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Black Box Bite - 5: COVID-19 Test Protoculls

BADASS_THE_REAPERMar 28, 2024, 3:07:08 AM

Hello Thinkers, Dragon Slayers, and courageous Truth seekers to this Black Box Bite regarding the fraudulent COVID-19 testing protoculls.

I pronounce it protoculls rather than protocols because our wealth, freedom, health, and lives are actively being culled because we have been trapped in a land of Delusion by the Fake COVID-19 News Narrative.  The COVID-19 Response was a political reaction to an overhyped threat. Therefore, it was the wrong solution that can do nothing but generate negative consequences.  “Unexpected” Consequences to those who don’t understand the Narrative Trap.  Make no mistake, those consequences are absolutely expected by the foreign designers of “The COVID-19 Response” because they generate a “crisis cascade” that helps fuel a perpetual cycle that transfers political power from we, the Ruled toothless dragons, to Tyranny.  We need to break free, and B.A.D.A.S.S. is here to help!

Typically, these B.A.D.A.S.S. Black Box Bites are presented to help build the methodology’s credibility by showing how current news maps to early rock-solid B.A.D.A.S.S. Fake News conclusions.  This post  will as well but today I’ll go one step further to highlight the extraordinary value that the Bias and Deceit analysis offers to the people of this world.

You can view the associated Bitchute or Rumble videos if you prefer.

PCR and RAT Testing Exposed as Scientific Frauds

A recent book by Drs. Mark and Samantha Bailey, “The Final Pandemic – An Antidote To Medical Tyranny”, dives into the science behind “germ theory” and the use of the PCR and RAT (Rapid Antigen Test) protocols used to identify COVID-19 infections.

The Bailey’s book was reviewed by Pete Fairhurst at Tap News and the title of his post, “The Testing Pandemic – How they created the scamdemic with their bogus tests”shows what he thinks of the COVID-19 years.  Pete digs into the scientific weeds to help explain how the PCR and RAT tests work. He also makes reference to a post by Mark Tokarski at “Piece of Mindful” titled “The Testing Pandemic” who takes a major swipe at modern virology in the process.  Mark also notes that the RAT test was provided as a home kit which led to a large leap in the number of “positive” test cases.

He also notes that with PCR and RATs, “no virus is required to create the appearance of transmission.”

(Hat tip to “Before Its News” for posting the piece by Pete Fairhurst (The Tap Blog) linked to above) 

Their conclusions are that neither test works to identify COVID-19 infections and that the main purpose of the tests was to generate “positive” results used by the media to keep a terrorized population in fear of a lethal viral and to provide political puppets with justification for their COVID-19 Response measures.

These conclusions are alarmingly close to suggesting that the “COVID-19 Response” itself should never have occurred, a position B.A.D.A.S.S. has held from early 2020.

How B.A.D.A.S.S. Logically Dismantled the PCR Test

In “Fire Them All – Part 2”, B.A.D.A.S.S. thoroughly destroys the PCR Test Protocull three different ways. 

First up was a perceptual (linguistic) analysis of a singe question and answer regarding the “gold standard” PCR test found on the Alberta Government’s website.  I urge you to check out the mind-blowing explanation in “Fire Them All – Part 2” at the link provided above.

“Q: How many cycles are used in the amplification process, and what is the cut-off threshold for determining a positive result?

A: The number of amplification cycles required to determine whether a COVID-19 sample is positive generally ranges from 15 to 35 cycles, but the threshold is dependent on many factors specific to each test platform, the equipment being used, as well as the quality of the samples being tested.“

Whomever put together this Q and A is blessed with incredible word skills.  Too bad they are cursed with an evil heart.  However, the “Fire Them All – Part 2 “post identifies 5 major deceptions in this one seemingly straightforward Q & A.  Do you see them?  How many can you identify?  Check the Part 2 link above if you're curious to see what they are.

The second logical method B.A.D.A.S.S. used was to highlight the fact that the PCR test is unreliable because its answer can vary depending on the cycle rate the test is run at.  In effect, each cycle rate is in fact a separate test and the number of positives can be increased merely by increasing the number of cycle rates the test is run at. 

This fact makes the PCR protocull a programmable tool rather than a diagnostic test.  Also note the common-sense reality that an increase in the number of tests performed will also result in an increase in the number of “positive” results so massive SURGES can be manufactured by increasing the number of tests and number of cycle rates. 

As Tokarski observed, this phenomenon is further expanded because the RAT’s were distributed as home test kits, which led to another explosion in the number of tests run by frightened victims and, of course, another surge in “positive” results. 

Perhaps I should update the relevant B.A.D.A.S.S. posts with the RAT observations.

The third component of the PCR takedown in “Fire Them All – Part 2” dealt with the incredible fraud of risk conflation because Authorities deigned to treat each and every infection as equals even though 15-year-olds are several thousand times less likely to succumb to a flu like illness than 85-year-olds.  In these situations, the Deceit injected into COVID-19 “statistics” can approach 1 million percent. 

What a cruel hoax we are living in.

The B.A.D.A.S.S. Black Box 

The credibility building Black Box Bites posts (videos) show how new revelations, reports, and studies fit precisely within the 17 Rock-Solid generic Fake News conclusions listed in the post “The B.A.D.A.S.S. Black Box and Foundational Understanding.”

