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Next Generation Social Networks: Trybe.one – A first assessment

B-SOct 12, 2018, 2:22:13 PM

As announced in my last blog, I continued my journey through the new social networks and finally signed up for Trybe.one.

Before that, I have to make it clear in this short report that the Steem-Blockchain / Steemit.com is what I'm taking measures to. The reason is simply that Steem is my preferred network. This has been going on for quite some time.

Trybe - The very first impression

On the surface I find the website quite appealing. I like the color composition and it looks quite modern. Compared to Steemit this network looks "better known". The environment is more reminiscent of established social platforms. This is not necessarily meant to be judgmental - neither positive nor negative. Before I come to the second part: Somehow I don't like the Trybe logo at all. I can't even make this impression concrete - I would probably associate it with a lack of creativity.

Intuitive operation

In my opinion, the operation, including the post-editor, is very clever. Also not so affine users should get along with it. In any case, I got my first blog post very simply put on the legs and am very satisfied with the optics. Of course you need a moment to get to know the platform in depth - but this is simply part of it.

Reactions to the first blog

The response was immediate and satisfactory. I don't know if this has anything to do with the first contribution or with a high level of commitment in general.

To be honest, I haven't read much other than the whitepaper yet. However, I can only recommend this to anyone here who wants to get a bigger picture of the platform's function. I find this aspect always particularly exciting, straight because the different, but similar working platforms, often completely different systems to the basis have.

The second blog - Crypto specific content

Yes, my second blog could only be assigned to the category not categorized. As a result, there were no calls at all. Therefore I conclude that Trybe is very crypto specific at first. This assumption is also confirmed by the official whitepaper. Nevertheless, I think that this should be extended, since my post, for example, is aimed directly at the crypto topic. Here is the mentioned blog:


Equally exciting are the sub-domains mentioned in the whitepaper, which will be implemented in the future. This enables the integration of the blog into your directly individual domain. Although this aspect has not yet been realized, I think it represents a good approach.

But... Trybe is slow

And how! With 3 seconds With 3 seconds Blogtime on the Steem-Chain this platform can't keep up. In terms of speed the own chain is probably a USP of the extra class. In addition, I feel that the lack of speed is a negative point in terms of user experience.

50 Trybe Fee - Also an interesting approach

It seems that the fairy is preventing some spammers from engaging in activities. Perhaps this is a way to improve the natural selection of content. However, this will become apparent in the long run. Considering the fact that my first blog received almost 2000 Trybes, the fees are also relatively low.

A short interim conclusion about Trybe

Trybe is fine at first sight and maybe worth using it. Today I can't say yet how I will use this network in the future. Now I would have to estimate that the Steem chain will remain my preferred network for the time being. But since I always read crosswise, I will certainly end up here again and again sooner or later.

Until then, I wish everyone on this platform a lot of fun using it and developing it together.

If you also want to use Trybe and want to have Trybes for your contributions, click here and register.

What's the next step?

That's a good question. To be honest, I think my journey through the new social networks will be finished for now. Maybe I'll take another look at the UNetwork. Otherwise I think that enough impressions have been gathered.

Of course I am still happy - as always - if you point me to new projects or send me other interesting information.

Here you can find other of my contributions on Trybe.One:

Decentralization – Why distributed structures should be YOUR FUTURE

Next Generation Social Networks: A rather sobering interim conclusion

#minds #trybe #cryptocurrency #crypto #eos #socialnetwork #social #blockchain #reward #business #decentralisation #new #future