.”


Here’s to Minds.com being the “energy at play.”



Cheers, thanks, and love to you all,
