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My notes on the WOEIH Podcast #024

YourTurtleTourGuideOct 28, 2020, 12:15:34 PM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening Podcast #024

Website: "www.whatonearthishappening.com"

Mind Control Methodologies, Technique #6 - Controlled Opposition Part 2

The New Age Movement is Controlled Opposition

The New Age Movement is refusing to look at the Negatives of the World

Politics are two sides of the same coin, two wings of the same bird (all controlled by the same forces at the top)

Politics' Masters are in the Financial System and Occult System

Cultural Marxism and Corporate Fascism (The Wings of the bird come together when they fold, they are part of the same force)

“Problem Reaction Solution” = “Chaos Sorcery” (made possible by Controlled Opposition)

New Age Movement comes out of the 1960’s and 1970’s

Deceiver infuses the truth with the lie , like pest control, pests won’t take just the poison (you have to give them something they find is good for them)

Jesus (a figure with that level of consciousness) would still be treated today as back then, it’s the same mind controller class

The Creator of the Universe is perfection, and we seek to achieve that

“The Great Work” = there’s effort

Aspire to become knowledgeable and truth 

New Age Movement wants to put us into a “non-action” (and it’s elements within the New Age Movement)

Properly activated we are the Agents of Change

Unified Consciousness - Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions (through knowledge; knowledge of the true self)

“Abuse” = “Ab” + “use” (used in the wrong way)

A Gray Wizard, Black and White mixed together 

The ring bearer (transforming the world, a world teacher of the Great Work, destroying the negative; the root causes of evil - an allegory for the human psyche)

“Bell”, “Bail”, “Bull”, or “Bill” = represents the Sun, Dark Occultists use it to symbolize the dark Sun, knowing and acting without true care

“Malkuth” = kingdom

“B’nai” = Understanding

“Hokmah” = Wisdom (Wisdom is power)

A 1-pg PDF, an essay titled "My Representing" by Michael Ribera https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/024/My-Reprensenting-By-Michael-Ribera.pdf

In case the video clip below gets taken down, click here --> "www.whatonearthishappening.com/podcast" and scroll down to the corresponding episode

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening" Podcast #024 (2-hours)