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Understanding Religion The Book of First Samuel (an Exoteric Summary)

YourTurtleTourGuideApr 29, 2020, 3:42:41 AM

First Samuel (an Exoteric Summary)

This blog entry is just an "Exoteric" summary of the Book of First Samuel (I may throw in some "Esoteric" ideas)

"Exoteric" means "understood by the general populous" compared to "Esoteric" which means "understood by a small group".

The notes for this blog on the book of First Samuel have been taken from "The Bible Project," you can listen for yourself here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJOju5Dw0V0&t=11s

The version of the Bible I'm reading is called "The Companion Bible" here is a 41 page PDF on the Book of First Samuel from the "Companion Bible" http://www.companionbiblecondensed.com/OT/1Samuel.pdf


Ninth Book of the Bible / Ninth Book of the Old Testament

Chapters: 31

Verses: 810

Name: (Encyclopedia Britannica) "Samuel" is the first principal figure in the book, thus giving it its name and was instrumental in the selection of the first two kings. Prior to the monarchy, in "First Samuel", Samuel is treated as prophet and judge and is Israel's principal figure. 

"First Samuel" belongs to a group of books called "Deuteronomic History", which include Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, 1st and 2nd Kings. These are estimated to have been written around 550 B.C. during the Babylonian Exile. 

Quick Summary from Exodus to Judges

Israel is rescued from slavery in Egypt

Israel makes a covenant with God at Mount Sinai

Israel eventually came into the Promised Land, where Israel was supposed to be faithful to god by obeying their covenant's commandments.

The book of Judges shows how Israel failed at obeying the covenant and its commandments.

The moral chaos showed why Israel needed faithful leaders

First Samuel 

Three Main Characters

1. Samuel

2. King Saul

3. David

These characters transform Israel from a bunch of tribes ruled by Judges into a unified kingdom ruled by "King" David in Jerusalem

Two Divisions

First Division (Chapters 1 to 7)

Samuel is the key leader and prophet in the first division of the book

Second Division (Chapters 8 to 31)

Samuel plays a key role in the second division, Saul's story.

The Second Division is split into two parts - The first part of this section talks about Saul's rise to power and the second section describes his failures and ends with his tragic death.

First Division

Chapters 1 to 3 - picking up from the chaos in the book of Judges w/ a story about a woman named Hannah and her grief and joy. She grieves because she has never been able to have children. By the grace of God she finally gives birth to a child named Samuel.

In Chapter 2, Hannah sings a song about how God opposes the proud and Exalts the humble, despite human tragedies, God is at work fulfilling his purposes, and how God will raise up a Messianic "King".

Chapters 4 to 7 - Samuel grows up and becomes a great prophet for his people of Israel, and at the same time the Philistines rise to power as Israel's arch nemesis.

Instead of praying for God's help, the Israelites trot out the Arc of the Covenant as a trophy that will automatically grant them victory.

Because of the Israelite's arrogance, God allows them to lose the battle, and the Covenant is stolen.

The Philistine's take the Arc and place it in the Temple of their God, Dagon

The God of Israel defeats the Philistine's and their God, Dagon, without an army. The God of Israel does this by sending plagues on the people.

The Philistines no longer want the Arc of the Covenant, so they send it back to Israel.

The point of the story - God is not Israel's trophy. God opposes pride among the Philistines and his own people.

Israel needs to remain humble and obedient, if they want to experience God's Covenant blessing. 

Second Division (Saul's Lifeline)

Chapters 8 to 10 - Israelites want a King like all the other Nations.

Samuel is upset and goes to consult with God - Israel's motives are all wrong, but if a King is what they want, give them one.

This introduces us to Saul.

Saul looks like a King, he's tall and good looking, the perfect candidate for a King.

Saul has major character flaws - he's dishonest, lacks integrity,and is prideful (cannot acknowledge his own mistakes)

Chapters 13 to 15 - Saul blatantly disobeys God's commends

The aging Samuel confronts Saul and Israel - Israel would only benefit from a King that is humble and faithful to God; otherwise the Kings of Israel would bring ruin.

God will raise up a new King to replace Saul.

Second Division (Saul's downfall)

Chapters 16 & 17 - God begins grooming a new King for Israel - a shepherd boy, named David

God's choice of David is not based on his family's status, it is based on his humble trust in the God of Israel.

This is shown in the famous story of "David vs. Goliath".

Reflecting back to Hannah's song - Proud Saul and Goliath are brought low and humble David is exalted.

Chapters 18 to 20 - Saul slowly descends into madness, while David rises to power.

