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Understanding the Declaration of Independence, What is "Natural Law"? - Self Respect vs. Self Loathing

YourTurtleTourGuideOct 9, 2020, 1:47:05 PM

“Self Respect vs. Self Loathing” 

Self-Loathing - is the underlying psychological condition that causes people to attempt to abdicate their own Personal Responsibility to exercise Conscience, and fall into patterns of “Order-Following” and “Justification”, just as it is not possible for an Order-Follower to truly be exercising Conscience. It is not possible for an Order-Follower to truly love themselves.

Self-Loathing” = You Hate Yourself

Self-Loathing” is created when an earlier “TRAUMA” has been suppressed and buried into the “Subconscious Mind”, instead of being confronted, dealt with, and healed. Such trauma could take the form of feeling of “Inadequacy”, whether real, suggested, or imagined.

Self-Loathing” = Self-Prison


Respect” - the Latin prefix “Re” = “again”; and the Latin Verb “spectare” = “to look at”

Self-Respect” = To take another look at Oneself

“Mr. Natural Law” Mark Passio explains “Self-Loathing vs. Self Respect” in 6-min → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpqPLMSyKTk

If you want to listen to the full 9-hour presentation, here you go → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChgCh2Gui5M&t=12969s