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My notes from WOEIH podcast #238

YourTurtleTourGuideJan 17, 2022, 2:08:02 AM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #238

Website: "What on Earth is Happening"

Here is Mark's breakdown of the first three Matrix movies:  (2 hours) "Mark Passio decodes the Matrix Trilogy"

The Matrix IV - Resurrection, a spiritual allegory decoded

An "allegory" is a non-fictional piece of art or story that teaches a lesson in morality 

Matrix four picks up years after third sequel. 

The Matrix III Conclusion

The third sequel ended with the main antagonist "Neo" sacrificing himself in a Christ like manner. 

Neo makes a bargain with the machine world that has taken over Earth and enslaved humanity; humanity was put into mechanical pods that feed them false versions of reality.

This is what the occult sorcerers of our world do, they are mental manipulators, controlling their view of reality.

The machines represent the occult sorcerers.

"Agent Smith" is a run away code, a virus, that threatened to take over the entire matrix and the machines would not maintain their energy source (human beings). 

"Neo" makes a bargain with the machines that he will go into the matrix and fight agent smith endlessly if the machines that they would not continue to press their war on the city of Zion, where the majority of the human race lives.

This parallels how the Christ figure sacrificed himself for the remainder of humanity.

At the end of the third trilogy the machines take Neo's dead body, but you don't see what happens.

This fourth sequel answers those questions.

The Fourth Sequel

Neo's body is taken to one of the main Machine Cities, in the film this heart city of the machine world is called "Deus Ex Machina", this is a latin phrase that means "God from the Machine". 

This represents "A.I." (Artificial Intelligence) becoming like God; usurping itself as the Creator of the Universe.

Technology on its face is just a tool, it is not good nor evil; the method on which it is used determines that. 

"Modal 101 Breach/USER Violation Host Alarm KIWW/12:15" - "The Modal" is what the character Neo programs into a game like structure. 

We next events carried out in the Modal

"The Heart of the City Hotel" = Trinity is in this building and she is going to be attacked by agents of the Matrix (who represent Police and FBI agents - like when someone in the real world doesn't comply with what the elitist want they turn to violence through their "order followers".) 

Trinity represents "Emotion" and this is what is "lost"

The three main characters of the film "Morpheus", "Trinity", and "Neo" represent the three aspects of consciousness = thoughts, emotions, and actions.

We are introduced to a new programming? Different from the first three Matrix movies.

A new character "Bugs" and her operator "Sequoia", "Seq" for short. 

These are technical terms "Seq" is storage on a hard drive? and "Bugs" (comically says "What's up doc" referring to Bugs Bunny), but referring to technology that listens (a "Bug" used in espionage).

"Bugs" runs towards a sign for a restaurant that says "Saba a Mierda" which is Spanish for "Tastes like Sh*t".

The message is to Morpheus, that he is embedded in the Matrix and he is eating sh*t. 

Running away from the agents Bugs slides down a sign that says "Anderson Hotel" and at the bottom of the sign it says "for those who love to eat sh*t". 

This is where the world is really at, we love to eat "their" sh*t; and certainly the agents of the system love "to eat sh*t". 

A sign for a Cafe says "Awake" and another one later says "Exile" meaning Exile yourself from the machine world. These are references to Police and Military, who don't understand the world and are being used a tool or a puppet.

Bugs escapes the Agents in a Key maker shop = this is a reference that you need knowledge; there was a key-maker character in the second and third Matrix films and is an acknowledgment of that character; but most importantly, it means that the "key" is knowledge. 

Bugs is rescued by Morpheus before the Agent's can break-in through what is known in the Matrix as a "backdoor". 

In technology a "backdoor" allows one to enter ones code without others seeing; making a connection to the program on the lowdown.

"Bugs" is pulled into the room where Thomas Anderson (Neo), in the first Matrix film, as a coder for a different computer company.

They are in this room pointing guns at each other, because they don't trust each other. 

In the ensuing conversation Bugs has to explain what modal is - It's a simulation used to evolve programs; who ever programmed the modal is trying to evolve him (Morpheus?)

The point of the conversation is very few people come to the Key Shop, meaning very few people seek knowledge, through esoteric knowledge, knowledge of the occult. No one was ever in the Key Shop, so Morpheus started looking in the Key Shop. 

The conversation reveals that "Neo" is not dead, he is Christ like consciousness, that unlocks the mind. 

The Matrix allegory is a Christian allegory - the Christ mythos retold. 

The World views are "loops" that can't easily be escaped. 

"seeing it in a mirror" refers to self work, the shadow work that has to be done upon thy self (a key teaching point of the What on Earth is Happening podcast series). 

The first job is to unlock your own mind and not wait for a perfect healing. Traumas will never be complete healed, we will always carry those traumas with us.

Morpheus says he knows who he is and knows what he is here to do. 

The whole purpose of the film is to explain that you need to remember who you are and what the mission is. 

The First film in the series, explains what the Matrix is and the Matrix is control, it is slavery.

The Second film explains why we are in the Matrix. This is understanding the laws of "cause and effect" (Natural Law). Morality relates to the Human Condition, the more Morality increases the more Freedom increases. 

The Third film explains how we get out of the Matrix, which is personal sacrifice, putting the word out through will power. "Neo" fights the system as a personal choice to save Zion. 

The Fourth film is to remember who we are and the mission that we are on. 

For more detail listen to the podcast below.

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening" podcast #238 -