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My Notes from WOEIH podcast #249

YourTurtleTourGuideApr 4, 2022, 7:18:31 PM

My Notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #249

Website: "What on Earth is Happening"

Fake @$$ Anarchists Revisited part IV

Ignorance of Natural Law

Lack of understanding the true Laws of Manifestation.

Natural Law = The Science of Freedom

Natural Law is a science of Morality that can be directly observed in operation in the 3D world. The evidence of the existence of Natural Law is the resultant state of existence which Humanity receives as a direct consequential result of its aggregate behavior (The Human Condition Itself). The Law of Freedom has a quantifiable effect. Aggregate Freedom is directly proportional to aggregate morality. We collectively reap the result of the behavior we collectively sow.

The Law of Freedom:  Σ Freedom .α Σ Morality.

No Understanding of the True Laws of Manifestation

The vast majority of modern-day so-called "Anarchists" still do not recognize or understand the underlying causal factors for the Human Condition of Slavery. Most modern "Anarchists" pay lip-service to Freedom without ever becoming aware of the true "Natural Governing Dynamics" which actually determine the level of freedom which Human Society will experience. They see the problems we face only from the level of the "symptoms", but they lack the required knowledge to accurately identify the true causes of those problems, which invariably lie in the aggregate consciousness in the human population.

Reality: Built upon the Trivium

The Trivium is an ancient methodology of Truth discovery which enables an individual to learn how to think. The tools of the Trivium help individuals to remove their erroneous belief systems and "magical" thinking, and come to accurate conclusions about what is true and what is not true; including the Truth about the Natural Laws that govern human behavior. The Trivium method is, not at all surprisingly,  completely absent from almost all modern "educational" systems.

"Trivium" is Latin = "Tria" meaning three and "Via" meaning path.

  1. Knowledge / Grammar = The Input
  2. Understanding / Logic = The Processing
  3. Wisdom / Rhetoric = The Output

Trivium = The Three Fold Path to Truth

Trivium Revisited

Knowledge = Available Information

Understanding = Decision Making

Wisdom = Human Behavior

Generated Result = Manifested Reality

Causality is Key

Plane of Effects: Manifested Realities formed because of their Causes; No power to affect change lies here, but this is where our consciousness is trapped / Physical Reality; Worldly Happenings; The Results we Get

Plane of Causality: The Why that underlies and precedes Manifestation; All power to affect change lies here, thus this is where consciousness must go / Mental-spiritual Reality; Why it Happened; Causes the Results

Occult Allegory of the Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramid at Giza is decoded in Occult Philosophy to represent Life's Journey in Consciousness and Spirituality

Why so-many Fakes? One Big Psy-op

Psychological Warfare

Psychological Warfare, also called Psy-ops (Psychological Operation), is a military term used to describe any action which is practiced mainly by psychological methods, which has the goal of evoking a planned psychological reaction in those against whom it is employed.

The many forms of Fake @$$ "Anarchism" comprise a huge Psy-op that is being perpetrated against the people of our world. It is also perpetrated against the Fake @$$ Anarchists themselves. As many of them are not knowingly malicious, but misled due to their colossal, willful, ignorance of truth and reality.

The Fake "Anarchism" Psy-op has a two-pronged effect upon humanity.

  1. The Ruling Class, who is running the Psy-op, keeps their potential opponents completely ineffective and spinning in circles, thinking and doing things that will never and can never lead to true Freedom.
  2. The ignorant public is led to believe through main-stream media Propaganda and Repetition that the Fake @$$ "Anarchists" and their "movements" in any way represent "real" Anarchy. This makes the public antagonistic toward True Anarchists, and most importantly, makes them believe that Anarchy (True Freedom) is dangerous to Human Society.

The Cosmic Apology

The most powerful phrase in all of Human Language and the most difficult phrase for any Human being to speak is "I Was Wrong".

This phrase must be said to oneself and then to creation, before they can begin the journey toward healing and spiritual awakening

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening" podcast #249 https://odysee.com/@woeih:e/WOEIH-249:a