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My notes from WOEIH Podcast #009

YourTurtleTourGuideOct 13, 2020, 3:56:47 PM

Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio's "What on Earth is Happening" podcast #009

Website: "www.whatonearthishappening.com"

Barriers to Self Realization

  1. Five Sense Illusion
  2. Ego Identification
  3. Prison of the Left Brain Modality

Natural Law leads to “order” or “chaos”; “good” or “evil”; “freedom” or “slavery”

Aquinas on Liberty” (essay) = True Human Freedom vs. Notion of “Freedom” put out by the establishment as controlled opposition

Aquinas on Liberty Essay: http://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/009/AquinasOnLiberty.pdf

Prison of the Left Brain” = identified with matter and physical stuff and things, is trapped in the Left Brain

Left Brain Modality” = the Right Brain functions shutdown, the ability to feel emotions

What we take into ourselves, depends on whether we get trapped into the Left Brain Modality

The material Brain and Body needs nutrients to fuel this system

The Brain and Body also takes in information from what we are taught when young and the types of media we take in when we are older

Left Brain Modality” creates life in the “R-Complex” (Reptilian Brain) = Control other people in order to Survive - Fight or Flight

The Television (Mind Control) is the Right Balance for the “Left Brain Modality

Blue” is designed to put someone in the Right Brain Modality and believe whatever you hear, this can’t be done without Left Brain Modalities (Work and School)

Star Wars Allegory - The Empire Side (the Controller side) - the Storm Troopers are clones, wear all the same uniform (“Uniform” = One Form, not changing). They are “Left” Brain to all the people they are trying to control and put into a “Police State”; but to their bosses in the Black Uniforms, they are completely “Right” Brained, they take orders. The Storm Troopers are under Mind Control. It works by keeping them in the Left Brain Modality, most of the time. 

“The Darkside of the Force” = Fear (the “Polarity” of Love)

“Law of Man” and “Natural Law” are complete opposites (Law of Man is an illusion; Natural Law is not an illusion) 

This Nation was suppose to be respecting Sovereignty under Natural Law Principles (“Sovereignty” = self ruler(s))

In case the video clip below gets taken down, click here --> "www.whatonearthishappening.com/podcast" and scroll down to the corresponding episode

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio's 2-hour "What on Earth is Happening" Podcast #009