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My Notes from the WOEIH podcast #279

YourTurtleTourGuideJan 22, 2024, 8:44:50 PM

My Notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #279

Website: "What on Earth is Happening"

The Unholy Feminine Revisited and Expanded Part One

Watch the original presentation from the Free Your Mind Conference IV delivered in 2016, full title "The Unholy Feminine: Neo Feminism and the Satanic Epi-eugenics Agenda"

Click here for part one on the Odyssey platform: "The Unholy Feminine"

Click here for part two on the Youtube platform: "The Unholy Feminine Part 2"

There is Nothing New Under the Sun

Nothing in this presentation is new or uniquely Mark's information. There is nothng new in this presentation. That means the Truth is objective and eternal. Reality remains real, it regardless of whether or not it is recognized and accepted as such. All Mark can do is present the information in a personalized framework with my particular style and aesthetics appeal.

If you are easily offended, leave now

Quote: "Telling the Truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile"

Don't Fall Prey to Emotional Mind Control

Quote: "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear".

Every person who wishes to take away real value from this presentation should make a deliberate,conscious effort to do two things.

(1) Set aside your perceptions of Mark and focus on the information. The information is what is important; not Mark nor his presentation style.

(2) Be consciously aware of any impulses you may have to reject information presented solely based on an emotional response.

Ignore this information due to your own ego-baloney  at your own peril.

Watch the Whole Thing

The presentation is a tapestry of information, which in turn is a tapestry of a larger picture. To gain maximum value pay attention to the entire presentation.

Quote: "Mark respects people that tell him the Truth, no matter how hard it is". 

Quote: "Mark is not on any side except for the side of Truth and Freedom. That's the side Mark is on, those are his values. That's what Mark finds important and indispensable in life. He will take those over being 'liked' any day".

Introduction and Definitions

Presentation from Free Your Mind 3 in 2015: (Youtube platform, 1 hr 43 min) "The Cult of Ultimate Evil: Order-followers and the Destruction of the Sacred Feminine

Destruction of the Sacred Feminine is The Elephant in the Room

Quote: "It's funny how everyone considers honesty a virtue, yet no one wants to hear the Truth"

Quote: "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who can read or write, but those who cannot unlearn the many lies that they have been conditioned to believe, and seek out the hidden knowledge that they have been conditioned to reject". 


Mark is the furthest thing from a misogynist. Mark does not have hatred in his heart for women. Mark will not make blanket statements in this presentation about "all" women. He will however in this presentation speak in generalizations about the vast majority of women.

Coming Face-to-Face with changing.

Quote: "You cannot change what you refuse to confront".

All Feminism is not Equal

Classical Feminism = Votes for Women

Neo Feminism = F@#k you and your rights

Classical Feminism

  • Equality for both genders in Natural Human Rights
  • Women should receive the same pay for the same work.
  • No Patriarchy or Matriarchy; Cooperation between genders.

Neo Feminism

  • Additional Rights for Women over Men
  • Attempts to equate genders in all aspects, not just Rights
  • Matriarchy should replace the current "Patriarchy"

Classical Feminism = gender balance

Neo Feminism = Woman decapitating Man

Neo-Feminism is an Act of War

Neo-Feminism is a program of Social Engineering Mind Control which is specifically targeted at women in order to incite a war between the sexes in a divide and conquer strategy.

The long-term goal of this manipulated gender war is to weaken both genders to such an extent that it becomes much easier for the entrenched ruling class to subjugate both men and women under their world-wide system of totalitarian control. 

Neo-Feminism is "The Gender War"

"Dialectic" Manipulation.

The word "dialectic" is derived from the Greek proposition "dux" meaning "through" or "by way of", and the Latin "lectus" meaning "choice". 

"Dialectic" = Through way of choice

The Illusion of Free Choice (Political Cartoon): "Cow at the poll, choosing between Democrat and Republican, either result leads to the slaughter house".

"Dialectic" Manipulation = "Patriarchy" or "Matriarchy" (Obama on a Game of throne(s) or Hillary on a Game of throne(s))

"Dialectic" Manipulation = American Flag or Nazi Flag?

Only one side needs to buy into the manipultion in order for the divide-and-conquer strategy to be successful. Like the Nazi's were manipulated and other nation's were pulled-into war in "self defense". 

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening" podcast #279 -