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Understanding the #UnitedStatesofAmerica Common Sense by Thomas Paine - Thoughts of the Present State of American Affairs (paragraphs 31 and 32)

YourTurtleTourGuideMay 27, 2020, 1:53:57 PM

Thoughts of the Present State of American Affairs

I am not induced by motives of pride, party, or resentment to espouse the doctrine of separation and independence; I am clearly, positively, and conscientiously persuaded that it is the true interest of this continent to be so; that every thing short of that is mere patchwork, that it can afford no lasting felicity, — that it is leaving the sword to our children, and shrinking back at a time, when, a little more, a little farther, would have rendered this continent the glory of the earth.

As Britain hath not manifested the least inclination towards a compromise, we may be assured that no terms can be obtained worthy the acceptance of the continent, or any ways equal to the expense of blood and treasure we have been already put to.

Read "Common Sense" for yourself here - https://www.constitution.org/tp/comsense.htm