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US Election Fraud - The 'Where' and the 'How'?

RealNewsOct 27, 2020, 10:30:04 PM

The 2020 Election in the US is very close. High time to give a small overview of just how much election fraud is going on right now. People hear Trump talking about “Ballot Harvesting” and “Mail-In Fraud”, and here is a short list of examples of these and much, much more:


Multiple Absentee Ballots

People are sometimes being sent multiple absentee or mail-in ballots.

In this example there’s the County Elections Director David Voye claiming the system can’t handle the sheer amount of mail-in ballots and a computer glitch is sending a number of people multiple ones, even after they sent theirs in and got confirmation the ballots were received.

He also claims the system would reject multiple ballots received by the same person but if it's buggy then who can tell? As far as I know the very definition of a glitch is something happening against what is intended. Cases such as this warrant an investigation. The ballots should be counted by hand, and the log files if any exist on how many letters were sent where with what content should be collected, filtered for the ballots, the voters called and any excess ballots confirmed discarded.

There are many reports of similar events (voters getting more than one mail-in ballot per person) from many states, just search. In California it appears to be "common" according to this article, and a single voter may receive up to 3 ballots.


Mail-In Ballots Vanishing:

But there’s also the opposite: Mail-in ballots gone missing. Millions. From 2012 to 2018 there were 28 million mail-in ballots seemingly vanishing into thin air. Did they not arrive? Did they get filled out at all? Did they get thrown away? We do have quite a few reports of ballots being thrown into dumpsters (example and video, the link to the actual video from Twitter. And it’s not a single instance, there’s more with video evidence. Go see and search for yourself).

At the very least a part of those 28 million lost ballots (which according to the first article was 20% of the total mail-in ballots cast in that time span, let that sink in) must have disappeared this way. People voting for the candidate of their choice and not having their voice counted – this should be shocking in a democratic system.

People are talking about as many as one third of voters might be voting by mail and we factor that in with the total expected amount of ballots cast based on the 2016 election (which were, taking this from Wikipedia 136,669,276 votes) we can expect as many as ~9,111,285 (1/15th) ballots getting lost. I repeat: It is to be expected that as many as or more than 9 million mail-in ballots get lost.

Especially Democrats, which are said to be much more likely to vote by mail should be up in arms over this outrage. This isn't the postal service not having enough money and delaying the delivery, this is mail actively going missing. And on a personal estimation: I’m willing to bet that the percentage of Republican ballots lost is by far greater than the percentage of Democrat ballots lost. Though do note that I have no evidence of that.

There have been, according to NBC2, 493 arrests, 1220 administrative actions and $ 31.1 million in fines in the fiscal year of 2015-2016 for violating the very duty of a postal officer: Delivering all the mail with neutrality towards its contents because there’s not one of these cases but many more, for another example see here (both found via Breitbart).


Ballot Harvesting

Another tactic is specifically collecting ballots from low-information or kept voters who are extremely unlikely to go vote on their own. This includes old people in nursing homes or immigrants (especially illegal ones).

Have those elderly people who only care about spending their last remaining years in peace and quite in a nursing home request their ballots, even though they never intended to vote, then “help” them fill out the forms and vet the vote by seeding some information solely designed to support one candidate and disparaging the other – the result is exactly as imagined.

“Granny Farming” or “Granny Harvesting” is what people call it (check this short video). And the Democrats in Nevada, in an overnight vote with no debate along party lines are already making moves to greatly simplify this by sending literally everyone registered to vote in the state their absentee ballots and at the same time allow ballot harvesting outside of the family, so quite literally anyone can pick up every vote. It’s going on right now.

Next is… “Immigrant Harvesting”? I don’t know if there’s a term coined for that yet. Just watch this and you get the basic idea: “help” (it sounds better than "forcing” or “threatening” least they be thrown to the ICE wolves by the very people offering them sanctuary) these people especially in sanctuary cities which are entirely or almost entirely controlled by Democrats so they vote for them. In 2016 it is said that 5.7 million illegal immigrants voted and keep in mind that this was around 4.17% of the total vote, and almost twice Clinton’s supposed 2.87 million popular vote advantage assuming they all voted for her (if as many as 1% of them voted for Trump it would surprise me greatly).

So in truth (assuming the numbers are correct), just not counting these illegal ballots cast Trump won the popular vote. While I myself see the electoral college as somewhat of a “discount” on the voters of bigger cities the advantage of effectively preventing voter fraud hotspots is certainly worth a debate. Though, in theory we are not to have any election fraud, it’s just that like any Human system this is another unattainable ideal so workarounds need to be found.

Also note that this does not seem to be an entirely Democrat strategy either. According to this article multiple Republicans were also caught in illegal ballot harvesting as well as setting up illegal ballot collection boxes in California. And it seems they were caught targeting African Americans who are likely to vote for Democrats with the same “Immigrant Voting” tactic, but mostly forging ballots.


