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Understanding the #UnitedStatesofAmerica The Crux of the Great Conspiracy - Part Twenty: "Communism" the Secret Scare Word

YourTurtleTourGuideOct 28, 2019, 5:24:42 PM

What is "Communism"? What's a "Communist"?

Communist” (Google definition) - a person who supports, believes, or adheres to the principles of Communism

Communist” (Black’s Law Dictionary) - A person who believes in communism. Problems are solved by taking away private ownership and making everything a community good. Well known members of this group are Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Mao Zedong.

Communism” (Google definition) - a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs

Communism” (Black’s Law Dictionary) - A name given to proposed systems of life or social organization based upon the fundamental principle of the non-existence of private property and of a community of goods in a society. An equality of distribution of the physical means of life and enjoyment as a transition to a still higher standard of justice that all should work according to their capacity and receive according to their wants

Preventing Terrible Events being taught in Public Schools

Secrecy emphasis the power that the masterminds of the "Illuminati" have

The masterminds of the "Illuminati" prevent terrible incidences from being taught in our schools.

In the early 1850s the "Illuminati" held a secret meeting in New York, held by a British Illuminist named Frances Wright

Those in attendance were told that the "Illuminati" was organizing to unite the nihilist and the atheist groups with all other subversive groups into one international group called “Communists”.

This was the first time “Communist” was used, and it was to be used as the supreme weapon, a scare word used to terrify and drive the whole world into the “Illuminati’s” scheme of a One World Government

"Communism" the scheme

The scheme “Communism” was to be used to enable the Illuminati to format future wars and revolutions.

Clinton Roosevelt, a direct ancestor of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Horace Greeley, and Charles Dana - Newspaper publishers (New York Tribune) were appointed to head a fundraiser committee.

This fundraiser committee, most of the funds were provided by the Rothschilds, and used to fund Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels when they wrote Dos Kapital and the Communist Manifesto in Soho, England.

"Communism" is not an ideology, it is a secret weapon (a boogie man word) to serve the purpose of the "Illuminati"

Prior to Weishaupt’s death in 1830, he prepared a revised version of the age old Conspiracy of the Illuminati.

Weishaupt instructed the "Illuminati," under various aliases, was to organize, finance, direct, and control all international organizations and groups, by working their agents into executive groups at the top.

"Illuminati" agents In the United States - Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, J. William Fulbright.

In addition, while Karl Marx was writing the Communist Manifesto, under direction of another particular group of Illuminists, professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University, wrote an antithesis

The idea of the antithesis, was so those who are directing the overall conspiracy, could use the differences in those two ideologies to divide larger and larger numbers of the human race into opposing camps.

So, the human race could be armed and brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and in particular destroy all Political and Religious institutions


What is Myron C. Fagan explaining to "We the People"? 

Words, such as "Communist", are invented by the Great Conspirators, to scare the general population into dividing camps and cause us to fight amongst ourselves.

The "Education System" that we force our youth into, is spoon fed propaganda, and not taught what they need to know and not taught how to think. 

The "Great Conspirators" have placed agents in high level of Governments across the World. A handful of American Presidents have been their agents - including FDR, JFK, and LBJ. 

The reason they get away with this, is because "We the People" are brainwashed

If you wish to hear it, Myron C. Fagan's 1967 lecture in its entirety (2-1/2 hours) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSCaITn9Gzc&t=1s