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belushiiwuzereJun 24, 2018, 2:45:32 PM

Today I would like to start a conversation about a wonderful project Quasa. Many are interested in the question of how to acquire Tokens Quasa.

A few words about the Quasa project

The Quasa project team paid attention to the Russian market of cargo transportation, since it is precisely in it that there is such a problem as tracking the movement of cash flows of transport companies.

The QUASA project proposes to move on to a new and safe technology of the detachment, which will ensure full transparency of the entire logistics system.

QUASA – The decentralized Fisrt freight transport platform, which changes all traditional platforms and offers solutions to many problems, such as:

• Bureaucracy

• high commission and insurance costs

• information barriers and legal costs.

The main goal of the project is to help cargo owners, carriers, cargo receivers and other suitable platforms to receive and move goods at the most favorable terms.

Information about QuasaCoin tokens

The Quasa project will apply its own, which is the main condition for the launch and effective functioning of the platform. A token is required to pay for services and perform other operations within the platform. The use of its own crypto currency will allow participants to receive a discount of 5-10% on transportation and consulting services.

A total of 197,025,000 QUA tokens will be available for sale. It is planned to raise $ 18.5 million in the equivalent of the Ethereum crypto currency.

The attracted funds will be distributed as follows:

• 65% – development of the platform;

• 17% – operating costs associated with the ICO, as well as bonuses to developers.

• 10% – return of funds to investors who have invested in the project at earlier stages.

• 8% – payment of marketing expenses.

Purchase of Quasa tokens

Purchases of Quasa tokens are made only on MyEtherWallet.

Acquisition of tokens is carried out in 3 stages:

To purchase tokens, you need a purse in Eth (ether) (unfortunately, the bitcoin wallet will not work for you, it needs the ether), if you do not have a purse in Eth (ether), then I’ll tell you how to create it , it’s very simple.

1 step. : You need to log in to MyEtherWallet, create a secure password and get your wallet.

Step 2: Download the UTC / json file with an encrypted version of the private key that is compatible with gets, fog and myetherwallet, and requires a password for decryption (storage). You will need this file so that you can restore your account, so I recommend keeping it a secret.

Step 3: Save your secret key in a safe place. Use the combination for PC: Ctrl + for Mac: cmd + keys, and you can copy the protected key to use it in the next step.

Step 4: There are several options for accessing your wallet. The easiest way is to insert the safe key from the previous step and you will immediately receive your wallet, from which you can send money and receive QUASA coins.

Now you have an Eth-purse and we can move on to the next stage.

1 action: On the myetherwallet page, click on “Send Ether and Tokens”. Here you can select the option “private key”, insert the key, press “unlock”, and you can see the fields to send.

2 action: In the calculator presented on the site you can calculate how many QUASA tokens you can purchase for your broadcast. Just remember the last amount in your wallet you have to write manually.

3 action: You need to copy the number from the QUASA wallet from this page and paste it into the address field. Set the amount of money that you want to invest. Setting a gas limit of 100,000 – do not worry about the size, because they will return it if not used. Click to create and then send.

Address: 0x48299b98d25c700e8f8c4393b4ee49d525162513

At the end you need to get the operation done and you’re done! Congratulations on your successful investment!


OFFICIAL SITE: http://www.quasa.io/

WP: http://www.quasa.io/whitePaper

BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2309390.0

TELEGRAM: https: // t .me / quasafreight

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/quasagroup

WITH FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/quasagroup


Author: belushiiwuzeree
