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Understanding the #UnitedStatesofAmerica The Declaration of Independence, introduction (part V - What is Natural Law?)

YourTurtleTourGuideJul 29, 2020, 9:05:35 AM

Quick Summary

This is the final "introduction" section before I begin the main ingredients of actually reading the "Declaration of Independence" document. 

The first section of the introduction was basically to lay out the blue print for this blog series, from where it has been and where it is going. 

In the second section of the introduction, I took a look at different political systems. Most importantly what is the difference between a "Democracy" and a "Republic". Why is America suppose to be a "Republic" and not a "Democracy". (Today America is neither, it's an "Oligarchy" ruled by a small unelected group)

Listen to a 10-min explanation here of a "Democracy" vs. a "Republic" --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFXuGIpsdE0&t=501s

The Third Section I broke up into a series of subsections, to explain the differences between the "Law of the Land" and the "Law of Water".  "US Citizens" fall under the jurisdiction of the "Law of Water". "US Citizens" are subjected to foreign jurisdiction and therefore do not have access to the Declaration of Independencethe 1787 Constitution, nor the Bill of Rights.

Barnone11970 explains it quite well in this 1-1/2 hour presentation titled "The Truth About the United States Law and You" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP9ZKVwiJ-E&t=2937s

In the previous introduction section, I laid out how the "Declaration of Independence" is structured. There are nine key concepts that are important to understand the "Declaration of Independence". 

In 10-minutes the "9-key concepts" are explained here --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS-tshQ9sys

The Biggest Concept

Now I want to focus on the biggest concept in the "Declaration of Independence" - this concept explains why you do have access to the              "Declaration of Independence", regardless of how this corrupt Governmental system tricks you with deceptive language and "legalize".   

The "Declaration of Independence" does not grant this concept, it simply points it out. 

In the Preface

It is explained who grants America the authority to break away from their oppressors in Great Britain. 

The authority (or "entitlement") comes from "Nature's God" and through the "Laws of Nature" ("Natural Law").  (Note they didn't just say "God", they mentioned a specific "God"... "Nature's God")

"Nature's Godis defined amongst the "unalienable truths", as being "The Creator". 

"The Declaration

When the Declaration is made, "Nature's God/The Creator" is mentioned again. 

The representatives of the United States of America appeal to the Supreme Judge of the World, in the Name and the authority of the Good People of these Colonies, "Declare” that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, Free and Independent States

"Supreme Judge of the World" = Nature's God/The Creator

The Pledge

For the fourth time in the "Declaration of Independence", Nature's God/The Creator is mentioned. 

To support this Declaration, rely on the protection of the Divine Providence 

"the Divine Providence" =  Nature God's preservation of Creation

What does this mean?

The Declaration of Independence is the charter of this Nation, called the "United States of America". 

The Government derives its power from the Governed. 

In turn the Governed derive their "rights", not from other humans, from the Creator (Nature's God). "The Law" that is put in place to Govern the "United States of America" is "Natural Law!

Understanding Natural Law

"Naturecomes from the Egyptian word "Netar" (there were no vowels in ancient Egypt, so it would've been "Ntr"). "Ntr" means the spirit or God

The suffex "Al" in both Egyptian and English means "related to". 

"Natural" means "related to the spirit (or God)". 

Keep in mind, that Natural Law was not invented by the "Declaration of Independence", it was simply pointed out. "Natural Law" has always been here in the Universe; there is nothing new under the Sun. 

To grasp what Natural Law is, I will be creating a separate blog series, that goes hand in hand with this "Declaration of Independence" blog series. 

To help get an understanding of what "Natural Law" is, I will be following Mark Passio's 9 hour presentation he gave back in 2013. I will try to break this down into small bits and pieces (since 9 hours might be a little overwhelming). 

The "Natural Law Seminaris how I found out who Mark Passio was. Back in about 2015 or 2016, through my own curiosity, I typed in "Natural Law" into a search engine and Mark Passio's presentation was the first thing that popped up.

Being a carriage driver in Philadelphia for 7-years, talking about the                      "Declaration of Independence" was something I did frequently. Not until after I quit that job, did I get curious enough to look into this "Natural Law' that the "Declaration of Independence" referred to. "Natural Law" seems so self explanatory, but I wanted to be sure I understood it. Mark's 9 hour presentation certainly did that, and now I'd like to share it with you. 

If you would like to hear "Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio's 9 hour seminar on this subject ("Natural Law"), here it is -->  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChgCh2Gui5M&t=12969s

And of course if you'd like to read the "Declaration of Independence" for yourself

Here is a transcript of the Final Copy of the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the American Colonists - https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript

The document I will be reading, the Declaration of Independence Rough Draft is from here - https://www.monticello.org/thomas-jefferson/jefferson-s-three-greatest-achievements/the-declaration/transcript-of-the-rough-of-the-declaration/