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Understanding the #UnitedStatesofAmerica The Crux of the Great Conspiracy - Blog Series Wrap-up

YourTurtleTourGuideNov 28, 2019, 10:20:58 PM

If you wish to hear it, Myron C. Fagan's 1967 lecture in its entirety (2-1/2 hours) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSCaITn9Gzc&t=1s

Several years later Myron C. Fagan produced another lecture, that elaborated on where he obtained his knowledge of the information he provided in his 1967 lecture. You can hear that recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLrpr1UPc6g&list=PLw6-oB8tn0jD5XZhZ1TutJiBd-rTWs4fd&index=2

Some Notes from Fagan's followup lecture

Myron C. Fagan, explaining how he obtained his knowledge, elaborating on the information delivered in his 1967 lecture titled - The Illuminati and the CFR

A Playwright and Producer

Myron C. Fagan spent 60 years in Hollywood and Broadway as a playwright, director, and producer.

The "Red Conspiracy"

Many Hollywood movie stars were identified by Congressional Committees and the FBI as collaborators in the "Red Conspiracy" to destroy the United States of America.

"Red Conspiracy", while this may point to "Communist" Russia, keep in mind that "Red Shield" translated into German is "Rothschild" (so, who or what was really behind "Communist" Russians? ... and the "Red" Chinese for that matter?)

The movie stars that Myron C. Fagan rats out as "Red Conspirators", he identifies them as his close friends.

America and the World of Entertainment

The most thrilling phase of American Life is the world of entertainment. At the turn of the 20th century that "entertainment" was primarily the Living Theater in Broadway. In 1907, Myron C. Fagan, joined this world as a playwright and producer.

From Broadway to Hollywood

Years later the Movies came to be, taking the world of Glamour to a new level and it was called "Hollywood". (Food for thought - the society known as the "Celtic Druids" would make their wands out of the wood from a Holly Tree ... get it? Magic, from "Holly Wood".)

In the 1930s, Myron C. Fagan migrated from the world of Broadway to the world of Hollywood. Practically every known "star" from 1907 through the 1940s have appeared in at least one of Myron C. Fagan's plays or films.

It was 1945, when Myron C. Fagan discovered that Hollywood was a cesspool of treason and backbone of a "Communist" conspiracy.

The policy of Hollywood was to use the screen to glorify "Communism" in Moscow and create an ugly perception of America to the entire World.

Film as a Weapon

The films were being used to condition the American people, on the wonderful world of "Communism".

One film can be shown to thousands of people at once.

While the film industry was the chief weapon - Radio and the Live Theater would be taken captive as well.

Of our Mass Communications Media - Hollywood became the most powerful weapon of pro "Communist" propaganda

A Meeting in Washington, about the meeting in Yalta

In 1945 while directing a play, Myron C. Fagan was visited by a man named John T. Flynn, a famous journalist and author of books such as the "Roosevelt Myth" and the "Truth About Pearl Harbor".

The object of Flynn's meeting was to invite Fagan to attend a meeting in Washington, D.C. - the meeting was held in Michigan Senator Arthur Vandenberg's office.

At this meeting, it was revealed to Myron C. Fagan, what took place at the secret meeting in Yalta.The Yalta meeting was attended by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Alger Hiss, and Harry Hopkins representing the American Government; Joseph Stalin, Vyacheslav Molotov, and Andrey Vyshinsky representing the Soviet Government.

The meeting showed documented proof, including video recordings, made by Stalin to be used as a club over Roosevelt's head if he should try to back out on his part of the betrayal.

This meeting in Senator Vandenberg's office, also revealed how our Mass Communications Media is completely controlled by the "Great Conspirators". These Conspirators are known as the "Council on Foreign Relations" ("Illuminati" in America).

The Guts to write a Play

The reason Myron C. Fagan was invited to this meeting in Senator Vandenberg's office - was because he had the guts to write a play that would expose the treasonous act(s) that took place at the Yalta Conference.

Rejection of "Red Rainbow"

The title of the play Myron C. Fagan would write was titled "Red Rainbow" - however this was rejected by every theater on Broadway and Hollywood.

The people in control of Broadway and Hollywood are loyal to their prestige and the all mighty dollar, not to the well being of our Country and its principles.  

This rejection of "Red Rainbow" showed Myron C. Fagan how much the entertainment was under complete control by these "Red Communist" Conspirators.

"Red Rainbow" scratched, resurrected as "Thieves Paradise".

On the opening of "Thieves Paradise" - Myon C. Fagan gave a curtain speech that named 100 Hollywood Stars involved in the Red Conspiracy Plot.

This speech made it into the press all around the country, with the press labeling Myron C. Fagan as a liar. None of the movie stars that Fagan listed, sued him for defamation.

An "allegory" is a fictional story that has real world moral or political meaning(s).  

The allegory delivered in "Thieves Paradise", was strong enough to drive down attendance for movies that show cased anyone of these "movie stars." The backlash at the box office was strong enough to force a Congressional investigation into the "Red Conspiracy" in Hollywood.

An informant American People were able to drive off the Conspirators, but only temporarily.

Attention Span of a Gnat

A fully educated populous can end this Conspiracy - but the biggest problem is American's have an attention span of a gnat and are quick to forget.

When the people were reminded, they drove the "Reds" out of Hollywood again, but shortly there after the American People forgot.

The forgetfulness by the American People is what keeps the Conspirators  maintaining their control and plot over the destruction of our Nation.

Resurrecting the Box Office

To get the people to return to the box office, the great conspirators, would organize personal appearances of major Hollywood stars at the theaters.

The theme song for these personal appearing stars would be called "Communism has been Cleaned out of Hollywood." (this was a propaganda disguise to fool the American People into thinking the Communist Conspiracy in Hollywood was gone.)

Ronald "Red Ronnie" Reagan

Hollywood stars that screeched "Americanism" the loudest, were the ones that jumped into this deception with both feet. The President of the Screen Actors guild at the time, was one of these renegades, his name was Ronald Reagan.

At the 1947 hearings, Ronald Reagan was proclaimed the most vicious hotbed Communist in the entire film industry.

Myron C. Fagan died eight years before Red Ronnie would be elected as the 40th POTUS in 1980. 

In other words, in front of the Public, Ronald Reagan appeared to be a great American Patriot. Beneath the surface however, Reagan was "Un-American." 

Could Donald Trump be the same? In Public it's "Make America Great Again", is he this genuine about America when he's not on camera? 


How as American's do we unite together to see through the deceptions presented to us? 

How do we expand our consciousness so we don't forget so easily? 

The object of this blog series is to hopefully create Critical Thinking, to who'm ever took the time to read this.