Ballot Chasing

Another strategy to gain ballots, and one that evidently can sway thousands of votes for a "small" operation of a hand full of people is an even more extreme variant of the above. It consists out of a number of illegal actions taken to influence people's vote: Coercing them, bribing them, "assisting" them, pointing out that they made "mistakes" voting for certain candidates, while being literally on the payroll of those candidates. All done by a literal traitor in the Republican party, ex-felons, hiring black women to specifically go after the black community, in full knowledge that what they are doing is highly illegal. Project Veritas has exposed one of these operations in a 2-part Series (part 1 / part 2).

And it is as bad as it sounds. Behind the scenes both Democrats and Republicans pay for votes, in both cash and favors, all highly illegal, the laws going for multi-year prison sentences in some cases. And at worst, given how some races in swing states may turn out very close, this could flip an entire state. I can only encourage people to look at these videos.


“Busing” People Around

Another strategy not far off the isle of Ballot Chasing is taking a list of names still registered to vote and casting ballots in their name. It’s already begun, and it will continue throughout the election. All you need to do is get the names of past voters who are dead, people registered that are unlikely to vote (i.e. not having voted in the previous few elections), and alike. Then a number of paid operatives get a list of names, are taken by bus to different polls and vote in certain people’s names. Extremely illegal. Let the Commissioner of the Board of Elections of New York from 2015, Alan Shulkin, explain it to you:

This is only and entirely exclusively possible because there is a huge Democrat resistance against voter ID. The only argument they seem to produce is that it will, for some magic reason, prevent black and brown people from going to vote. As if they didn’t have IDs despite being legal citizens, which is the base idea of voter ID: Only let legal citizens vote. If we’re not doing that we might as well ask all of China who the next president of the US should be.

This is a step up from vetting and delivering other people’s votes, and absolute organized election fraud by filling out in someone else’s name. Every country NEEDS voter ID. There’s no way around it. But this brings us to the next problem:


Fake IDs

The influx of fake driver IDs, from mostly China has become a problem. And these 20,000 fake licenses are likely to be the tip of the iceberg as they were found in well over 1,000 different shipments, at Chicago O’Hare Airport in 2020 alone. On the other side of the US California’s “Motor Voter” service states that one must be a citizen of the US, at least 18 years of age, not currently in state or federal prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony or found mentally incompetent to vote by a court – but with these fake licenses being able to pass electronic verification it becomes highly muddy.


Social Media Censorship

It’s no understatement to call the entirety of GoogleFacebookTwitterEtc die-hard Democrats. Multiple whistle blowers have time and again exposed how they censor, shadow-ban, outright ban, delist and stifle Trump while force-feeding Biden (and back in 2016 Clinton). One of them Prof. Robert Epstein, who claimed that Big Tech can shift millions of votes. In March of this year he went as far as saying that whoever the Democrats would nominate, due to the Social Media intervention Trump couldn’t win.

The precise methods by which this manipulation is done are even greater. I wrote about that back in 2018 in a series about what Social Media, in this case Twitter, did with your data - and that of everyone else. They are now also employing AI technology to enforce this, calling it “Machine Learning Fairness” with the explicit goal of preventing Trump’s otherwise 100% assured four more years, which is about as far away from fair as possible.

Project Veritas has been spearheading the exposure of more and more whistle blowers coming forth and exposing all of the censorship, all of the manipulation and all the bias, especially from Google. Some links:




In recent times they have come out of the shadows and begun outright banning everyone who is just slightly controversial. Back then it was Alex Jones, now it’s everyone tweeting about Q and longing for action against elite pedophiles as if that was a bad thing. And on election night it might be Trump himself if he announces victory before “all” the mail-in ballots are counted. The “all” referring to however many ballots Biden needs to win. And in the end it will be you if you don’t conform with the most recent social programming. Before anyone wonders: On a much smaller scale all mainstream media is the same. Their power is but a fraction but still relevant in older age ranges.


Electronic Voting Machines

While the actual voting machines aren’t (supposed to be) connected to the internet, naturally, the computers counting the votes at the end of the day are. Online, vulnerable and inviting trouble. This isn’t new, it’s very old news indeed. Even 2016 Trump warned of this. And now the software to program a model of Voting Machine has gotten stolen, which would unquestionably open doors for any hacker.

The attacks needn’t come from the US either, all foreign countries, from China to Russia, the EU and any private citizen in their basement with enough knowledge and interest could launch a cyber-attack on the 2020 election, manipulating key states to fit their needs.


Finally I would suggest how elections could be made more safe:

  • End electronic voting and counting entirely.
  • Nation-wide ID checks before a person is allowed to vote.
  • The final counting of ballots MUST be public and recorded on camera.

But as it's now too late for that we should all keep an eye out. With this much fraud is going on either side is fully justified to call into an investigation into certain too-close-to-call swing states.