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A homeostasis meter for Earth like the one in Bio-Dome is getting crowdfunded. Are you in?

Bill OttmanFeb 16, 2016, 2:17:35 AM

It's time. It's here

Get planet to 100% sustainability now! Seriously.

This digital meter will show what percentage of the planet is running on sustainable energy. 

Sustainable energy includes, "renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, geothermal energy, bioenergy, tidal power and also technologies designed to improve energy efficiency."  Wikipedia 

The reason for doing this is that it isn't being done and is probably the most basic way we as a species could monitor our progress. 

The meter will pull from a full spectrum of databases, both government and corporate. We will have a huge physical version like the one in Bio-Dome, obviously with a voice. There will also be a website and app monitor results and contribute data.

According to Vice, 22% now comes from renewable sources. 

Check the legendary scene from Bio-Dome for inspiration:



