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Understanding the #UnitedStatesofAmerica What does it Say? The Federal Reserve Act - The Federal Reserve's Background Part Two

YourTurtleTourGuideNov 12, 2019, 9:56:20 PM

Part One Summary

Following a naval defeat during the 9 years War, King William III of England chartered the "Bank of England", to help finance the rebuild of the English Navy. 

The "Bank of England" is England's "Central Bank", which creates England's money supply out of nothing, and issues it to the Government at interest

The name "Bank of England" is designed to make the general population think this Bank is part of the English Government, hiding its true identity as a Banking Cartel

The "Bank of England" began business in 1694 by loaning £1,200,000 to the English Government at 8% interest. 

Bank of England Building in London - https://spectator.imgix.net/content/uploads/2018/07/Notes-on-2.jpg?auto=compress,enhance,format&crop=faces,entropy,edges&fit=crop&w=820&h=550

This templet would be repeated in the United States of America.

The Bank of North America

The American Revolution was about the American Colonists fighting against the European Banking Cartel that wishes to control their money supply.

In 1781 the Colonies are in Financial Turmoil - The Continental (paper currency to pay for the War) has collapsed from over issue and counterfeiting by the British.

Image of the Continental Scrip from 1779https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Benjamin_Franklin_nature_printed_55_dollar_front_1779.jpg/800px-Benjamin_Franklin_nature_printed_55_dollar_front_1779.jpg

To finance the rest of the War, Congress turns to Robert Morris (a shipping merchant investigated for War Profiteering)

Statue of Robert Morrishttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/Statue_of_Robert_Morris_%28by_Paul_Wayland_Bartlett%29_Independence_National_Historical_Park.jpg

Robert Morris becomes the Superintendent of finance during the early 1780s

Morris desires to create a Central Bank, modeled on the Bank of England

The Bank of North America is chartered in 1781 as the first Central Bank for the United States of America.

The Bank of North America lends the Continental Congress $1,200,000 (plagiarizing the £1,200,000 the Bank of England lent to the English Government)

An alert and educated public, causes the issued currency from the Bank of North America to fail.

The Bank of North America is downgraded from a Central Bank to a Commercial Bank chartered by the State of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania Bank).

The building that was occupied by the "Bank of North America" is located on the 6th & Chestnut Streets in Philadelphia, PA. The Bank building now serves a Wells Fargo Commercial Bank. 

Here is a poor image of the "Bank of North America building" - https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/600x600/1PghXQqHXINfvEBqMj7NzOqUKBeDNEGFxoSc82-09gQ.jpg

This wrap's up Part Two.

Source #1 for the information provided here, "A Century of Enslavement" (1 hr 30 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5IyUFqUN88&t=1022s

Source #2 for the information provided here, "Fiat Empire" (58 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK76Dl18uAU

You can read the Federal Reserve Act by going to the Federal Reserve's own website www.federalreserveact.gov