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Hillary Clinton's Entire Law Firm, Perkins Coie, “Could Be Subject to INDICTMENT”

Francois CarpentierApr 26, 2022, 4:04:23 AM

According to John Ratcliffe, former Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax "was a coordinated effort by Hillary Clinton Campaign officials, by executives who were working with them, lawyers who work for the campaign, all attempting to defraud the federal government… Defrauding the government is a felony, making false statements to federal investigators is a felony. And when multiple people do it together I think that is a conspiracy and I think that’s what is being revealed in John Durham’s filings… If multiple lawyers from a law firm are attempting to defraud the government or lie to the government, not just commit a campaign dirty trick but to peddle a false narrative to mislead investigators an entire law firm like Perkins Coie could be subject to indictment."

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Watch Ratcliffe's video starting at 4 minutes at: https://rumble.com/v1277y7-former-dni-ratcliffe-trump-russia-collusion-hoax-a-conspiracy-law-firm-may-.html

Related video: https://rumble.com/v11py2p-more-indictments-coming-from-classified-durham-documents-former-dni-john-ra.html


Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/former-dni-john-ratcliffe-trump-russia-collusion-hoax-conspiracy-entire-perkins-coie-law-firm-subject-indictment-video/


Trump-Russia HOAX

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What is an indictment?

For those not familiar with the term "INDICTMENT" it means a criminal accusation that an individual, or a group of people, have committed a crime

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Who is Perkins Coie?

It is a law firm headquartered in Seattle, Washington, United States, and founded in 1912. It is the largest law firm headquartered in the Pacific Northwest and has 20 offices across the United States and in China and Taiwan. With more than 1,000+ attorneys. In addition to corporate representation, the firm often represents political clients like Hillary Clinton.

Marc Elias

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Special Counsel John Durham

For those who missed the United States Department of Justice, Special Counsel John Durham's announcements, find the sources and details in my blog at:

• On November 5th, 2021, Durham indicted Igor Danchenko. Hillary Clinton's campaign paid for Russian analyst Danchenko to create the Trump-Russia HOAX. https://www.minds.com/Francewhoa/blog/on-november-5th-2021-durham-indicted-danchenko-hillary-clint-1304309196019208194

• Durham Plans Testimonies at TRIAL. About Hillary Clinton Lawyer, Sussmann's Lie. https://www.minds.com/Francewhoa/blog/durham-revealed-plans-to-deliver-testimony-at-trial-1348535759304396814

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