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Understanding the "Declaration of Independence" What is "Natural Law?" - Know Your Rights, Prohibition

YourTurtleTourGuideSep 17, 2020, 2:14:00 PM

“Know your Rights” - “Prohibition”

Prohibition” is the claim that a group of people who call themselves “Government” have been given the “right” to prevent others from putting any given substance into their own bodies, and if those others refuse to comply with these terms, they will be fined or imprisoned.

It should be self-evident that if an individual’s body is actually their own property, then that individual always maintains the natural Right to decide what will or will not be put in their own property, their body.

Understanding this, we can easily see that the claim of the “right” to command what will or will not be put into the body of another person’s body amounts to the claim of ownership upon the other person’s body.

The claim of ownership upon another person’s body is called, “slavery.

Therefore “prohibition” is merely a euphemism for “slavery” backed by “violence”, regardless of the justifications made by those who claim such practices are “necessary” for the common good.

Since no individual anywhere on Earth has the “right” to claim the ownership of another person’s body, such behavior can never be “delegated” to a group and called a “right”. Therefore all forms of “prohibition” are WRONG according to “Natural Law”.

“Mr. Natural Law” Mark Passio explains “Prohibition” in 7-min → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LInKRsQUr-M

If you want to listen to the full 9-hour presentation, here you go → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChgCh2Gui5M&t=12969s