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Studying Symbolism and Hidden Meanings in Playing Cards - The Three of Spades

YourTurtleTourGuideFeb 14, 2024, 11:17:06 AM


The “Trivium” method of learning comes in threes, “Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom”, this week our journey in symbolism and hidden meanings in traditional playing cards will focus on the “Three of Spades”.

The suit of Spades is equivalent to the suit of Swords in the Minor Arcana (Lesser Knowledge, which refers to the inner Self) subdeck of the Tarot (The Book of Truth).

“Spade” derives from an ancient Spanish word “Spado”, which means “sword”. (Wikipedia Entry: “Spades”)

A “Sword” represents the “Blade”? Its archetype is a triangle symbolizing masculine energy? This triangle, called the “blade”, is part of the symbol we call the “Star of David”?

The color association for spades (and swords)  is “yellow” and its element association is “air”. In consciousness the color yellow and the element of air represent our thoughts. Thoughts are generated from the left-hemisphere of the neocortex region in the human brain, this is referred to as “masculine” consciousness? 
The season associated with spades (and swords) is winter? Spades (and swords) “fixed” Zodiac sign is Aquarius?


The traditional appearance for the “Three of Spades”.

The index in the upper left corner of the card features a black number “3” indicating its rank and underneath the 3 is a black leaf to indicate the suit in which the card belongs. A reflection of this appears in the lower right corner of the opposite index.

The pips are black leaf shapes (an adaptation of the German suit symbol of leaves). The “Spade” symbol represents the Pike or Halberd, medieval weapons - one is located in the center at the top of the card and another reflecting it in the center at the bottom of the card, the third pip is in the center of the card and can be displayed upside down depending on how the card is held. The three pips form a pillar in the middle of the card?

The Three of Spades Tarot counterpart is the Three of Swords.

Wikipedia entry on “The Three of Spades” (does not have an entry), so you’ll have to view the Wikipedia entry on the “Spades Suit”..

Popular Culture

The “Three of Spades” is the name of a three-piece rock band from the Upminster neighborhood in East London, England. They have a Youtube Channel for “The Three of Spades” for you to check out their music.

Symbolism / Hidden Meaning(s) in the Three of Spades

According to “The Keen Psychic

The Three of Spades indicates the time has come to make a commitment and decision, which we may not like the outcome of. We may be left feeling heart broken.

Three often indicates a third party.

This could mean there is a cheating situation going on? Or someone is giving advice behind the scenes, interfering with a relationship, a dynamic that is triangular in some respect. There may be someone pulling the strings that we are not aware of. Take a step back and assess the situation from all sides to figure out who is the puppet master controlling the strings.

This card indicates infidelity and a relationship ending on bad terms? Instead of fighting to make the relationship work, you shouldn’t have to argue for affection. You will experience a major heartbreak and pain in the current time, but as time moves on you will begin to feel better about the situation and yourself.

According to www.cardarium.com/3-of-spades

The Three of Spades means a change of plans.

This change of plans usually results in emotional pain and a broken heart.

The Three of Spades is a bad card. In a mild case it could announce a canceled date or misunderstandings between two lovers. In a worst case scenario it could mean a break-up or a divorce.

According to www.artofcartomancy.blogspot.com on the “Three of Spades

Suit influence: Spades = negativity, problems, responsibilities, force, obligations, law enforcement, challenges, obstacles, delays, mysteries, secrets, decisions, karmic debts, obsessions, addictions, resentment, anger, setbacks, frustration, loneliness, confinement, anxiety, failure, fear, illness, and loss.

Number influence = harmony, wisdom, and understanding? Thoughts, emotions, actions? Three = relations? 3 = the Trinity? Three in one: father, son, holy ghost or father, son, and sacred mother? The Holy trinity?

Characteristics of Spades: Powerful, intense, responsible, demanding, controlling, cautious, secretive, possessive, spiteful, charming, charismatic, mysterious, calculating, detached

Three of Spades: Loss and deception, lies, misunderstandings, confusion, a growing problem, a worsening condition, deterioration, disease, infection, third-party interference, a third wheel, meddling, a love triangle, what goes on behind the scenes, trials and tribulations, a test, an exam.

According to www.thetarot.guru/three-of-spades-meaning

The Three of Spades = Unexpected change and misunderstandings. If you’re able to spot where it is coming from in time you can turn it to your advantage.

The Three of Spades is often labeled as a bad omen of things to come, but if we scratch a little deeper, there is some real opportunity before us.

The Three of Spades means to pay attention. Something is headed your way like a freight train to collide with your world. Don’t bury your head in the sand, face straight-up what is coming. The sooner we can identify where the trouble is coming from we can make plans and take steps to mitigate the damages.

To turn things in our favor, take things in your own hands instead of letting others define the future for us.(“God” Controls everything? Except we were granted “Free Will”?)

This can mean any aspect of your life - from your career to relationships. We have the power to make things happen, but there is a risk of hurt if you just let it happen (sit back and wait for a “savior”).

The III of Swords (click on the Cardarium link above) features three swords puncturing a heart (reminds me of a pin cushion), in the background are clouds and pouring rain.

Divinatory Meaning: Removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, dispersion, and all that the design signifies naturally, being too simple and obvious to call for specific enumeration

Reversed: Mental alienation, error, loss, distraction, disorder, confusion.

Video Explanations

Youtube: Three of Spades card reading

Youtube: Three of Swords card reading