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Understanding the #UnitedStatesofAmerica The Doctrine of Discovery - In 1492 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

YourTurtleTourGuideJan 2, 2020, 7:59:56 PM

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

The Christopher Columbus voyage, that “discovered” the American Continents (where people already lived), is the event that leads to the creation of the Papal Bull called the “Doctrine of Discovery

This blog entry is just a brief, exoteric, summary on the Columbus Exploration.

This black European named, Christopher Columbus, was not the first European to so-call “discover” the American Continents, however his journey begins Europe’s conquest of the American Continents.

Setting up the Voyage

The Columbus voyage sailing West across the Atlantic Ocean was brought to reality when he reached an agreement with the Spanish Crown.

(Taken from Wikipedia’s “Christopher Columbus” entry) In January of 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella had just conquered Granada, the Last Muslim strong hold on the Iberian Peninsula and they received Columbus in Cordoba in the Alcasar Castle. Isabella initially turned down Columbus' idea of sailing West, but Ferdinand intervened and for this, Ferdinand took credit for the islands that Columbus would discover.

In April of 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella promised that if Columbus was successful he would be given the rank of “Admiral of the Ocean Sea” and appointed “Viceroy and Governor” of all the new lands he could “claim” for Spain.

The Voyage (according to Wikipedia)

On August 3, 1492 - The Columbus voyage West across the Atlantic Ocean began from Palos de la Frontera with three ships affectionately known as the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.

The Voyage first sailed to the Canary Islands where repairs were made and on September 6, 1492 they set sail on their journey westward across the Atlantic Ocean. After about 5 Weeks, the crew spotted land on October 12, 1492.

The Island they discovered (in the Bahamas) was called “San Salvador” (Holy Savior) by the Europeans and “Guanahani” by the Natives.

The Native People discovered there were the Lucayan, Taino, and Arawak.

This is a brief summary of how Europe’s conquest of North & South America got started. This would lead to the drafting of the Papal Bull, called the “Doctrine of Discovery”.