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Interesting Facts That You Should Know Of When It Comes To Self-Storage.

beststoragesolutions28Jan 30, 2019, 11:49:08 PM

You should know by now that the self-storage facility business is ironically an industry that is thriving in an economy that is still on its way to recovering from the recent recession that shock the world. According to the industry advocacy group called the Self-Storage Association, they reported that self-storage is one of the fastest growing real estate enterprises all over the world. Learn more about Storage Facility from this link. As a matter of fact, in a single country, there are over two point three billion square feet of land that is devoted alone for personal storage, a space that is more than enough for all the citizens of the said country to actually stand at the same time under the roof of the overall self-storage space. If you want to know more about what self-storage facilities really are, we suggest that you continue reading this article as we reveal to you some interesting facts about this particular industry.

Self-storage is not a new trend as it has been in existence as early as the ancient times. In fact, the first publicly documented self-storage compartment can be dated back to ancient China where underground pits as were used for the purpose of storing and preserving food. During the Middle Age, the British were said to offer crating services for dignitaries and noblemen who were away from home for longer periods of time. The crates were kept in stables that are guarded and were sold by bankers. However, the prototype of the modern self-storage units only began to exist in the mid-twentieth century with rows of metal garage units that are pre-fabricated rented out to individuals who are in need of extra storage space. Ever since that time, self-storage has already evolved in which there are reportedly over fifty thousand facilities owned and at the same time operated by more than twenty-five thousand entrepreneurs.

There are so many reasons why people are reaching out to self-storage facilities for extra storage space but the main reason would be the lack of storage at home. Visit this site to get more details about Storage Facility. Almost all of those who are availing self-storage units are homeowners. In fact, it has been said that one out of ten households rents a self-storage unit. You may think that such an act is strange but if you are to take into account the astronomical growth in retail sales and consumption as well, then the industry boom is relatively easier to accept and appreciate. Learn more from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/steve-rhode/how-to-cut-your-self-stor_b_7841538.html.