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Understanding the #UnitedStatesofAmerica The Crux of the Great Conspiracy (Reviving this blog series) - an introduction

YourTurtleTourGuideOct 1, 2019, 4:20:35 AM


My name is Turtle and from 2006-2013 I served as a tour guide in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I have an interest in seeking knowledge and then sharing what I've learned. 


I made an attempt to create a blog series based on the ideas and information presented in Myron C. Fagan's, "Illuminati and the CFR" lecture. Due to other happenings in the world, I flaked on this blog series and discontinued it. After about a one year hiatus, I'd like to take another crack at it. 

So, this is a Revival on this Blog Series that I'm titling, "The Raising of a Red Flag"


Through Jordan Maxwell's Research Society. The lecture is all over Youtube, I shared a link, that you will find at the end of the blog, in case any readers would like to hear it for themselves.


In 1967, Myron C. Fagan delivered a lecture that is 2-1/2 hours long, mapping out the "Great Conspiracy" and its agenda for establishing a One World Government

At the end of this blog, I will leave a link, so you may listen to the lecture in its entirety. 

In my opinion, it is absolutely important to heed the information presented in this lecture, because it applies to events happening right now, not just in the United States of America, but around the World.

The lecture in its entirety might be overwhelming (and perhaps a little boring), but the information is so in-depth, that it might be a better idea to digest things in small bits.

The objective of this blog series, is to break down this lecture into sections and analyze what is being said.

The lecture presented by Myron C. Fagan, gives a perspective on the history of the United States of America and foreshadows where we are going (keep in mind this lecture was given in 1967, major events like 9/11 haven't happened yet). 


Since Wikipedia is such a reliable source, let's start there.

His full name: Myron Coureval Fagan

Born: October 31, 1887 (a Halloween Birthday)

Death: May 12, 1972

Short Summary: Myron C. Fagan was an American writer, producer, and director for film and theater. Wikipedia labels him as a Red Scare figure in the late 1940's and 50's. They also label Fagan as an ardent anti-communist and influential "Conspiracy Theorist"


Wikipedia's definition of a "Red Scare"

The promotion of widespread fear by a society or state about a potential rise of communism, anarchism, or radical leftism. (It's 2019, what do we see developing in the good ole' US of A?)

Dictionary.com definition of "Red Scare"

The rounding up and deportation of several hundred immigrants of radical political views by the federal government in 1919 and 1920. This “scare” was caused by fears of subversion by communists in the United States after the Russian Revolution.

This 1919-1920 Immigrant Round-up, is called the "Palmer Raids" (do "ICE" raids in modern day current affairs, ring a bell?) 

Here is a link for a briefing on the "Palmer Raids" (First Amendment, eat your heart out) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3QrfEdEWMo


"ardent anti-communist" means that Fagan is enthusiastic about anti-communism.


The definition of "Conspiracy" (Google Dictionary)

a) a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

b) the action of plotting or conspiring

The definition of "Conspiracy" (Black's Law Dictionary)

In criminal law. A combination or confederacy between two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing, by their joint efforts, some unlawful or criminal act, or some act which is innocent in itself, but becomes unlawful when done by the concerted action of the conspirators, or for the purpose of using criminal or unlawful means to the commission of an act not in itself unlawful

Let's give this a KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid), a "Conspiracy" is two or more people Conspiring to do something unlawful.

Mr. Natural LawMark Passio defines “Conspiracy”, by breaking down the etymology of the word.

Conspiracy” combines the words “Con” (together) and “Spiros” (“Spirit”)

Con” comes from Latin? It means “with”, “thoroughly”, or “together

Spiros” or “Spirit” in Latin, means to “breathe

So, “Conspiracy” according to its etymology, means to “Breathe Together

Continuing: Who is Myron C. Fagan?

In 1907 Fagan arrived in New York City (Broadway) and became a playwright in American Theater. He worked in theater with notable names as Alla Nazimova, Douglas Fairbanks, and John Barrymore. (John Barrymore is from Philadelphia and Drew Barrymore is his granddaughter).

Fagan directed plays for producers like Charles Frohman and David Belasco.

Fagan became the dramatic editor for the Associated Newspapers.

Actors that performed in Fagan's playwrights and screen adaptations, that went onto become stars in Hollywood include: Humphrey Bogart, Brian Donlevy, and Robert Ryan.

In 1916, Myron C. Fagan served as Public Relations Director for Republican Candidate Charles Evans Hughes. Hughes, was the Republican Candidate defeated by Woodrow Wilson in the 1916 Presidential Election.

In 1928, Fagan turned down an offer to be Herbert Hoover's Public Relations Director.

In 1929, his talking picture version of his play, "The Great Power", has the record of being the shortest run of any movie at New York's, Capital Theater. 

(I wish I could find a Transcript or video of the "The Great Power" - this link will give you some more information this 1929 playwright: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0019948/

In 1930, he moved to Hollywood and served as a writer and director with Pathe Pictures, owned by Joe Kennedy (the father of JFK & RFK). He also worked at 20th Century Fox and other Hollywood Studies


This little bit of information should create enough of a picture, as to how Myron C. Fagan gained his knowledge that he attempted to share with the World in his 1967 lecture.

Again, the object of this blog series is to analyse Myron C. Fagan's 1967 speech in small doses, to get a better understanding of the message he was trying to communicate to us.

The "Truth" is objective and it's all that matters. Is this information, "True?" 

I don't know, what do you think? 

Yours truly doesn't know the whole "Truth", but I'm embarking on a journey to find out. 

The Link to Myron C. Fagan's 1967 lecturehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSCaITn9Gzc