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Studying Symbolism and Hidden Meanings in playing cards - The Three of Clubs

YourTurtleTourGuideFeb 28, 2024, 10:16:27 PM


To complete the rank of three’s and this idea of the Trivium method of learning (Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom) let’s uncover the symbolism and hidden meaning of the “Three of Clubs”

The suit of Clubs is equivalent to the suit of Wands in the Minor Arcana (Lesser Knowledge) subdeck of the Tarot (The Book of Truth).

Clubs originate from the French word “Trefle” which translates to “clover”. It got the name “clubs” from an English translation of the Spanish word “basto” which means baton. In Germany the suit is “Kreuz” which translates to “cross”.

A “Wand” represents the coming together of the “blade” and the “chalice” to form the “Blazing Star” or the “Star of David”, which represents enlightenment? Balanced consciousness? A fully functioning human brain?

The color association for Clubs (and Wands)  is “red” and its element association is “fire” (“Fire” referring to the fireball in the sky we call the Sun, not “fire” like the flame or flames produced by a candle or a campfire). The color red and fire represent “actions”, the product of thoughts and emotions coming together in harmony. . 
The season associated with clubs (and wands) is summer? Clubs (and wands) “fixed” Zodiac sign is Leo?


The traditional appearance for the “Three of Clubs”.

The index in the upper left corner of the card features a black number “3” indicating its rank and underneath the 3 is a black three leaf clover to indicate the suit in which the card belongs. A reflection of this appears in the lower right corner of the opposite index.

The pips are black three leaf clover shapes; “clubs” derived from the French suit of “clovers”; one is located in the center at the top of the card and another reflecting it in the center at the bottom of the card, the third pip is in the center of the card and could be displayed upside down depending on how the card is held. The three club pips form a column or pillar in the middle of the card?

The Three of Clubs Tarot counterpart is the Three of Wands

The Clubs’ suit derives from the French suit of clovers and the German suit of batons? (Wikipedia Entry: “Clubs”)

Wikipedia does not have a specific entry for “The Three of Clubs”.

Popular Culture

The “3 of Clubs” is the name of an acoustic cover band from England?

Symbolism / Hidden Meaning(s) in the Three of Clubs.

According to www.thesourcecards.com/three-of-clubs

Playing the game of a three you carry the energy of creativity, self expression, inspiration, variety, and choice.

Playing the game of a Club you bring this energy to all aspects of the mind: ideas, intuition, communication, and mental pursuits like science and logic.

The Three of Clubs means that your game in life is to creatively express your original ideas. Yours are “the thoughts on dove’s feet that guide our world”.

According to www.cardarium.com/3-of-clubs

Crowned with Success

The Three of Clubs is a sign that your efforts will be crowned with success. Today you dealt a good hand. You can be sure of your feelings, of your business ideas, and judgment.

The Three of Clubs is a trump that beats all the negative cards next to it.

It is a fine omen that you will gain fortune and fame.

 According to www.artofcartomancy.blogspot.com on the “Three of Clubs”

Suit influence: Clubs = Business, work, social activity, practical matters, teaching, learning, good luck, growth, goals, conversations, verbal communication, paperwork, action, physical activity, sports, exercise, construction, clubs and organizations, friendships, social interactions, progress through effort

Number influence = harmony, wisdom, and understanding? Thoughts, emotions, actions? Three = relations? 3 = the Trinity? Three in one: father, son, holy ghost or father, son, and sacred mother? The Holy trinity?

Traditionally, The Three of Clubs is practical developments in business and social matters, expanding opportunities, growth, and advancement. The use of common sense, and good judgment. A developing business enterprise, or a three-way deal or partnership, business collaborations of three or more people. A clover leaf, good luck, and fortunate circumstances. Something growing plants, hair, nails, etc. Increased understanding or expanding one’s knowledge base by learning new things. It can represent both formal training and self-edification.

According to www.latin.cards on the three of clubs

The Three of Clubs refers to losing confidence or breaking a bond that seemed solid. It refers to the wrench of a romantic relationship that linked two lovers with material elements.

Bringing sadness and melancholy, the three of clubs can sometimes reveal a form of resentment.

According to www.thetarot.guru/three-of-clubs-meaning (using the three of wands)

Key Words = Strategy, Belief (upright); Dejected, Self-pity (reverse)

The Three of Clubs/Wands appears when delegation and strategic planning are necessary in order to achieve one’s goals.

One is at the point in their life where they would like to venture beyond their comfort zone in pursuit of their goals, but are vital for the home front, so they will have to delegate the adventure to others on their team..

According to www.metasymbology.com

Three of Clubs = Uncertainty in beliefs
Karma = faith

The Three of Clubs = incredibly bright, creative, and magnetic. The flip side is incredibly indecisive. Inside these people are confused and uncertain, but on the outside appear vibrant, a “can-do” kind of personality.

Karmic Challenge = Right Choice

A quick description of the Three of Wands from the Minor Arcana of the Tarot (this comes from the Cardarium website above)

The III of Wands depicts a calm, stately personage, with his back turned, looking from a cliffs edge at ships passing over the sea. Three staves are planted in the ground, and he leans slightly on one of them.

Divinatory Meaning = Symbolizes established strength, enterprise, effort, trade, commerce, discovery; those are his ships, bearing his merchandise, which are sailing over the sea. Signifying able cooperation in business, as if the successful merchant prince were looking from his side towards yours with a view to help you.

Reverse = The end of troubles, suspension or cessation of adversity, toil, and disappointment.

Video explanations

Youtube: Three of Clubs card reading

Youtube: Three of Wands card reading

Youtube: Sailing Ships and Commerce (The Law of the Sea = Maritime Admiralty Law)