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SPAM IS NOT "FREE SPEECH". Spam denies others the right to focused conversation, debate and earning. How to take out the garbage.

dragonAug 24, 2018, 8:04:09 PM

Spam is the junk mail on Minds. The most obvious form is commerce where conversation ought to be. It's those crypto currency ads (or for that matter bakery ads) in groups and/or comment threads. It's posting "Hi! I'm Harold! Please send me tokens" or a fullblown ad in six sites where people are trying to discuss things from politics to jazz....It's ALSO these "selfies" plastered in News, that porn in Science and Technology, those photos of whales in Street Art, those bots that are "Liking" 200 things in a row so that we all lose credit for genuine Likes....

Spam is posted 1) without regard to the topic in order to get tokens or 2) repeatedly, simply to keep anyone else from speaking -- to gum up the works or 3) as an attempt to plaster Minds with gross images in order to bring the whole site to a standstill and repulse newbies. Take out the garbage. We've done it before. It worked.

REPORT: On the pulldown menu of any post, you'll see "Report".

DELETE: If it's your post being spammed, just delete the spam by hitting the trashcan on the image. In a group, you have to be the administrator to trash it.

BLOCK: Right beside the Subscribe button on any channel is a gear wheel. Click on it and click Block.

Combating spam is in all our best interests. The Minds administrators and coders cannot pay us fairly without first weeding out the spammers who are attempting to steal the tokens. Minds coders cannot however keep on top of all the idiot spammers and expand the Minds functions that we want at the same time. We need to function as a community to reject/eject spammers trying to steal the proceeds.Take out the garbage. Report, delete, block.