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Studying Symbolism and Hidden Meanings in Traditional Playing Cards - The Four of Diamonds

YourTurtleTourGuideMar 20, 2024, 12:27:45 PM


Applying the Trivium Method (Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom) to study the symbolism and hidden meaning(s) behind the Four of Diamonds.

The suit of Diamonds is equivalent to the suit of Pentacles in the Minor Arcana (Lesser Knowledge) subdeck of the Tarot (The Book of Truth).

A “Pentacle” represents “Coins”? It’s an archetype that reflects our resources in the material world.

The color association for Diamonds (and Pentacles)  is “green” and its element association is “earth”. The color green and the earth represent the material world where we get our resources from.
The season associated with diamonds (and pentacles) is spring? Diamonds (and pentacles) “fixed” Zodiac sign is Taurus?


The traditional appearance for the “Four of Diamonds”.

The index in the upper left corner of the card features a red number “4” indicating its rank and underneath the 4 is a red diamond to indicate the suit in which the card belongs. A reflection of this appears in the lower right corner of the opposite index.

The pips are red diamond shapes - one is located just to the right the red “4” and “diamond” in the left index and another to the left of the right index, the remaining two pips are at the bottom of the card. It’s like the pip formation on the two of diamonds split into two. The four diamond-shaped pips kind of form the points on a rectangle. “Rectangles” indicate familiarity, comfort, security, and a sense of peace?

The Four of Diamonds Tarot counterpart is the Four of Pentacles.

The Diamonds suit replaced the German suit of “Bells”? (Wikipedia Entry: “Diamonds”)

Wikipedia does not have a specific entry for “The Four of Diamonds”.

Popular Culture

The “Four of Diamonds” were an English girl group from the Thirteenth season of the "X-Factor" and were active from 2016 to 2020. Their genre was a blend of R&B, Pop, and Dance-Pop.

The Four of Diamonds” was also the title to an allegorical short story written by Chris Millard in 1972 when he spent the summer getting treated for cancer. His teacher wanted the class to write a short story on what they did over the summer, however the teacher agreed to allow Chris to write a fantasy instead. He wrote a story about an aspiring knight trying to conquer the type of cancer Chris had. Chris died shortly after completing the story. In 1995, Chris Millard’s story was made into a “made for TV” movie titled “The Four of Diamonds”. Chris's parents started a fund after their child had passed and named the charity fund "The Four of Diamonds". 

Symbolism / Hidden Meaning(s) in the Four of Diamonds

According to www.cardarium.com/4-of-diamonds

Important Revelations

The Four of Diamonds signifies important revelations. It is like a hidden map of treasures. You have tried and failed for years and years, and then you realize that you just have to dig in one precise spot and you will find the chest of gold. Four of Diamonds means that you will get an important hint.

According to www.artofcartomancy.blogspot.com on the “Four of Diamonds”

Suit influence: Diamonds = energy such as electricity, magnetism, nuclear fission, solar power, light, fire, heat, money (energy in motion), consciousness, mental energy, physical energy, sexual energy, and the nervous system.

Diamonds represent Left-Brain activity such as analysis, computation, numbers, mathematics, science, logic, speech, language, information  technology, computers

Number influence = logical and rational bringing security and consistency. Four indicates you have something to learn about hard work, discipline, patience, order, and stability. Four = quadrality (4 in one). Four in one could refer to the main compartments of the human brain - the minor compartments (R-Complex and Limbric) and the major compartments (Left hemisphere and Right hemisphere of the Neocortex).

Characteristics: Diamonds are emotionally detached

“Four of Diamonds” = an energy connection, or good chemistry, which is the foundation for any strong relationship, it is not necessarily sexual, although with love cards the 4 can indeed denote sexual chemistry. This card also shows an intellectual connection, it’s a great card for friendship as well.

The “Four of Diamonds” = an energy connection

According to www.thetarot.guru/four-of-diamonds-meaning (four of pentacles)

The Four of Diamonds reveals that it is time to take your opportunities and do something with them. You are being given the chance to make changes in your life or business and now is not too late. There are many options open to you right now, so which one will be best? It may be difficult to make a decision, because all paths seem equally as good.

The Four of Diamonds is a fourfold forte or strength, it shows your inner and outer fortitude that will lead you to success.

According to www.metasymbology.com

Four of Diamonds = Value, Security, Dharma (Cosmic Law or Natural Law: the eternal and inherent nature of reality regarded as a universal Truth)

Four of Diamonds = Good fortune

Kharma = Overcoming of Self

The Four of Diamonds is inherently protected, but only if they are making diligent and concentrated efforts in their lives. When this is lacking, poverty and failure, in varying degrees, are the sure results. A life of leisure is just not part of their life’s plan.

A quick description of the Four of Pentacles from the Minor Arcana of the Tarot (see the cardarium link above).

The IV of Pentacles features a crowned figure with a pentacle over his crown and clasping onto another with hands and arms, the remaining two pentacles are under his feet. He holds to that which he has.

Divinatory meaning = The surety of possessions, cleaving to that which one has, gift, legacy, inheritance.

Reversed = Suspense, delay, opposition

Video Explanations

Youtube: Four of Diamonds card reading

Youtube: Four of Pentacles card reading