In this case the conclusion that the testing protocols are not fit for identifying COVID-19 infections matches well  to Rock-Solid point number 15; “The official data driving subsequent studies and reports will be purposely unreliable and will only further mislead societal perceptions.”

Calling COVID-19 a scamdemic suggests that the COVID-19 Response is a large part of the fraud, which relates to Rock Solid point number 11; “Fake News Narrative policies should never be implemented.” 

This Rock-Solid point is crucial because it means that none of the COVID-19 solutions – from mandates to lockdowns to jabs and every idiotic rule in between - should never have occurred. 

Now, the 17 Rock-Solid points listed in “The B.A.D.A.S.S. Black Box and Foundational Understanding” are subject and topic independent because the analysis evaluates Deceit.  One need not be a highly trained, subject matter expert to develop a deep understanding of Fake News Narratives.  You just need to trust that B.A.D.A.S.S. has the program figured out.

The post “Pierce The Darkness - Chapter 7, Its Accountability Time” creates a similar list specifically for COVID-19. There are fourteen Rock-Solid conclusions listed in that chapter, one of which plainly states that “The COVID-19 Response is a deliberate political weapon, not a health benefit.”

Another, which directly matches what can be learned in the Bailey’s book or the referenced posts by Fairhurst and Tokarski is “There is no COVID-19 virus in the PCR test.” Perhaps I should add the RAT test to that conclusion.

One more incredible truth that the authors and B.A.D.A.S.S. share is this: “All the PCR driven COVID-19 statistics are unreliable.” We can add the RAT stats to that statement as well.  Chew on that for a moment because that truth is in effect EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD that the PCR and RAT tests were used.

This fact renders all COVID-19 reports and political arguments completely meaningless.  When someone says they caught COVID, the reality is they got sick but have no idea what made them ill.  They are speaking ignorance.

Contrasting Value

Although many of the conclusions reached by Drs Bailey, Fairhurst, and Tokarski are quite B.A.D.A.S.S., it seems that they don’t quite make it all the way to the Root Cause of the COVID-19 fraud, which is the Deceits initially used to setup the terror inducing Fake COVID-19 Narrative.  These Deceits are what triggered the world-wide Narrative Trap that captured much of the world, including the politicians, and were ultimately used to illegitimately justify the invocation of the deadly and oppressive COVID-19 Response. 

These Fake Narrative “create” Deceits are examined and quantified in the post “Fire Them All - Part 1.” 

This is a substantial difference because it represents the break between Cause and Consequence.  The cause of our oppression is the COVID-19 Response of which the Root Cause are the Deceits.  The PCR and RAT testing frauds are consequences of that COVID-19 Response, as are masks, lockdowns, quarantines, isolation requirements, sitting in circles, standing on dots, following aisle arrows, size gathering restrictions, limiting Health Care Resources, closing of massive Parks, business closures, public and private financial burdens, and the rest of the farcical regulations.

Timing is another great difference.  B.A.D.A.S.S. can make its Rock-Solid decision as soon as it identifies and quantifies the create Deceits, which is typically before or very early in the political process.  Otherwise, the investigation and work turns forensic in nature and must wait for the data to pile up into usable statistics.  This process can take years, allowing the Fake Narrative delusion to fester and COVID-19 proponents to counter with claims of their own.  Yes, their claims will be invalid but people who believe in the Fake Narrative will happily swallow them up as it prevents them from dealing with the mind-wracking pain of cognitive dissonance.

B.A.D.A.S.S. is a logic driven process that focuses on Deceit.  It is a mind “program” that processes information in a preset pattern (like software code).  However, once the political policy is in place, it takes time to accumulate enough data to appropriately analyze and come to provable, meaningful conclusions and those conclusions will match up with early B.A.D.A.S.S. understanding.

B.A.D.A.S.S. is highly independent of ideological beliefs and narrow subject or topic specialties.  This means anyone can understand and trust in it.  It doesn’t require extensive, specialized education and formidable career experience to reach its conclusions.  This point isn’t meant to slight real experts, it is simply an observable and provable truth.

For instance, the Bailey’s book subtitle is “An Antidote to Medical Tyranny”, an idea I fully support.  B.A.D.A.S.S., by contrast, is an Antidote to Tyranny of all types! 

A substantial list of contrasts, wouldn’t you say? Imagine the savings in dollars, health, and social costs if society understood and trusted B.A.D.A.S.S. 

Look around for COVID-19 cost estimates around the world – we are talking tens if not hundreds of TRILLIONS, and only for COVID-19! Climate Chains policy adds trillions more and steals even more political power, wealth, and freedom from us.  Do you really think these are the only two Fake Narratives working to rob us blind?

Is it not time to stand up for Liberty?  Not just for yourself but for friends, neighbors, and descendants too?  If so, then give B.A.D.A.S.S. its due because it knows how Tyranny advances itself (“There Be Dragons”) AND its existential vulnerability. ( “X Mocks The Spot”)   Embrace and share it’s fundamental knowledge and understanding.  Trust it, take it to heart and spread it far and wide so we all have the wisdom to rise up and take Tyranny down.

Till Next Time

Thank you so much for allowing B.A.D.A.S.S. into your mind!

If you appreciate the knowledge and understanding that it brings you can support me through PAYPAL using “8525mark” at “gmail.com”. Truth be told however, it is God that deserves all the credit.

If you have questions then please comment here or send me an email at “badassthereaper” at “proton.me”

God bless