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Understanding the #UnitedStatesofAmerica The Doctrine of Discovery (an introduction to Papal Bulls)

YourTurtleTourGuideJan 1, 2020, 8:12:19 PM

Who am I?

Hello, my name is Turtle and I have an interest in pursuing knowledge and sharing what I've learned.

What is this about?

A blog series on the "Papal Bull", called the "Doctrine of Discovery".


In the summer of 2018 I began a series on the minds social media account, called "Understanding the United States" - the idea was to read each of the 50 state constitutions (and other "legal" documents) piece by piece and then read the National documents. The idea was to show the reader that the United States of America was suppose to be 50 individual Nations with a "United" population. However, I aborted this series in the Summer of 2019, because this project was taking much longer than anticipated.

I want to revise this series, in blog form. This time however, I'd like to start with the National documents, and then migrate into the individual states. Understanding the National documents, might give a better understanding of the construct in the individual states' document(s).

A Starting Point

The document I want to start with is the "Doctrine of Discovery", a "Papal Bull" written in 1493, 7-months after Christmas Columbus "discovered" the American Continents (a land where people already lived).

So, what is a "Papal Bull?"

A "Papal Bull" (Google Definition) - an edict issued by a pope

"Papal Bull" (Wikipedia) - a public decree, letters, patents, or charters issued by a Pope of the Catholic Church

"Papal Bull" (New World Encyclopedia) - a special kind of patent or charter issued by a pope. It is named after the seal (bulla) that is appended to the end to authenticate it.

This Chick did a wonderful job at putting together a historical time line on Papal Bulls, below I've cleaned it up a little. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94P59mLmgVU

A Rough History on Papal Bulls

Here is a rough historical time line on "Papal Bulls".

800 B.C. - Original Papal Bull

721 B.C. - (Biblical Prophecy) Assyrians Conquer Northern Kingdom of Israel; Israelites & their one God, Yahweh

609 B.C. - Battle of Megiddo

605 B.C. - Babylon takes Jerusalem

586 B.C. - Babylon destroys Judah

539 B.C. - Exile from Egypt, Fall of Babylon & Persia ; Construction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem

521 to 516 B.C. - Deuteronomy Covenant between Israel & Yahweh (elect elites) --> Law to be Superior over all others.

66 B.C. - Fall of the Second Temple

YEAR ZERO - the New Covenant

33 - Preaches New Covenant and over throws the Money Changers, Crucifixion

132 - Jews Revolt (Bar Kokhba Revolt)

135 - Jerusalem turned into a Pagan City - Judah turned into Samaria, being renamed Syria & Palestine

1079 - Romans claim Rome as the top of the Pyramid under Pope Gregory VII, Vatican Rules via the Papal Bull

BULL (Ba'al) = dedicated to the Dark Lord, Satan (Worship in Secret); Claim Supremacy, "King of the World"

Written on "Vellum" means hide or human skin, written on lambs skin or sacrificed children?

Spells written in Grimoires

1100 - Latin Language Corruption to English

1119 - Knights Templar founded

July 7, 1136 - Pope Innocent II, Papal Bull - Excommunication of Saxon (Pope of Germany) (known as Bull of Gniezno)

1155 - Pope Adrian IV

April 13, 1180 - Gelnhausen Charter

1187 - Pope Gregory VIII - Call for the Third Crusade

1198 - Pope Innocent III - Call for the Fourth Crusade

1200 - Legal System Develops, Admiralty Law (Pirates) (Maritime Law)

1213 - Pope Innocent III - Call for the Fifth Crusade

June 15, 1215 - Magna Carta

1216 - Pope Honorius III

1233 - Pope Gregory IX creates fear of "witchcraft" in Germany (witchcraft = making real laws, truth tellers, etc.)

1235 - Authorizes Paganfriars to preach to Pagan Nations

1245 - Pope Innocent IV - Rome claims supremacy over Eastern Orthodox Churches

1252 - Pope Innocent IV - Authorizes use of Torture

1296 - Pope Boniface VIII - names James II the standard Bearer of all Christian Troops & Excommissions all Clergy who refuse allegiance to the High Sea

1300 - Pope Boniface VIII - Creates Jubilee years - a special indulgence for 100 years

1302 - Pope Boniface VIII - Unam Sanctum, creating first express Trust for entire Planet

1307 - Pope Clement V - Arrest of Knights Templar and confescation of all possessions

1455 - Pope Nicholas V - Homorius Pontifex - First Testimony Deed and Will over the Land

1481 - Pope Sixtus IV - Eternal Crown (Stop the Pirates) - Second Testimony Deed and Will over the Land, people are permanent slaves

October 12, 1492 - Columbus voyage reaches Americas

May 4, 1493 - Pope Alexander VI - Demarcation Bull (Inter Caetera). Spanish Conquest of North & South America (this is the "Doctrine of Discovery")

1537 - Pope Paul III - Convocation - Third Testimony Deed and Will over the Land, crown over the souls

September 27, 1540 - Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order) Established

1550 - Pope Julius III - Additional Powers to the Jesuits

1604 - England Loses Crown

May 1, 1776 - Bavarian Illuminati Established

July 4, 1776 - Colonies Declaration of an in Dependent State

September 17, 1787 - Constitution for the United States of America, adopted

September 24, 1789 - Judiciary Act, Article III of the Constitution, establishing a Supreme Court (Courts of Business)

1853 - Gadsden Purchase ($10 million to Mexico for what would become New Mexico & Arizona)

March 9, 1933 - USA/Canada Bankrupt, Emergency Banking Act - Citizens surities against the debt

Exchequer (Checkerboard Floor in Masonic Temples) - keep getting Money from Bank of England

August 14, 1941 - Atlantic Charter, British/US/Canada Commonwealths in League (Confederation), New World Order on Paper

1973 - Off Gold Standard

The Triple Crown

#1 First Cestui Que Vie Trust - Created when a Child is Born, deprived of all beneficial entitlements and rights on land at birth

#2 Second Cestui Que Vie Trust - Child is Born, sale of the Birth Certificate as a treasure Bond to Central Banks, depriving you of ownership of your flesh and persona becomes Rome's Personal Slave

#3 Third Cestui Que Vie Trust - When you’re Baptized, the Gift of your Soul goes to the Register (Church) without legal title of your own soul. 

Expanding on the ideas in this "Triple Crown" see.

The Truth About the United States Law and You (1 hr 40 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP9ZKVwiJ-E

The Justinian Deception (this is one video of many, titled "The Perfect Crime") (35 min) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isx44nK-80Y

This concludes the Introduction. Happy New Year 2020 everyone.