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Understanding the #UnitedStatesofAmerica The Declaration of Independence, Introduction (Part IV: The Structure)

YourTurtleTourGuideJul 28, 2020, 4:54:54 PM

The Declaration of Independence

Adopted: July 4, 1776

Authors: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston, Roger Sherman

Purpose: The Charter of United States of America (not the "United States", a Corporation)

Astrological for July 4, 1776 at 5:10 pm EST

Dragon's Head in Cancer = Cancer rules Birth

The "United States of America" is a young country based on a good idea.

Dragon's Tail in Capricorn = The Old Established Order in Europe 

No one is just going to throw off the old guard like that. Major powers get a foothold in this new country to make sure it doesn't break too far away. The old establishment operates behind the scenes pulling the strings. 

The point being is the Old Establishment made sure to put policies in place, that suggest you do not have access to the "Declaration of Independence"

An Astrological Reading on the birth of the United States of Americahttps://jordanmaxwellshow.com/blog/2013/05/07/america-astrology

The Progressive ideology 

Progressive Ideologies, showcased in a speech by Woodrow Wilson at Independence Hall in Philadelphia on July 4, 1914 

In summary, ignore the preface of the Declaration of Independence and only focus on the grievances towards King George, III. The claim being the document was only good for America in the 1770's and not good for America in the 20th century and onward.

Transcript of Woodrow Wilson (this is 28th POTUS saying this - and he was not removed from office for treason) - https://warontherocks.com/2018/07/president-wilsons-july-4-address-on-the-declaration-of-independence-and-america-in-the-world/ 

Don’t settle for manipulated history, like the Declaration of Independence was only good for that time period 

The Structure of the Declaration of Independence


(1) The Basic Structure

(2) The Seven Components

(3) The Declaration of Independence & the 1787 Constitution Work Together


Length: 1,400 words

400 words spell out the essence of the principles and beliefs in which America was founded.

These 400 words are split evenly between the opening and closing statements

The middle of the document is the remaining 1,000 words that explain 25 abuses of King George, III over a 10 year period.


Opening (Components 1 through 4)

Component #1 - the necessity for one people to dissolve the political bands which connect them with another

The separation is entitled through the “Laws of Nature” and of “Nature’s God”

Explaining the reasons for the separation

Component #2 - The Self Evident Truths

All men are created Equal

Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights

Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness

“Happiness” does not refer to “Hedonism” (satisfying desires).

“Happiness” means individuals have the freedom to use their time, talents, and resources to pursue the directions in life that would bring them the most satisfaction and benefit their family, friends, fellow man, and future generations the most.

Component #3 - The purpose of Government

Governments derive their powers from the Governed. Governments are instituted to protect the rights of the Governed.

Component #4 - Abolishing Government

When Government becomes destructive of these ends, the people have a right to alter it (peacefully) or abolish it (forcefully) and institute new Government that will lay its foundation on such principles (the self evident truths) and organize its powers in such form to effect their safety and happiness.

These Four Concepts


Self Evident Truths

Purpose of Government

Abolishment of Government

The Main Body (1,000 words)

List of 25 Abuses over a 10 year period by King George, III

1. Unfair Taxation

2. Cutting off Trade

3. Abolishing Good and Helpful Laws

4. Making arbitrary laws

5. Creating new government departments with officials that harass the people

6. Depriving Colonists of Trial by Jury

7. Protecting own officials that were murderers

8. Establishing Military Rule

9. Hiring Mercenaries to harass and kill Colonists

10. Capturing and forcing colonists to fight against fellow Colonists or be killed

11. Fostering domestic uprisings

12. Disallowing or not hearing appeals for justice

Closing (Components 5, 6, & 7)

Component #5 - The Declaration

The representatives of the United States of America

appeal to the Supreme Judge of the World (Nature’s God)

In the Name and the authority of the Good People of these Colonies

“Declare” that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, Free and Independent States

Component #6 - Rights of the United & Sovereign States

Political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved

Full power to levy war, conclude peace, construct alliances, establish commerce

Do all other acts that Independent States may of right do. (Each States are sovereign states, not one Nation).

Component #7 - The Pledges

To support this Declaration, rely on the protection of the Divine Providence (Nature God’s preservation of Creation).

Pledge to each other (each of the representatives of 13 Colonies).

John Hancock (President of the Continental Congress) signed the document on July 4, 1776.

On August 2, the rest of the 56 signers signed the Declaration to make it official.

Resource → The Declaration of Independence, 9 Key Concepts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS-tshQ9sys

The “Declaration of Independence” is a legal document and it is America’s Charter.

Read the Declaration of Independence for yourself. 

Here is a transcript of the Final Copy of the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the American Colonists - https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript

The document I will be reading, the Declaration of Independence Rough Draft is from here - https://www.monticello.org/thomas-jefferson/jefferson-s-three-greatest-achievements/the-declaration/transcript-of-the-rough-of-the-declaration/