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Minds Proves Privacy Matters

JohnJun 23, 2015, 4:20:10 PM

A week ago we launched Minds, and the response was amazing. We've had no time to assemble all the stats on growth yet, but so far Minds is trending and maybe even viral. How come?

Well, a survey just released by the University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School of Commuication offers one explanation that completely overturns the mainstream notion that people just don't care about privacy. The survey reveals that most Americans feel "resignation" regarding privacy, and "only disclose their personal data to companies for discounts because they believe that marketers will harvest the data anyway."

From the report::

With the assistance of Princeton Survey Research Associates International, the researchers conducted a representative national phone survey of approximately 1,500 Americans age 18 and older who use the Internet or email “at least occasionally.” 

Survey respondents were asked whether they would accept “tradeoffs,” such as discounts, in exchange for allowing their supermarkets to collect information about their grocery purchases.  Among the key findings:

--91 percent disagree (77 percent of them strongly) that “if companies give me a discount, it is a fair exchange for them to collect information about me without my knowing."

--71 percent disagree (53 percent of them strongly) that “it’s fair for an online or physical store to monitor what I’m doing online when I’m there, in exchange for letting me use the store’s wireless Internet, or Wi-Fi, without charge.”

--55 percent disagree (38 percent of them strongly) that “it’s okay if a store where I shop uses information it has about me to create a picture of me that improves the services they provide for me.” 

Minds is an end-to-end encrypted social network that operates on a principe of zero knowledge regarding sensitive information.  Minds is also free and open source software enabling trust-and-verify assurance against backdoors or other malware. The rapid rise of Minds as a social network proves that privacy matters. Perhaps there was just not much of a choice before in social media.

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