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SingularityNet - Artificial intelligence in the hands of the community

B-SAug 19, 2018, 3:14:53 PM

This blog is about SingularityNet (AGI). It will give you a short view of the project and explain the idea. Starting with a video.

SingularityNet - Artificial intelligence in the hands of the community.

SingularityNet wants to make artificial intelligence available to the public through an open source protocol so that anyone can access it. Here is a more detailed excerpt from the white paper:

"The value and power of Artificial Intelligence are growing dramatically every year, and will soon dominate the internet - and the economy as a whole. However, AI tools today are fragmented by a closed development environment; most are developed by one company to perform one task, and there is no way to plug two tools together. SingularityNET aims to become the key protocol for networking AI and machine learning tools to form a coordinated Artificial General Intelligence. SingularityNET is an open-source protocol and collection of smart contracts for a decentralized market of coordinated AI services. Within this framework, the benefits of AI become a global commons infrastructure for the benefit of all; anyone can access AI tech or become a stakeholder in its development. Anyone can add an AI/machine learning service to SingularityNET for use by the network, and receive network payment tokens in exchange. SingularityNET is backed by the SingularityNET Foundation, which operates on a belief that the benefits of AI should not be dominated by any small set of powerful institutions but shared by all. A key goal of SingularityNET is to ensure the technology is benevolent according to human standards, and the network is designed to incentivize and reward beneficial players."

Since I personally am equally convinced that artificial intelligence will play one of the most important roles in the not too distant future, I consider SingularityNet's vision very promising for the future.

For example, if one considers theories such as singularity theory and continues to spin the exponential acceleration of progress, I think it is possible that we will very soon be surrounded by this 'dream of the future'.

The innovation that could be achieved by AI could have a gigantic impact. Without going into too crazy territory I would like to give you a down-to-earth article in which SingularityNet shows you the possibilities of how artificial intelligence could change the lives of millions of people:


One of the first projects of SingularityNet is Sophia, a robot equipped with algorithms, a spirit that lives in a network. A pioneering project that once again reveals the great variety of applications for Blockchain technology.

Currently, according to CMC, one AGI costs ~0.06 USD, so if we take the last ATH as a reference point at 1.85 USD, the token is over 95% down. When I wrote this article at Steemit a few months ago, one AGI cost around ~0.8 USD.

It seems a good time for me to consider to what extent I will keep AGI in my portfolio in the future. Let's see what I can finally come up with.

If you have become even more curious, you should have another look at SingularityNet's homepage:


I'll also link you to the whitepaper:


And since all good things come in threes, a final article on what the future of community AI might look like:



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