David works for Saul as a General

Chapters 21 to 26 - David wins all of Israel's battles and rises to fame. Saul gets jealous and starts chasing David trying to kill him.

David did nothing wrong, he runs and waits in the wilderness.

Here David's true character shines, as he has multiple chances to kill Saul, but doesn't.

David trusts God, despite Saul's evil - God will raise up a King for Israel.

Chapter 27 to 31 - Saul comes to a gruesome death after losing a battle to the Philistines

Metaphors for your own Character

Saul's story is a warning, to reflect on our own "Character Flaws", how they harm us and other people.

We need to humble ourselves to God and deal with our "dark sides", so Saul's story doesn't become ours

David's story is an example of trust, timing, and patience - despite Humanity's "evil", God will work out his purposes to oppose the proud and exalt the humble. 

Esoteric Ideas (from yours truly's own observations)

Borrowing the slogan of "Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio ... "Get as offended as you'd like".

In the beginning of First Samuel, the character Hannah, desires to have children, but is unable to do so; her wish to give birth is granted by God and she gives birth to a Son.

Hannah may or may not be a "virgin", but it reminds yours truly of a Virgin Woman giving "birth" to a "son".

To understand this metaphor, let's look at Astrotheology and the yearly journey of the Sun.


"Astrotheology" ("Astro" means "star"; "Theo" means "God", and "Logos" means "word"; so "Astrotheology" is the "The Word of God in the Stars").

Explaining the yearly journey of the Sun from a Northern Hemisphere perspective. (In the German language, from my understanding, the object in the sky we call "Sun", is spelled "Son")

Throughout the year, the Sun passes through 12-zones called "Constellations", these 12 Constellations come together to form what is known as the "Zodiac".

The Sun's journey

In the Winter, where days are short and nights are long, the Sun is in the Southern Hemisphere and moving northward.

In the Spring, the days begin to get longer, the Sun is in the Northern hemisphere and moving northward.

In the Summer, the days are long and nights are short, the Sun is in the Northern Hemisphere and begins its journey southward

In the Fall, the days begin to get shorter, the Sun is in the Southern Hemisphere and moving southward (The Sun is "Falling").

Birth and Death

This yearly journey of the Sun through these Constellations (the "Zodiac" if you will) is compared to the concept of birth and death.

The Sun through its yearly journey is described as either being born or dying, depending on the time of year.

Birth of a Virgin

The Sun is described as being "born of a Virgin". Hence, the Constellation "Virgo" represents the "Virgin"; so First Samuel begins with Hannah, who seems to symbolize a virgin who gives birth to a son from God.

The Charging Bull

The newly born "son", is Samuel who rises in Strength (like a charging Bull = Taurus), becomes old and things are turned over to a new character, "Saul". ("Saul" = "Soul" = "Sol" = "Solar" = "The Sun").

The Lion King and the Deadly Scorpion

Saul rises to power like a charging bull ("Taurus") until he becomes the "King" reaching his throne (a "Lion King" if you will, "Leo" the Lion). His "pride" (Lions live in prides) becomes his downfall, where he slowly begins to die, as if he were stung by a deadly Scorpion ("Scorpio" the Scorpion).

The pattern begins to repeat

To take Saul's place is David, the new King (like the new Sun), who like Samuel and Saul before him, rises in power (like a charging bull) until he reaches his throne to become the new "King".

Is First Samuel a metaphor? The movements of the Sun and the forever War between Light and Darkness.

What is being suggested here, is this entire First Samuel story is a metaphor for the journey of the Sun. From it's "birth" at the Winter Solstice, to its Triumph in the Summer, to its slow death in the Fall. until it finally dies at its Winter Solstice destination and the sequence begins again.

The Sun brings light, "Israel" represents the Light and the "Philistines" represent the darkness. In the Fall & Winter, darkness is supreme; in the Spring & Summer light is supreme. 

Israel & the Light (Daylight?) 

The God of "Israel" (Jehovah?) who perhaps represents or symbolizes the Light, the Greatest Light in our sky, "The Sun".

The Philistines & the Darkness (they don't live in total darkness, they have a God!)

The "Philistines" have a God, "Dagon", who perhaps represents the Lesser light in the night sky, "the Moon?" (according to researcher Jordan Maxwell - "Dagon" or "Doggone" is a Phoenician God) 

"Israelites" and "Philistines" have war with each other, a metaphor for the ever lasting war between "light" and "darkness".

For you to check out - some information on "Astrotheology", presented by "Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio

"What on Earth is Happening #037" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdXWhWH6Bro

"What on Earth is Happening #038" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4Kolf26zJc

"What on Earth is Happening #039" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fCB0Omap4g