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AbsloveDec 4, 2020, 4:29:43 AM



Artem Crypto Assets Lending Market (ACALM) is a DeFi lending program based on blockchain technology which offers the largest liquidity opportunities for cryptocurrencies and assets and provides a consistent reward for those attendees as a return. Current supported cryptocurrencies and assets are ETH, USDC, USDT, BAK, artwork, antiques, and streaming music copyrights.


There is a total issuance of 4,204,800 ARTT tokens. The 4,204,800 ARTT issued by Artem will be 100% publicly distributed to all users participating in the service.

Artem is based on the Ethereum blockchain and gives system supporters 0.5 ARTT for every block confirmed (about 15 seconds). 50% (0.25 ARTT) is allocated to the borrower and the lender.

ARTT will match the interest rate of each market at any time and allocate it to each lending market (such as ETH, USDC, USDT, BAK, etc.). Participants can obtain a certain percentage of ARTT by depositing or borrowing through an Ethereum account, and the amount is fairly distributed based on the proportion of the loan amount.

Based on respect for personal private property rights, ARTT will not lock up positions, and holders can transfer or trade through Ethereum on their own.

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a special type of cryptographic token which represents something unique; non-fungible tokens are thus not mutually interchangeable. This is in contrast to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, and many networks or utility tokens that are fungible in nature.


ArtNFT tokens are used to create verifiable digital scarcity, as well as digital ownership, and the possibility of asset interoperability across multiple platforms. ArtNFTs are used in several specific applications that require unique digital items like crypto art (rare art), crypto-collectables and crypto-gaming.

The first use case of gaming-related NFTs has been crypto-collectable trading card games. Projects like Age of Chains and Rare Pepes have been using the Counterparty protocol to issue Bitcoin-based blockchain trading cards as NFTs as early as 2020.

Art was the use case for blockchain. ArtNFTs prove the authenticity and ownership of digital art. The launch of Artem In 2020 paved the way for "rare" art on the Ethereum Blockchain.  Artem Finance built from the Artem ArtNFT token model and launched the first marketplace (https://opensea.io) for rare digital art.

A new use case for ArtNFTs is to create custom ERC-721 holding Fungible Tokens (FT) these can contain cryptocurrencies, digital files and other NFTs these can be traded then destroyed to claim their contents[9]

A total of 500 Art NFT's as being claimed in the first claiming round.

The second round of the ArtNFT's claiming will soon be announced by the team.

Be prepared and be ready!🔥🔥


Don’t forget to screenshot and share your exclusive NFT to the community to let everyone see who is the lucky one :)😉😉😉 (https://t.me/ArtemProtocol)

Link to your Metamask wallet. Claim your NFT with 1ARTT + gas fees.  

Stake your NFT for free ARTD here:👇


Also, remember to stake your NFT at the Sackler Gallery for ARTD daily rewards. 🤑🤑

*ARTD is a utility token used specifically for NFT card. It will soon be tradable in the Uniswap market.

The pre-sale and sale of ARTD and listing will soon be initiated.

Pre-sale link as below:


There will be a discounted price for a total of 200,000ARTD  

available for the early birds during the presale stage.  

The ARTD presale is priced 1ETH=2000ARTD.  


📌Official ARTD presale address:



After the pre-sale stage, there will be two sales rounds to be initiated:


1st round: priced 1ETH=1000ARTD; Supply: 400,000ARTD

2nd round, priced 1ETH=550ARTD; Supply: 600,000ARTD

The ARTD listing and ARTD/ETH trading pair will be available on Uniswap once the sale is completed!


.If you still have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected]

.Follow Artem to obtain more latest information and events

📌Artem: https://artem.finance/

📌Twitter: https://twitter.com/Artem_Protocol

📌Telegram: https://t.me/ArtemProtocol



Username: Abslove

BTT Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2822448

BTT Post Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5291124.msg55692824#msg55692824